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Meograph – 4 Dimensional Story Telling Web 2.0 Style What I love about Web 2.0 apps is the simplicity. Bloated desktop apps like Office and Photoshop, with their hundreds of menu items and toolbars, are powerful tools but become difficult for non techies to handle. Web 2.o tools, on the other hand, are focused on specific purposes, allowing them to be streamlined and simple enough for anyone to use. Meograph, a relatively new tool ( released in July, 2012 and still in Beta form) is one such simple to use but still powerful web app. It sells itself as a “4 Dimensional Story telling” app. In a nutshell, it allows you to tell stories through (1)images/videos, (2)narration, (3)maps and a (4)timeline (hence the 4 dimensions) OR WHO/WHAT, WHEN and WHERE. ADD A MOMENT. While I have found Meograph to be a very useful and simple to use storytelling tool, there is room for improvement. The Timeline. Everything else is Beta based Bugs. Having said all that, I have found MeoGraph to be a great addition to my teaching toolbox.

Murales de fotos: 9 formas interesantes de usar Pinterest en el aula Mucha conversación se ha generado sobre Pinterest, una red social relativamente nueva. Y realmente no es para más ya que, según un estudio de Shareholic, está muy cerca de igualar a Twitter y a Google como fuente de tráfico. Algunos usuarios nos hemos hecho rápidamente adictos y otros todavía desconocen cómo usarla y su finalidad. En su esencia Pinterest es un tablón virtual en donde puedes crear bellos murales de fotos. De ahí su nombre en inglés Pin + Interest que equivale a “Enganchar tus intereses”. Básicamente se trata de una herramienta 2.0 que te permite colgar y coleccionar todas aquellas fotos o imágenes que encuentras navegando por Internet. Pinterest es diferente a Delicious u otros servicios de gestión de marcadores en el hecho de que, en vez de guardar un enlace, coleccionas la foto de una idea, de un trabajo o de un recurso, lo que es útil para aquellas personas que aprenden mejor de forma visual (inteligencia espacial). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ¿Conocías ya Pinterest?

Social Media Monitoring, Analytics and Alerts Dashboard CON MANUAL 8 Excellent Rules to Improve your Writing Style From the same wonderful anthology of How to Use the Power of the Printed Word , I am sharing with you some great strategies to improve your writing style advocated by the popular writer Kurt Vonnegut and featured in Brainpickings. Everyone of us is a struggling writer no matter how skilled we are at writing. Related articles : For today's post ( not a smooth transition, I know ) , I am sharing with you the 8 rules for great writing as outlined by Kurt. 1- Find a Subject You Care About Find a subject you care about and which you in your heart feel others should care about. I am not urging you to write a novel, by the way — although I would not be sorry if you wrote one, provided you genuinely cared about something. 2-Do Not Ramble, Though I won’t ramble on about that. 3- Keep It Simple As for your use of language: Remember that two great masters of language, William shakespeare and James Joyce, wrote sentences which were almost childlike when their subjects were most profound.

LIM El sistema Lim es un entorno para la creación de materiales educativos en formato de Libro Interactivo Multimedia. Características Uso de HTML+javascript+css Compatible con los principales navegadores , sistemas operativos y dispositivos. Desde un punto de vista educativo : Entorno agradable . Free Slideshow and Collage Maker SIN MANUAL
