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Deeper Class Discussions with the TQE Method

Deeper Class Discussions with the TQE Method

Related:  Critical ReadingBooks and readingReflecting on Learning-19

edutopia As a former middle school special education teacher and current tutor of middle and high school students, I often work with older children who struggle immensely with reading and writing tasks. This issue impacts them in every academic area and, if not addressed, can eventually affect their motivation to learn and to come to school. Many students I work with receive extra support in their English or language arts class, but then are on their own or receive less support in their other academic classes. I find that teaching these students reading strategies is vital to their success. However, when I began doing this, I found that often the reading strategies I use with my more advanced students—the Cornell note-taking system, SQ3R (short for “Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review”), and annotation—were not entirely effective with students who struggle with literacy. A Reading Strategy for All Learners

A Map of Banned Books Access to learning materials or the autonomy to learn through reading authors who have expressed themselves candidly are not always widely accepted. An interesting post coming from Isabel Cabrera and Global English Editing this week. This post will shine a light on many books that have been banned to the “dark”. In today’s post there will be a map of banned books in an infographic format. You can read a brief summary of each book, as well as the reason for it being banned, on the Global English Editing blog.

Your Final Checklist: Back To School Starter Pack End-of-Year Reflection Congratulations! You made it to the end of the school year. Are you excited for summer? Are you already thinking about the next school year? Here at Teaching Channel, we sure are! At the beginning of the school year, we launched our Back to School Starter Packs, a set of checklists and resources organized by grade band to help you start the year off on the right track. We’re Killing the Love of Reading, but Here's an Easy Fix (Prefer to listen? Click here for the TQE Method on the Cult of Pedagogy podcast!) Students and teachers are frustrated. There's a good reason and luckily, a simple solution. Teachers want students to master reading skills, to love reading, to, please, just read.

Common Core in Action: 10 Visual Literacy Strategies Do you wish your students could better understand and critique the images that saturate their waking life? That's the purpose of visual literacy (VL), to explicitly teach a collection of competencies that will help students think through, think about and think with pictures. Standards Support Visual Literacy Instruction Reading fiction 'boosts pupils’ learning by 10 months' The benefits of reading for pupils' overall attainment are well known, but does it matter what children are reading? According to an analysis published today, some books are more effective than others – and reading fiction yields far more benefits for pupils than other forms of reading material. Research: London students do less well in Pisa rankings than GCSE Opinion: Non-fiction boosts progress in reading… That’s a fact Quick read: Literacy: the real story on non-fiction Using data drawn from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) study, researchers have linked the frequency with which 15-year-olds read different types of reading material to their Pisa reading scores.

10 Top-Notch Strategies To Boost Student Participation And Active Learning Every teacher strives for an active classroom buzzing with engaged and eager students. However, even the most experienced teachers face days when it seems like they’re the only one talking and the students have simply tuned out. Or, perhaps your students are so engaged and so eager to participate that you’re having a tough time making sure that all student voices are heard. Ron Ritchhart Ron Ritchhart is a Senior Research Associate at Harvard Project Zero where his work focuses on such issues as teaching for understanding, the development of intellectual character, creative teaching, making students' thinking visible, and most recently the development of school and classroom culture. Ron's research and writings, particularly his theory of intellectual character and framework for understanding group culture through the “Cultural Forces,” have informed the work of schools, school systems, and museums throughout the world. His current research focuses on how classrooms change as teachers strive to make thinking valued, visible, and actively promoted in their classrooms. He is also currently exploring what it means to lead a culture of thinking. Ron’s research has mainly taken two forms: case studies and design research.

Anticipation Guides Classroom Strategies Download a Graphic Organizer Blank Anticipation Guide Word Doc (120 KB)PDF (125 KB) Australian school students learn online more than average but their marks have flatlined Opinion By Margaret Merga Posted about 5 hours agoTue 12 Nov 2019, 7:00pm Technology has delivered innovative tools which can offer significant opportunities for learning. However screen time comes with potential risks for young people. Australian students spend more time online than the OECD average, and our students' screen use is growing over time.

edutopia We know that reflection increases student learning. It supports growth mindset and encourages students to improve and learn from their mistakes. We may engage our students in reflection in our classrooms, but it’s not often habitual—I know I’ve been guilty of treating reflection as an event rather than as something we do all the time. With all the challenges of teaching content and assessing learning outcomes, we can fall into the trap of skipping the reflection. Thinking about Thinking: The Power of Noticing According to Einstein, “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” I completely agree that learning to think should be one of the essential goals of education, but as I wrote in an earlier post, many of the tasks we set for kids and the scaffolds we teach them to use don’t really seem aimed at fostering thinking as much as completing those tasks. In that post, I offered an example of what a lesson focused on actual thinking might look like. And here, I’d like to take a deeper look at what we really mean by thinking and how we actually do it. One of the most common definitions you’ll find online is that “Thinking is a purposeful organized cognitive process that we use to make sense of our world.” That isn’t bad as definitions go, but it doesn’t offer any clues about how to think or what that process entails.

A school-wide reading culture Reading promotion displays around the school Displays in foyers, corridors, principal’s office and in the grounds around the school are a useful way to promote a school-wide reading culture. School entrance foyer
