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Everyman Sleep

Everyman Sleep
Most recent update, 2010: Everyman, along with other types of polyphasic sleep, has accumulated quite a body of information since this article was written. I myself have been on the Everyman 3 schedule for over four years now. Updated details, instructions, and even a book discussing polyphasic sleep adaptation can all be found at Everyman is another type of polyphasic sleep schedule that grew out of the experiments I first wrote about in 2000 under Uberman's Sleep Schedule. How the Everyman Schedule was born The "Uberman" schedule, which was the first polyphasic schedule I experimented with, is very cool, but also really hard to adjust to. Right about the time I was experimenting to determine the validity of the above sentence, people began howling at me about how unfair it was that only hermits and supervillians could ever have both the character and the kind of life-schedule that accomodated the Uberman schedule. The "Core Nap" Other differences from Uberman

Paris Underground The Bunker It's pretty clear how you get in there, but it's also pretty comical: headfirst with your partner pushing your legs through. Again there's a different tunnel architecture. We're supposedly underneath a high school. One has a lot of wall mounted electrical conduit boxes - makes me think this was a communications bunker. Stephane is pointing to a fissure in the wall. It's a sideways crawl up and then down. New Tunnels? Stephane smiles at me. We are true explorers now. Every now and then there are little offshoots that go for 20 or 30 feet before coming to a dead end. As our mapmakers continue I look to Emmanuel for guidance. Stephane is so proud of his newfound mapping ground. Even these guys have their limits. The Real Catacombs There aren't a lot of rest stops so when this one presents itself we sit down. I bid adieu to my fellow cataphiles Stephane and Jean Baptiste. We zig zag for a while then follow some ancient stone stairs down to another level. "Later."

Infiltration Alternate Sleep Cycles Most people only think that there is one way to sleep: Go to sleep at night for 6-8 hours, wake up in the morning, stay awake for 16-18 hours and then repeat. Actually, that is called a monophasic sleep cycle, which is only 1 of 5 major sleep cycles that have been used successfully throughout history. The other 4 are considered polyphasic sleep cycles due to the multiple number of naps they require each day. How is this possible? How is this healthy? Well the most important of every sleep cycle is the Stage 4 REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, which has been shown to provide the benefits of sleep to the brain above all other stages of sleep. This way, you still get the benefits of 8 hours of sleep without wasting all of the time it takes to get to REM cycles, resulting in a much more efficient sleep cycle. Uberman Cycle: 20 to 30 minute naps every 4 hours, resulting in 6 naps each day. Everyman Cycle: One longer “core” nap that is supplemented with several 20-30 minute naps. Dymaxion Cycle:

INSOLITE • Des engins rose bonbon, ça économise des millions Le rose fluo : rien de tel, selon des chercheurs britanniques, pour lutter contre le vol de matériel de chantier – un fléau qui, en Grande-Bretagne, coûte 1,6 million d’euros par semaine. Selon les Prs David Edwards et Gary Holt, il suffirait de peindre les machines d’une couleur fluorescente pour décourager les voleurs. Ces deux chercheurs ont travaillé des années dans le bâtiment avant de se pencher sur ce problème. “Les vols sont monnaie courante sur les chantiers de BTP et de génie civil – et ce n’est pas seulement le fait de voleurs à la petite semaine, mais aussi de bandes organisées qui se servent de leur butin pour financer la traite d’êtres humains, la prostitution, la drogue, ou même le terrorisme”, explique David Edwards. “La plupart des engins de chantier se monnaient très cher, ajoute Gary Holt. “Peindre une machine en rose ne revient pas cher, mais l’effet dissuasif est très fort, assure Gary Holt. Le bon sens reste de mise. (L'article original du Guardian)

Dancers Among Us | Dancing. A universal emblem of passion, joy and lust. How many people do you think you walk past on a daily basis who dance for a living? If you’re a regular reader here, chances are, none. Oh, by the way, if you’re interested in looking at the whole set you can find it on Jordan’s website here . My favorite one is the girl with the bath robe rinsing the shaving blade in the fountain. The one that was used for the thumbnail for this post is my absolute favourite. love it. Really nice photos. © | Back to Top | Powered by WordPress | Theme by WPBundle

REST IN CHIPS – Le créateur du Dorito sera enterré sous les chips Arch West, l'homme qui avait inventé le Dorito, ces chips de tortilla qui ont révolutionné l'industrie alimentaire américaine, est mort à 97 ans la semaine dernière à Dallas. Son enterrement aura lieu le 1er octobre et, selon sa famille, il sera très vraisemblablement recouvert de chips Dorito dans sa tombe. La mort de M. Le Dorito est "très américain, en ce sens qu'il prend quelque chose d'un autre pays et rajoute du fromage dessus", note le Post, pour qui l'invention de ce petit encas "représente le moment où les Américains ont décidé de se lâcher, de vraiment se lâcher… d'accepter nos côtés les plus grossiers et dégoûtants". Le Washington Post n'apporte pas de réponse définitive. "Le Dorito est l'intersection du goût et de la honte, s'exclame l'auteure, au comble du lyrisme. Cette entrée a été publiée dans Actualité.

In the Dutch Mountains Popular Articles Right Now Is it possible to improve your climbing without even trying? Jack Geldard thinks that a few small changes in your climbing... [ full article ] With junior competitions becoming more popular, training for young climbers is becoming much more popular. Finger Injuries are almost certainly the most common injuries climbers face. Related UKC Forum discussions The Groningen wall in 1986 Back in 1986 I was visiting friends in Groningen in the north of the Netherlands. I met some members of the local university climbing club - the GSAC (pronounced hay-sac with a bit of a grizzle on the 'hay'). Over the next few days I arranged to meet up with them some more, and made good friends with Gert (pronounced 'Hert') van der Veen one of the most active of the GSAC members. The Excalibur tower at the Bjoeks wall in 2009 Roll on 23 years to March 2009 and another visit to Holland for an Easter trip with the family. Small world it is, especially in the field of Dutch climbing!

Jeffrey Batchelor - Boca Raton, FL Artist About Jeffrey Jeffrey Batchelor was born in North Carolina in 1960 and studied at University of North Carolina at Greensboro, deferring in 1987 to pursue a career in theatrical scene painting. After years’ of experience, his practice branched out into fine art painting, and realism emerged as a particular strength from within his broad stylistic repertoire. Batchelor continues to reach for ever greater levels of detail, but prefers glazing and blending to the less tactile airbrushing technique. In paintings that feature glass objects, he uses magnifiers to delineate and define myriad reflections and refractions. Batchelor likes to take an idea or a concept and develop it beyond realism into something surreal. His work has been exhibited across the East Coast and collected internationally.
