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English tools for ANSWERSHEET

English tools for ANSWERSHEET

Un'alternativa a Kahoot e Socrative: Triventy Amici appassionati di Gamification ecco a voi una risorsa didattica, utilizzabile come alternativa ai celeberrimi Kahoot!, Quizziz, Socrative. Si tratta di Triventy, ed è una piattaforma gratuita per usi didattici, con cui è possibile costruire quiz ed avviare sessioni di gioco in classe utilizzando ogni tipo di dispositivo presente, dai pc ai tablet agli smartphone. L'aspetto che rende diverso Triventy da analoghi servizi è la possibilità di invitare gli studenti a collaborare alla preparazione dei quiz. Anche in questo caso è necessario preparare le domande in un sito web (, mentre gli studenti per giocare dovranno entrare in un altro sito web ( Al termine del gioco il sistema restituisce tutti i report, domanda per domanda ed alunno per alunno, attraverso un foglio elettronico. Ecco una guida all'uso di Triventy in italiano, realizzata da Laura Antichi Articoli correlati - sign up to register your interest Jeopardy Rocks: strumento per creare quiz a squadre in classe Jeopardy Rocks è uno strumento appartenente alla famiglia dei review games, la stessa di eQuizShow e FlipQuiz. Consente di creare delle batterie di domande da sottoporre a squadre di alunni, fino ad un massimo di 4. Per creare una sfida dovrete registrarvi gratuitamente al servizio e cliccare su Build Now e scegliere un indirizzo URL per la singola partita. Per inserire le vostre domande è sufficiente fare clic sui singoli rettangoli e scrivere la domanda e la risposta corretta. È possibile tornare indietro e modificare il gioco da tabellone in qualsiasi momento. Una volta terminata la reparazione delle domande potrete utilizzare la LIM digitando l'URL del gioco e cliccando su Play Game e Play Now, scegliere il numero di squadre e l'avatar di ogni team. La versione gratuita consente di inserire solo testi nelle domande. Ecco un esempio di quiz che ho creato con Jeopardy Rocks Articoli correlati

Usa Spotify para enseñar inglés - WikiDidácTICa Buenas PrácTICas 2.0 De WikiDidácTICa Recursos Educativos Digitales Songs for ESL Lessons For ESL Lessons Contenidos Se trata de una lista de reproducción con canciones para utilizar en el aula de inglés. Enfoque metodológico Con la creación de una lista de reproducción de canciones útiles para el aula de inglés se pretende fomentar el aprendizaje de la lengua mediante un medio familiar para todos, como es la música. Además, se trata de una lista colaborativa, realizada y compartida utilizando la herramienta Spotify, a través del widget Social Spotify, que nos permite incrustar la lista en nuestro blog o web para que el alumnado pueda utilizarla cuando quiera. Desde For ESL Lessons se accede al listado de canciones para usar en el aula, y si pulsas sobre el enlace, que encontrarás justo debajo, a lista de reproducción del usuario que la ha compilado, puedes abrirla, siempre y cuando tengas instalado Spotify en tu equipo. Experiencias de aula Proyectos innovadores

7 Online Quiz Tools Perfect For Classrooms Whether you want to have students turn in homework via an online form or simply take a quiz or test, online quiz tools are critical to having a connected classroom. Most tools are free, all are robust, and they’re quite easy to use. What could be better than that? You can use any of these below tools to get feedback from parents, students, colleagues, and more. Below is simply an introduction to each tool in case you aren’t familiar with it so be sure to dive into any that interest you and give them a try in the classroom! Quizlet Quizlet A free and popular online quiz tool, Quizlet lets you easily build – you guessed it – quizzes. Yacapaca You’re going to love the mascot of Yacapaca. Quia Quia Similar to Yacapaca, Quia has a dedicated student sign-on that’s managed by teachers. Google Forms Google Forms You can’t do a post on the best online quiz tools without mentioning Google Docs / Drive / Forms (or whatever it’s called these days). ProProfs ProProfs Here’s one to watch. Quiz ME Online

Sumando Conocimiento: FreeDocumentary y BBC Learning English — ALT1040 El comportamiento humano nace de tres fuentes principales: deseo, emoción y conocimiento. -Platón Internet es un mundo gigantesco que crece día con día, cada minuto más y más páginas nacen, a la vez que más información está disponible para todos. Y este es uno de las cosas más maravillosas de la web hay conocimiento al alcance de algunos clics; pero al haber tanta información, muchas veces es difícil encontrar aquella que vale la pena. Es por esto que en ALT1040 hemos creado la sección de Sumando Conocimiento, en la que recopilamos recursos de Internet que ofrecen contenido que nos permita aprender cosas nuevas y saber un poco más. El día de hoy hablaré de dos proyectos por demás interesantes, pero recuerda que si conoces algúnas páginas que valga la pena recomendar o de las que hayas aprendido algo, házmelo llegar a través de mi cuenta de Twitter (@zapata131) o también puedes compartirlo en los comentarios. FreeDocumentary BBC Learning English

Hot Potatoes Home Page The 5Ws focused lesson | EFL 2.0 - Teacher Talk Posted by ddeubel on Sunday, June 12th 2011 Using the journalistic technique of the 5W questions is really effective for any listening / reading activity. Students can read or listen to the news item or story and then write out the 5 questions that would cover the story. Here is a clip from newsround (below). Listening – The 5 ws! Play any short clip or news report. Who _______________________________________________ What _______________________________________________ Where ______________________________________________ When _______________________________________________ Why ________________________________________________ Then check as a group or in pairs. This activity can also be done for any reading/text in the textbook. questions for your class readings. This should be your goal – get them to TEACH THEMSELVES! Recommended websites for getting “news” are: VOA on EnglishCentral BreakingnewsEnglish CNN Student News BBC Newsround

Crossword Puzzle Maker | Highly Customizable | Free with No Registration Required You must have an OLD browser. The old crossword maker doesn't allow all of the new features like cool fonts, adding images, shadows, special colors, and much more coming in the furture like saving, and being playable online. You can upgrade your browser to IE 9+ or better yet, get the Google Chrome browser and enjoy all of those great features. Not convinced? 2 reasons crosswords will not generate: 1. 1. Take the following example word list: "home, cat, dog". A slightly different impossible list: "home", "dog", "lizard" - all 3 have letters that they share! When you add a bunch of words, the chance for it being an impossible can increase (depending on many factors). 2.

18 Great Sites To Learn A New Language Advertisement In Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy, interstellar travelers had a little fish, called a Babelfish, that they could slip into their ear and make them instantly literate in any language. We normal, boring humans, however, do not have this luxury, which is why we must rely on the internet. Although there are endless resources to learn languages on the web, it is often difficult to find quality websites that offer structured lesson plans for free. BBC Languages BBC Languages’ site is very aesthetically pleasing, even though the organization is a bit confusing. However, for those inclined to pursue either French, Spanish, German, or Italian further, BBC Languages offers a total of six 12-week courses in those languages. LiveMocha As an incentive, LiveMocha uses a reputation system to encourage its users to submit flashcards and other teaching content, contact one another in order to practice speaking, and correct one another’s assignments. Babbel Foreign Services Institute Spanish

Create a quiz with Google Forms - Docs editors Help Make a new quiz & answer key Tip: The quickest way to create a quiz is to go to . Open a form in Google Forms. At the top of the form, click Settings. Turn on Make this a quiz. Make an answer key, assign points & add automatic feedback Create an answer key To add a question, click Add question . Note: You can assign points and add feedback on all question types. Grade quizzes You can see automatic summaries for all quiz responses, including: Frequently missed questions Graphs marked with correct answers Average, median, and range of scores Grade individual responses If you collect email addresses, you can assign points and leave feedback on individual responses. In Google Forms, open a quiz. Share results If you collect email addresses in your form, you can send results immediately or wait until you’re ready to share them. By default: Grades will release immediately Email addresses won’t be collected. Change how you release grades At the top of the form, click Settings.
