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The Planetarium

The Planetarium

Interactive modèle 3D des planètes du système solaire et Night Sky 3D Map of the Brain We knew anatomy could be gorgeous, but this is beyond anything else we’ve ever seen, and it’s guaranteed to be something you haven’t seen, being the first 3D image of a brain’s connections. Van Wedeen, a Harvard radiology professor, is awestruck: “We’ve never really seen the brain – it’s been hiding in plain sight.” Conventional scanning has offered us a crude glimpse, but scientists such as Wedeen aim to produce the first ever three-dimensional map of all its neurons. They call this circuit diagram the “connectome”, and it could help us better understand everything from imagination and language to the miswirings that cause mental illness. Photographed above is the 3D image of an owl-monkey’s brain. Link [via]

3D Solar System Web Gravity Simulator
