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International Phonetic Alphabet

International Phonetic Alphabet
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)[note 1] is an alphabetic system of phonetic notation based primarily on the Latin alphabet. It was devised by the International Phonetic Association as a standardized representation of the sounds of oral language.[1] The IPA is used by lexicographers, foreign language students and teachers, linguists, speech-language pathologists, singers, actors, constructed language creators, and translators.[2][3] History[edit] Since its creation, the IPA has undergone a number of revisions. After major revisions and expansions in 1900 and 1932, the IPA remained unchanged until the IPA Kiel Convention in 1989. Extensions to the IPA for speech pathology were created in 1990 and officially adopted by the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association in 1994.[11] Description[edit] A chart of the full International Phonetic Alphabet, expanded and re-organized from the official chart. Letterforms[edit] Symbols and sounds[edit] Brackets and phonemes[edit]

Lexical Distance Among the Languages of Europe « Etymologikon™ Posted by Teresa Elms on 4 March 2008 This chart shows the lexical distance — that is, the degree of overall vocabulary divergence — among the major languages of Europe. The size of each circle represents the number of speakers for that language. Circles of the same color belong to the same language group. All the groups except for Finno-Ugric (in yellow) are in turn members of the Indo-European language family. English is a member of the Germanic group (blue) within the Indo-European family. So why is English still considered a Germanic language? The original research data for the chart comes from K. Like this: Like Loading... Trail: Internationalization (The Java™ Tutorials) The lessons in this trail teach you how to internationalize Java applications. Internationalized applications are easy to tailor to the customs and languages of end users around the world. Note: This tutorial trail covers core internationalization functionality, which is the foundation required by additional features provided for desktop, enterprise, and mobile applications. For additional information, see the Java Internationalization home page. Introduction defines the term internationalization, gives a quick sample program, and provides a checklist you can use to internationalize an existing program. Setting the Locale explains how to create and how to use Locale objects. Isolating Locale-Specific Data shows how to dynamically access objects that vary with Locale. Formatting explains how to format numbers, dates, and text messages according to Locale, and how to create customized formats with patterns.

List of language proficiency tests This is a list of standardized tests that assess someone's language proficiency of a foreign/secondary language. Arabic[edit] Arabic Language Proficiency Test (ALPT) Catalan[edit] Certificats de català - Institut Ramon Llull[1] Chinese (Mandarin)[edit] HSK - Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi. Czech[edit] CCE - Czech Language Certificate Exam[2]TELC - The European Language Certificates Dutch[edit] Nederlands als Tweede Taal (Dutch as a second language, abbreviated NT2). English[edit] Finnish[edit] Various, Yleiset kielitutkinnot from Opetushallitus[4] French[edit] German[edit] Deutsches Sprachdiplom Stufe I and II - German as a foreign languageDSH - Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den HochschulzugangTELC - The European Language CertificatesTestDaF - Test Deutsch als FremdspracheZD - Zertifikat DeutschZDfB - Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf Greek[edit] KGP - State Certificate of Language ProficiencyIGCSE - Greek as foreign languageTELC - The European Language Certificates Hungarian[edit] Irish[edit] Italian[edit]

C I18N FAQ: Déclaration du codage de caractères utilisé dans un fichier CSS Using @charset As mentioned above, you should only use this when the style sheet and the calling HTML file are in different encodings. It is important to understand that, although the @charset declaration looks like a CSS at-rule, it is not parsed as such for detection of the character encoding. Only an exact byte sequence, beginning with the very first byte in the style sheet, will be effective. To set the character encoding inside the style sheet, use the following sequence of bytes, apart from the , at the very start of the file, one byte per character. @charset ""; The is case-insensitive, but should always be utf-8 for new style sheets. Only one @charset byte sequence may appear in an external style sheet and it must appear at the very start of the document. Note! Important: Since the HTTP header has a higher precedence than the in-document @charset declaration, you should always take into account whether the character encoding is already declared in the HTTP header. Using HTTP

A tutorial on character code issues This document tries to clarify the concepts of character repertoire, character code, and character encoding especially in the Internet context. It specifically avoids the term character set, which is confusingly used to denote repertoire or code or encoding. ASCII, ISO 646, ISO 8859 (ISO Latin, especially ISO Latin 1), Windows character set, ISO 10646, UCS, and Unicode, UTF-8, UTF-7, MIME, and QP are used as examples. This document in itself does not contain solutions to practical problems with character codes (but see section Further reading). Rather, it gives background information needed for understanding what solutions there might be, what the different solutions do - and what's really the problem in the first place. If you are looking for some quick help in using a large character repertoire in HTML authoring, see the document Using national and special characters in HTML. The basics octet is a small unit of data with a numerical value between 0 and 255, inclusively. bytes string code .

Internationalization Guide for Java Web Applications One World, One Character Set I've spent enough time solving internationalization problems that can be very time consuming bugs to track down. If I could help you out, great, but even better if you got something more to share. Projects come and go and every project has their own problems. Please send me more information on the subject! Also, send success stories if this FAQ could help you out. If anyone has good material you'd like to share, please let me know and I'll add them to this document. Introduction This short Guide tries to cover all the details required to write a web applications that are capable of handling Unicode (UTF-8) character set in every step back and forth. Unicode provides a unique number for every character, no matter what the platform, no matter what the program, no matter what the language. You should know this is not theoretical document. Typical data flow in the web application: This material is copyrighted material of the author and all the contributors. Analysis

Character Conversions from Browser to Database Oracle Technology Network > Java Software Downloads View All Downloads Top Downloads New Downloads What's New Java in the Cloud: Rapidly develop and deploy Java business applications in the cloud. Essential Links Developer Spotlight Java EE—the Most Lightweight Enterprise Framework? Blogs Technologies Contact Us About Oracle Cloud Events Top Actions News Key Topics Oracle Integrated Cloud Applications & Platform Services

End-to-end internationalization of Web applications - Java World A typical Web application workflow involves a user loading one of your Webpages into her browser, filling out HTML form parameters, and submitting data back to the server. The server makes decisions based on this data, sends the data to other components such as databases and Web services, and renders a response back to the browser. At each step along the way, a globally aware application must pay attention to the user's locale and the text's character encoding. The JDK provides many facilities to enable an internationalized workflow from within your Java code, and the Apache Struts framework extends it even further. In this article, you explore what you need to accomplish when developing an internationalized Web application. A refresher on character encoding Depending on what article, book, or standard you read, you'll notice subtle differences in the use of the terms character set and character encoding. The familiar series of encodings was created. or Latin Alphabet for Nordic languages.

Code Charts - Scripts Specials Controls: C0, C1 Layout Controls Invisible Operators Specials Tags Variation Selectors Variation Selectors Supplement Private Use Private Use Area Supplementary Private Use Area-A Supplementary Private Use Area-B Surrogates High Surrogates Low Surrogates Noncharacters in Charts Noncharacters in blocks Range in Arabic Presentation Forms-A Range in Specials Noncharacters at end of ... BMP, Plane 1, Plane 2, Plane 3, Plane 4, Plane 5, Plane 6, Plane 7, Plane 8, Plane 9, Plane 10, Plane 11, Plane 12, Plane 13, Plane 14, Plane 15, Plane 16 John O'Conner's Blog: Charset Pitfalls in JSP/Servlet Containers Posted by joconner on July 27, 2005 at 1:13 PM PDT The J2SE platform has come a long way in internationalization. Some things are just entering your name in a Swing text field regardless of whether your name is John, José, or 田中 (Tanaka). Unicode prevails within the Java core. Unfortunately, entering non-ASCII text in the J2EE world isn't nearly as easy. I've been playing around with various web servers recently, paying special attention to how browsers communicate non-ASCII text via GET and POST HTTP commands. Here's a simple example JSP page that says Hello, <html> <head> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Say Hello! <% String name = request.getParameter("NAME"); if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { name = "World"; } %> Hello, <%= name %><br> <form action="sayhello.jsp" method='GET'> <label for='NAME'>Name</label><input type="text" id="NAME" name="NAME"/> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </form> </body></html>

Unicode Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Unicode est un standard informatique qui permet des échanges de textes dans différentes langues, à un niveau mondial. Il est développé par le Consortium Unicode, qui vise à permettre le codage de texte écrit en donnant à tout caractère de n'importe quel système d'écriture un nom et un identifiant numérique, et ce de manière unifiée, quelle que soit la plate-forme informatique ou le logiciel. Ce standard est lié à la norme ISO/CEI 10646 qui en est un sur-ensemble[1]. En pratique, Unicode reprend intégralement la norme ISO/CEI 10646, puisque cette dernière ne normalise que les caractères individuels en leur assignant un nom et un numéro normatif (appelé point de code) et une description informative très limitée, mais aucun traitement ni aucune spécification ou recommandation pour leur emploi dans l'écriture de langues réelles, ce que seul le standard Unicode définit précisément. But[modifier | modifier le code] Article détaillé : UTF-8. N.B.
