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Occupy Archive

OccupyNews.ORG 2011 In Pictures: The Year of the Protester 2011 will be remembered most of all as the year of people power, with unprecedented numbers of ordinary citizens taking to the streets throughout the world to protest against old systems of power. Here we share a few images of these protests, all posted under a Creative Commons license on the photo sharing site Flickr. Cairo, Egypt – Tens of thousands of Egyptians camp out in Tahrir Square amid protests calling for the resignation of president Hosni Mubarak and new elections. Photographer: Rowan El Shimi. Tirana, Albania – A protester stands in front of government buildings during anti-government protests sparked by the surfacing of a video which implicated the Deputy Prime Minister and Economic Minister in corruption allegations. Three protesters died in the demonstrations, which led to the resignation of the Deputy Prime Minister. Athens, Greece – A protester wearing a gas mask is engulfed in tear gas. Madrid, Spain – Two protesters hold hands during demonstrations in October.

Qu'est-ce qu'un auteur ? 7. Naissance de l'écrivain classique Cours de M. Antoine Compagnon Septième leçon : Naissance de l'écrivain classique La littérature est devenue une haute valeur culturelle depuis le milieu du xixe siècle, entre 1830 et 1850. Elle ne sont toutefois pas nées d'un seul coup. Survivance du poète enthousiaste Le poète est encore un prophète à la Renaissance, un maître de vérité comme en Grèce, car la source de la poésie est divine, réside dans le furor poeticus. Ils chantent l'univers D'une vois où Dieu abonde. Ou : Dieu est en nous, et par nous fait miracle Si que les vers d'un poëte ecrivant Ce sont des dieus les secrets et oracles Que par sa bouche ils poussent en avant. Tous les motifs antiques se retrouvent dans l'« Ode à Michel de l'Hospital » : « l'esprit divin insufflé aux poètes, leur mission comme interprètes des secrets d'en haut, leur autorité comme juges des rois et distributeurs des gloires de ce monde, la sotte hostilité et persécution du vulgaire à leur encontre » (p. 14). De la foi d'un chrétien les mystères terribles

The Occupy movements have dramatised questions about public space: Who owns it? And who can use it? One year on, Richard Sennett reflects on the Occupy movements and the nature of public space. He argues that the Occupiers not only changed the terms of debate about the current economic crisis, they also challenged urbanists to think about the city in new ways. Credit: Duncan (CC-BY-NC) via Flickr We are a year on from the Occupy movements of 2011, and like other participants I’ve been thinking about their legacy. In America, in principle, there should be no public problem. The rights nations give, cities easily take away. Tents and sleeping bags were the “weapons” with which the Occupy movements tested the city’s limits on freedom of assembly. The first is an urban ambiguity in the distinction of public and private. The second ambiguity is between secular and sacred space in the city. Both these smudges have played out in my mind and work during the last year. But this impulse also opens up a big question, that of how to create truly public/private shared space. About the author

ows3-17-12-115 ¡Democracia real YA! - Europa para los ciudadanos y no para los mercados: No somos mercancía en manos de políticos y banqueros 70647 ciudadanos han suscrito este manifiesto. ¡Únete! Somos personas normales y corrientes. Unos nos consideramos más progresistas, otros más conservadores. Esta situación nos hace daño a todos diariamente. Las prioridades de toda sociedad avanzada han de ser la igualdad, el progreso, la solidaridad, el libre acceso a la cultura, la sostenibilidad ecológica y el desarrollo, el bienestar y la felicidad de las personas.Existen unos derechos básicos que deberían estar cubiertos en estas sociedades: derecho a la vivienda, al trabajo, a la cultura, a la salud, a la educación, a la participación política, al libre desarrollo personal, y derecho al consumo de los bienes necesarios para una vida sana y feliz.El actual funcionamiento de nuestro sistema económico y gubernamental no atiende a estas prioridades y es un obstáculo para el progreso de la humanidad.La democracia parte del pueblo (demos=pueblo; cracia=gobierno) así que el gobierno debe ser del pueblo. Creo que puedo cambiarlo.

De nouvelles bibliothèques de plein-air en Allemagne Regardez la photo de gauche. Vous voyez cette étagère pleine de livres sur le trottoir ? Vous vous dites que quelqu'un est en train de déménager ? Vous vous dites que les livres risquent d'être abîmés ou éparpillés partout dans la rue ? L'idée des bibliothèques à ciel ouvert s'inspire du "Bookcrossing", ce procédé qui consiste à libérer des livres dans la nature pour qu'ils puissent être retrouvés et lus par d'autres personnes, qui les relâcheront à leur tour. Bücherschrank à Hemer, Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie (Allemagne) Le projet Eselsohr ("Corne" en allemand, qui désigne la marque effectuée dans le coin supérieur libre de la page d'un livre) est né à Cologne en 2007. Les bibliothèques en plein air n’ont pratiquement jamais été vandalisées. Bücherschrank dans le Quartier St. Références Lien à insérer Si vous citez cet article sur un site, un blog, un forum ou autre contenu web, utilisez l'adresse ci-dessous. Ils commentent à distance !

Occupation (protest) As an act of protest, occupation is the entry into and holding of a building, space or symbolic site. As such, occupations often combine some of the following elements: a challenge to ownership of the space involved, an effort to gain public attention, the practical use of the facilities occupied, and a redefinition of the occupied space. Occupations may be conducted with varying degrees of physical force to obtain and defend the place occupied. Occupations may be brief or they may extend for weeks, months or years. Occupation, as a means of achieving change, emerged from worker struggles that sought everything from higher wages to the abolition of capitalism. The recovered factories in Argentina is an example of workplace occupations moving beyond addressing workplace grievances, to demanding a change in ownership of the means of production.

Federal Receivership: Good or Bad for Occupy Oakland? | Ripper Hollow There has been a lot of talk about federal receivership for the Oakland Police Department in the past few weeks, and considering much of the readily available content online via YouTube, various blogs, and live streams, many would say that is a well deserved fate for many recorded incidents. Thinking about all the defensive statements from Oakland Mayor Jean Quan and Police Chief Howard Jordan, one would be inclined to think that the Occupy Oakland protesters are really crazy and/or violent and should be jailed, or forcibly put in mental institutions for their behavior. It’s unfortunate that these same individuals have the power to send out highly publicized press releases that broadcast their damaging statements against people demanding social change and governmental responsibility at the very least. One thing I keep thinking about, is the fact that the Police Department is a law enforcement system. In my honest opinion the fight goes on.

Protestos de 2011 na Espanha Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. Os protestos de 2011 na Espanha, chamados por alguns meios espanhóis de Movimiento 15-M, Indignados e Spanish revolution, são uma série de protestos espontâneos de cidadãos inicialmente organizados pelas redes sociais e idealizados em primeiro momento pela plataforma civil e digital ¡Democracia Real Ya! (em espanhol: Democracia Real Já!), que obteve nessa fase inicial o apoio de mais de mais de duzentas pequenas associações.[1] Começaram em 15 de maio de 2011, com uma convocação em cinquenta e oito cidades espanholas.[2] Trata-se de protestos pacíficos que reivindicam uma mudança na política e na sociedade espanhola, pois os manifestantes consideram que os partidos políticos não os representam nem tomam medidas que os beneficiem. Os protestos se iniciaram próximo às eleições municipais, marcadas para 22 de maio de 2011. Organização dos protestos[editar | editar código-fonte] Em 17 de maio a página de ¡Democracia Real Ya! Incidentes
