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Sans Forgetica

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Sans Forgetica font makes readers remember text by being harder to read Updated Fri at 11:32amFri 5 Oct 2018, 11:32am In an age of information overload, it's good to have some memory hacks up your sleeve. The font's reader-unfriendly gaps and slants make the brain work harderIt is not designed to be used for large blocks of textThe font is a result of psychology and design research And text in its multitude of applications has become a style destination in its own right. Now a team of experts have developed a font specifically designed to help you remember things, aptly named Sans Forgetica. But how can a humble typeface improve your mental processes? Stephen Banham, a lecturer in typography at RMIT who helped create it, told RN Drive San Forgetica was actually a good font to discuss on the radio because it was designed on a highly conceptual basis. "Sans Forgetica is a typeface that's been specifically designed with features in it such as back-slanting and little gaps inside the letters," Mr Banham said. So how exactly does it work? But does it really work?

Acherus Grotesque Font Free by Horizon Type This license can also be found at this permalink: The Fontspring Desktop Font End User License Agreement Version 1.7.0 - February 26, 2017 By downloading and/or installing font software (“Font”) offered by Fontspring or its distributors, you (“Licensee”) agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions of this End User Licensing Agreement (“EULA”): 1. a. b. 2. a. Licensee may create typographic products using the Font if the product consists of commonly recognized words or phrases, for example, a rubber stamp that has the words “Great!” b. c. d. Documents embedding the Font and created for in-house use or sent to third parties working on behalf of the Licensee as described in Section 3 “Provision to Third Parties” may be editable. 3. The third party designer, developer, agent, or independent contractor must: a. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The Product is provided “as is.” 10. 11. 12. 13. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 11.

Some major Android apps are still sending data directly to Facebook Major Android mobile apps from companies including Yelp and Duolingo send data that could be used to personally identify you for ad tracking straight to Facebook immediately upon logging in, according to a new report from the London-based UK charity and watchdog group Privacy International (PI). This data transfer happens even if a user isn’t logged into Facebook on that device and even in the event the user doesn’t have an active Facebook account at all. In addition to Yelp and Duolingo, PI found that two Muslim prayer apps, as well as a bible app and a job search app called Indeed, also sent similar data to Facebook that could be used to help identify users for ad targeting purposes when they browse the social network. The report builds on a similar investigation from PI last December that first revealed that big-name Android apps were sending data to Facebook without a user’s consent and without proper disclosure.

Sans Forgetica. Une police de caractère qui aide à mémoriser ce que l'on lit Dernière mise à jour le 22 avril 2023 Sans Forgetica est une étonnante découverte et une incroyable histoire qui laisse pour le moins rêveur. Il s’agit d’une police de caractère conçue pour aider à mémoriser ce qui est écrit. On peut jouer avec les polices de caractère mais ce n’est pas le cas ici. Sans Forgetica est une police de caractères conçue en utilisant les principes de la psychologie cognitive pour aider le lecteur à mieux se souvenir de ses notes. Sans Forgetica est plus difficile à lire que la plupart des polices de caractères et ce n’est pas par hasard. Sans Forgetica est compatible avec les systèmes d’exploitation PC et Mac. Pour les amoureux de typographie jettez aussi un coup d’oeil à la police Belle Allure qui reproduit une écriture cursive bien adaptée à l’utilisation en classe. Lien: Sans Forgetica

Cryptic crosswords too confusing? Decipher them with these seven common clue recipes Posted 7 Jul 2017, 10:00pmFri 7 Jul 2017, 10:00pm Have you tried your hand at the cryptic crossword, only to find it too cryptic? Writer and broadcaster David Astle creates crosswords for Fairfax newspapers under the initials DA, which fans say stand for "Don't Attempt". But Astle said anyone could attempt cryptic crosswords with a little knowledge of how they worked. Here he gives seven clues, each one an example of a common cryptic crossword recipe. Sweet stall (5) The best way to get started on a cryptic crossword, Astle said, was to look for the shortest clue. If a clue only has two words it is most likely using the double-definition recipe, in which you are given two synonyms of the answer. "Stall can be a noun, a booth that you see at a school fair, or it can be a verb when you tarry or lag," Astle said. The clue also calls for a synonym for "sweet", so we can deduce that the five-letter solution to this clue is "fudge". GIF: That's the answer GIF: That's the answer Terrain ruined coach (7)

FontPair - Helps you pair Google Fonts together In-car monitoring: Surveillance tech will make your car less private Your car has long been a sanctuary on wheels but that won't be true for much longer. Car manufacturers will soon be adding radar and lasers inside the cabin to monitor who you are and what you do, and that will mean even more of your personal habits being tracked. Millimeter-wave radar is perhaps the most intriguing in-car detection tech. Now playing: Watch this: Cars increase their in-cabin surveillance Mount that same radar inside a seat and you can detect small movements in the driver's body that, with enough computing power, can be translated into a reading of respiration rate. Startup Caaresys imagines its radar-based system monitoring the respiration and heart rates of everyone in the car, with a particular focus on sensing a child that might be hidden from view in the back and potentially left behind in the car. Unlike other smart sensing scenarios, like an Amazon Go store where cameras dominate, car interiors are cramped and filled with obstructions like seats.

Une police d’écriture cursive pour l’école – Les Clés de l'écriture Jean BOYAULT a crée, et met gratuitement à disposition, une police d’écriture cursive de qualité professionnelle qui respecte les préconisations du ministère de l’Education Nationale. (e non apraxique, absence de trait d’attaque des lettres rondes…) Cette police d’écriture peut vous permettre de réaliser des modèles à l’aide de l’outil informatique et de gagner un temps précieux lorsqu’on a une classe de 28 élèves.Il ne faut toutefois pas oublier l’importance du modèle écrit à la main. On ne doit pas négliger l’importance de l’effet « maître » : « Faites ce que je dis… je le fais aussi ! Belle Allure se décline en plusieurs fichiers qui permettent son utilisation de la GS au CM avec un choix dans les majuscules (bâtonnées, calligraphiées simplifiées ou calligraphiées à l’anglaise) qui sont toujours liées Pour obtenir une apparence correcte, il convient d’activer les « variantes contextuelles » sous Microsoft Word. ⇒ Télécharger la police « Belle Allure » et ses variations :

Should you be using 'less' or 'fewer'? - RN Posted As anyone who writes "Oxford comma enthusiast" in their Twitter bio will gladly tell you, English possesses quite a few rules. One of these rules revolves around when it is correct to use less, and when it is correct to use fewer. Here is the rule as it is often expressed: Fewer refers to numbers of things. For most style guides, this is about as far as the issue is usually pursued. Which is fair enough, really: you don't have to be a UX designer to understand most people don't care about the vast and boring history of English usage — they just want to write a headline that won't get them pilloried. But wait, there's more! Have a look at the following real-life examples of news reporting, and see if you can spot any errors. A teenage boy was shot less than two minutes after police arrived at his home, south-west of Brisbane. The State Government sold the property … for less than $500,000. Let's amend our stated rule to reflect reality: Fewer refers to numbers of things.

Befonts - Download free fonts The Internet Knows You Better Than Your Spouse Does If you enjoy computerized personality tests, you might consider visiting Apply Magic Sauce ( The Web site prompts you to enter some text you have written—such as e-mails or blogs—along with information about your activities on social media. You do not have to provide social media data, but if you want to do it, you either allow Apply Magic Sauce to access your Facebook and Twitter accounts or follow directions for uploading selected data from those sources, such as your history of pressing Facebook’s “like” buttons. Once you click “Make Prediction,” you will see a detailed psychogram, or personality profile, that includes your presumed age and sex, whether you are anxious or easily stressed, how quickly you give in to impulses, and whether you are politically and socially conservative or liberal. Examining the psychological profile that the algorithm derives from your online traces can certainly be entertaining. Surprising Accuracy Commercial Applications

Divers symboles et flèches — Table de caractères Unicode® Unicode Unicode est une norme de codage de caractères. Autrement dit, il s'agit d'une table de correspondance de caractères textuels (chiffres, lettres, éléments de ponctuation) avec des codes binaires. L'ordinateur ne comprend que la séquence des zéros et des uns. Pour savoir exactement ce qu'il doit afficher sur l'écran, vous devez attribuer chaque numéro unique à chaque symbole. Caractères Les caractères dans les tables Unicode sont numérotés avec des nombres hexadécimaux. La norme Unicode est internationale. Le consortium Unicode n'invente pas de nouveaux symboles.
