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Passing Through - CAPSUS.TV - Inspirations et influences - vidéo blog Passing Through by Kristian Ulrich Larsen and Olafur Haraldsson . How to watch? Full-Screen. Max volume. Student Films "A Thousand Eyes" was created in conjunction with the Abecedarium: NYC project through the New York Public Library. "Abecedarium:NYC is an interactive online exhibition that reflects on the history, geography, and culture - both above and below ground - of New York City through 26 unusual words. Using original video, animation, photography and sound, Abecedarium:NYC constructs visual relationships between these select words and specific locations in the Bronx, Brooklyn , Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island." (Abecedarium: NYC Blog) Of the 26 words I chose BIBLIOMANCY. PAGE 64 “Tenderly, he looked into the rushing water, into the transparent green, into the crystal lines of its drawing, so rich in secrets. I really wanted to represent my own view of New York through a lens. It was edited to my own mix of hauntingly beautiful and reminiscent sounds from the Epson Stylus 600 printer, as recorded originally by melack from The Free Sound Project Organization. blah. ©Ryan P.

Damien Walters 2011 Showreel: Stuntman Shows Off Crazy Moves This man is literally jumping off the walls. Stunts, tumbles, acrobatics and more. Is there anything Damien Walters can't do? In the video above, the professional stuntman performs some of the craziest moves we've ever seen. The former competitive gymnast began work as a stuntman after he was discovered on YouTube a few years ago, Walters said in his YouTube video introduction. Walters admits some of his stunts have resulted in injury. But a few cuts and scrapes are apparently a small price to pay for some pretty sick footage. "Some stupid ideas but they come across quite nice in the video," he says on his channel. The showreel features some pretty outrageous stunts, so needless to say, folks, please don't try these at home.

The Man in the High Castle (2015) In Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle, an adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s alternate history novel of the same name, it’s 1962, the Allies lost World War II, and the two major Axis powers have divvied up North America between them. The narrative revolves around film canisters containing a revolutionary re-writing of history. The first sounds are of a film projector starting, and the sequence presents a number of images with the flickering and uneven style of projected celluloid. But the most interesting, and most poetically resonant, choice made in this sequence is the use of “Edelweiss”, sung in heavily accented English by an almost whispering female voice. The key emotion conveyed by the title sequence is one of yearning, of doomed nostalgia, and the quiet struggle to maintain one’s identity in the face of huge historical forces. A discussion with Creative Director PATRICK CLAIR of Elastic. What did you do to immerse yourself in the world that Philip K. View 5 images View 8 images

Jaguar E-Type Sculpture by Gerry Judah This 28 metre-high steel sculpture of the Jaguar E-Type car was designed by Gerry Judah for the Goodwood Festival of Speed, which took place in Sussex, UK, last weekend. Made from half a kilometre of steel tubing with a diameter of 1.2 metres, the sculpture weighs over 175 tonnes and shows the car balanced on its front bumper. The iconic Jaguar E-Type was first unveiled fifty years ago at the Geneva Motor Show. See our interview with Jaguar's design director Ian Callum on Dezeen Screen » More car sculptures by Gerry Judah on Dezeen » Photographs are by David Barbour. Here's some more information from Gerry Judah: Jaguar E-Type Sculpture - Goodwood Festival of Speed 2011 Very few cars in history have matched the allure of the Jaguar E-Type. Constructed using half a kilometre of 1200mm diameter steel tube, this sculpture by Gerry Judah stands 28 metres tall and weighs over 175 tonnes – the equivalent to 135 E-types!

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