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Marco Tempest: The augmented reality of techno-magic

Marco Tempest: The augmented reality of techno-magic

Will Potter: The secret US prisons you've never heard of before | TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript Father Daniel Berrigan once said that "writing about prisonersis a little like writing about the dead."I think what he meant is that we treat prisoners as ghosts.They're unseen and unheard.It's easy to simply ignore themand it's even easier when the government goes to great lengths to keep them hidden. As a journalist, I think these storiesof what people in power do when no one is watching,are precisely the stories that we need to tell.That's why I began investigatingthe most secretive and experimental prison units in the United States,for so-called "second-tier" terrorists.The government calls these units Communications Management Units or CMUs.Prisoners and guards call them "Little Guantanamo."They are islands unto themselves.But unlike Gitmo they exist right here, at home,floating within larger federal prisons. There's an estimated 60 to 70 prisoners here,and they're overwhelmingly Muslim.They include people like Dr. So, why was he moved? (Laughter) For the record, I'm not. Thank you.

Disney Parks Get Augmented in Times Square Happy Birthday, Mickey Mouse! Walt Disney's beloved icon turns 83 today and Disney Parks is celebrating at the Disney Store in Times Square with an innovative augmented reality installation. Running through Saturday at the Disney Store on Broadway and 45th Street, the Disney Parks team has implemented a 60-foot digital billboard AR experience. Visitors step on an orb and interact with characters projected on the big screen. The display is also serving to kickstart Disney's second "Let the Memories Begin" campaign. That effort includes crowdsourced home videos and photos of real families visits to the Disney Parks. Disney is using the hashtag #DisneyMemories to track experiences at Times Square and throughout the campaign.

junaio Augmented Reality - Apps in Android Market Mach’ Dein Handy zum Mitdenk-Navi. Kostenlose Staumeldungen, Warnungen vor festen Blitzern, Restaurantempfehlungen, mobile Gutscheine, Karten von TomTom und noch viel mehr – alles was Du in Deiner Nähe brauchst, in einer einzigen App. JETZT NEU: Kostenlose Verkehrsinfo und Warnungen vor festen Blitzern – bleib nie mehr im Stau stecken! ★★★★★ „M8 – Das Mitdenk-Navi“ ist ein gelungenes Navigationsprogramm, das zahlreiche Zusatzinformationen bereithält, die sich auf Reisen als nützlich erweisen.- – ★★★★★ M8 zeigt, dass auch kostenlose Apps vollauf überzeugen können.- connect android 01/2013 – ★★★★★ M8 – Das Mitdenk-Navi gehört der gehobenen Klasse von Applikationen an. - Du brauchst ein gutes Navi mit Stau Infos für Dein Smartphone, egal ob Du zu Fuß oder mit dem Auto unterwegs bist? KARTEN & NAVIGATIONProfessionelles Kartenmaterial von TomTom bringt Dich immer sicher ans Ziel – und die Online-Anbindung garantiert, dass sie immer auf dem neuesten Stand sind.

WhaZop Makes Advertising Pop [Hands-On] Homesnap For Android: Augmented Reality Real Estate As anyone who's gone house hunting knows, the process can be dull. Driving circles around suburbs for hours is frustrating, as is trying to use poorly designed real estate listing websites. Homesnap, an app launched on iOS in March of 2012 and today on Android, seeks to make some aspects of home searching a bit more fun. What it Does Homesnap seems simple on the surface: take pictures of the houses you want to know more about, and compare them side-by-side. Hands-On Homesnap works well. Of course, sharing pictures of houses with friends is an important part of house hunting (I learned that from HGTV), so it's not surprising, that Homesnap includes a home-grown social network. In Brief If you're in the market for a new house, Homesnap makes a ton of sense.

Point brings augmented reality ads to your phone, now with interactive videos (hands-on) Point Brings Augmented Reality to Your Television Screen Telibrahma's Point debuts as first Augmented Reality Second-Screen Experience January 8, 2013 -- United States -- Telibrahma (, the award-winning leader in global mobile marketing technology, is breaking the mold by debuting a revolutionary second-screen experience with Point, their image recognition technology that can capture point-enabled videos and provide an interactive experience for viewers. Using Point, consumers can enjoy instant engagement across any mobile device by simply pointing their phone at a Point-enabled video, movie, commercial or television program and gain instant access to an augmented experience. "Point provides a Shazam-like experience for consumers that takes them to the next level of engagement, and we're thrilled to offer this exciting technology to users," said Suresh Narasimha, CEO and Founder of Telibrahma.
