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The 8 Habits of Highly Productive People

The 8 Habits of Highly Productive People
by Celes on Dec 2, 2010 | ShareThis Email This Post What do you define as a “productive” person? Is it the ability to robotically churn out work, hour after hour? Is it the amount of discipline one has? Before we can discuss what makes a productive person, we should first define what productivity is. For example, let’s say Peter types very fast and can reply 1000 emails a day. The past few months have been my most productive months for the year. At the same time, I’ve also been managing other work, such as 1-1 coaching with clients (I’m handling about 5-6 clients on average at each time), administrative aspects of the business, writing Personal Excellence articles/guest posts, maintaining the site, etc. A few days ago I finished designing my lineup of workshops next year, and earlier this week I conceptualized the idea for a new book. I think productivity is really how you manage yourself, and the habits you practice. For everything you’re doing now, ask yourself how important this is.

101 Inspiring Desktop Wallpapers To Lift Your Mood Desktop Wallpaper can be handy, many of us underrate the power of visual image. Visual image produces inspiration and impulse, provides a relaxed and calm perspective from boring work flow, even challenges our imagination. There are many options of wallpapers to decorate your desktop, with funny cartoons, movies, favorite logos, abstract, art, photography, technology. We can find many websites that provide free and quality wallpapers. In this post I present interesting, creative and inspiring 101 desktop wallpapers, combination from several categories, typography, photograph, nature, abstract, colorful aurora, 3D, illustrations, very appropriate for you guys who love art and enjoy the pleasure of decorating your digital environments. Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! a web and graphic designer whose love art and design and like to share knowledge, resources and inspirations.

Personal Excellence Book - The Very Best of Personal Excellence Personal Excellence Book – The very best articles of PE A sneak peek at the insides of the book… This article is “Discover Your Values” and guides you through the topic of life values and how to discover your values. It’s one of the new bonus articles written specially for the book, with over 3,000+ words and 9 pages long. “Increase Your Mental Clarity In Just 15 Minutes” – Many articles in the book will teach you concepts, principles and at times techniques on how to become a more conscious being living a conscious life. This is another new article exclusive to Personal Excellence Book and a personal favorite. “Boost Your Productivity In 50 Ways” – This is one of the many list-type articles with practical tips which you can apply in your life straight away. This is under the Goals & Success category. Another new article at 3.6k words, this shares 11 practical, concrete steps to tackle procrastination.

70 Ways to Increase Your Brain Power 28. Creatine. This is a compound found in meat, used by athletes to help build muscle. Now the evidence is here to show that it helps your brain as well. Proceedings B , a journal published by the Royal Society reports that the research showed improvement in working memory and general intelligence resulting from creatine supplementation. 35. 36. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 45. 46. 49. 50. 51. 52. 54. 57. 58. 60. 61. 63. 64. 66. 69. By Steve Gillman. A Book of Secrets How To Read Minds, Save Money, Boost Brainpower, Get Lucky, See The Real News, Find Treasure, Subliminally Persuade People, Buy Real Estate With No Money Down - And That's Just The Beginning!

The Internet’s destroying work — and turning the old middle class into the new proletariat An executive at an up-and-coming start-up settles into a cross-country flight. After the unthinkable torture of the ban on electronic devices ends, she pulls out her tablet, connects to Wi-Fi, and reviews her to-do list: Cancel cable TV service. Make dinner reservations at that annoying restaurant that doesn’t use Open Table. Research the entrance requirements for elite Brooklyn preschools. But no worries! Fancy Hands — “Do What You Love — We’ll Do The Rest” — is just one entrant in a growing cohort of companies that are outsourcing all kinds of humdrum work to the “cloud.” The best cloud labor start-ups have received plenty of laudatory press coverage and rave reviews from users. That’s progress — for the consumer of the service. There are no paid holidays, no sick days and no health benefits in this new “distributed workforce.” Is this the future of work? Fancy Hands is a close-to-perfect example of Packer’s thesis. “I believe the nature of work isn’t changing; it’s already changed.

Word 2007: Mail Merge: Creating Merged Mailing Labels, UWEC Mail Merge allows you to set up mailing labels that use the same format with information from a variety of records. Using data from a table or external database, you can print one label with different information for each record in the database or table. The following instructions describe how to merge a pre-existing database's values into address labels with the Mail Merge Wizard. Begin the process of creating mail merge labels by setting up your starting document. When creating labels, you have many options. Open a blank Word document From the Ribbon, select the Mailings tab In the Start Mail Merge group, click START MAIL MERGE » select Labels... The Select Data Source dialog box appears.

America’s 50 Worst Charities Rake in Nearly $1 Billion for Corporate Fundraisers Kris Hundley and Kendall Taggart | Tampabay | June 11th 2013 The worst charity in America operates from a metal warehouse behind a gas station in Holiday. Every year, Kids Wish Network raises millions of dollars in donations in the name of dying children and their families. Every year, it spends less than 3 cents on the dollar helping kids. Most of the rest gets diverted to enrich the charity’s operators and the for-profit companies Kids Wish hires to drum up donations. In the past decade alone, Kids Wish has channeled nearly $110 million donated for sick children to its corporate solicitors. No charity in the nation has siphoned more money away from the needy over a longer period of time. But Kids Wish is not an isolated case, a yearlong investigation by the Tampa Bay Times and The Center for Investigative Reporting has found. Using state and federal records, the Times and CIR identified nearly 6,000 charities that have chosen to pay for-profit companies to raise their donations.

Nerdy Day Trips - StumbleUpon Add Your Day Trip Once you're happy with your pin position, you can save it to the map for everyone to see. Pin position cannot be changed later, so please take care to place it correctly.I am finished - place my spot. Please click on the map to drop your pin.If you get it wrong, you can move it by dragging the new pin to where you want it Once you're happy with the new pin position, please click I'm Finished, and the administrators will be notified of the change request.I am finished - request chqnge. Please click on the map to identify where you think it should actually be.If you get it wrong, you can move it by dragging the new pin to where you want it Too many spots! There are too many nerdy spots to show you (Over 1000!)

Words Matter Words Matter Posted on Fri, Jun 14, 2013 Recently, I was caught up in a heated debate about word choices. You might assume this was a writers' workshop, or a graduate college English course. We must have spent 20 minutes deciding thumbs up or down on a word that would resonate for customers but draw skepticism from their technical team. Some of you are old enough to remember asking mom or dad, "What does that word mean?" Business communication requires a similar approach. There are 18,457 bestsellers on communication between the sexes. A couple of years ago, Towers Watson surveyed 328 organizations with five million employees. As one of my mentors once said, "If you control the language, you control the conversation."

Block Your Time – Effective Time Blocking Techniques To Boost Your Productivity Quite recently I video blogged about time blocking and how to do it the right way. I have also blogged about this topic on Bob and Rosemary’s blog earlier this fall (that was from online business perspective). The main message on my video was that not only should you block your time, but you should block your location too. This post continues the time blocking theme and extends it a little bit. In fact, I want to bring up couple of extra points to time blocking and how to make it a more effective productivity tool for you. The what and why of time blocking First, let’s define what time blocking means. There are many benefits why you should do time blocking: Mental preparedness When you define a task to the future, you can expect it come and you are mentally prepared for it. Especially if the task you are doing is a complex one, you can be mentally prepared for it in advance. Focusing on your task Time blocking also means focusing on one task at a time. Improved productivity Less stress 1. 2. 3.

5 Things to Do Every Day for Success Fast Company wants you to have your best year yet in 2012; click for more advice and tips on how to work smarter, manage your career, and lead a more meaningful life. "You get up at what time?" I hear that a lot, along with "You are so lucky." So, I'm going to help out here and let you in on the secrets of my success. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A simple yet highly effective list. Looking for more advice to rev up your career?
