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Lee Price: American Figurative Realist Oil Painter

Lee Price: American Figurative Realist Oil Painter

Tree Illusions Photographer Zander Olsen adds a white wrap around trees to create a visual relationship from the actual vegetation to surrounding landscape. Photos © Zander Olsen Link via Urhajos Art Encyclopedia: Visual Arts Guide To Painting, Sculpture, Architecture: Greatest Artists, Best Museums il lee « style/SWOON oh the patience… The first time I saw the work of Il Lee was in a Santa Fe gallery at the Gerbert Contemporary. It was so different, truly amazing. HUGE pieces of art done solely with a blue ballpoint pin on canvas. I kept staring at it thinking ‘how many ballpoint pens did he have to use to do that’? images via art projects international

inkbutter Posted on March 2, 2011 by lenny . Pedro Henrique Ferreira a.k.a. “Lambuja!” is an illustrator based in Brasil. Click here to view more of Lambuja!’ Google+ Mongolian Pop Art (12 pieces) Born in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, artist Solongo Mellecker developed a very unique style. Integrating Mongolian and Tibetan traditional art with Western pop culture, she creates fantastical settings, inspired by folk tales and imagination. "As a little girl, I loved to draw and paint whenever I got the chance," she says. Solongo moved to the United States to pursue her career as an illustrator and is currently enrolled at the Savannah College of Art and Design in Atlanta, Georgia. Solongo Mellecker's website

Erik Jones :: TheIrisOn - New Works! John Kenn’s monsters on Post-it John Kenn was born in Denmark. He writes and directs TV shows for kids, but in his sparetime he makes this amazing, creepy illustrations on Post-it notes. [via FlipFlopBlog] Mark Jenkins // Glazed Paradise Kristiansand, Norway London, England Montreal, Canada Cologne, Germany Besançon Rome Rio de Janeiro Tudela London Dublin Moscow Winston-Salem Seoul Royan Bordeaux Puerto del Rosario Barcelona Malmö Washington DC Washington, DC

Ilustrações Conceituais de Tang Yau Confira o trabalho da ilustradora Tang Yau Hoong, que usa conceitos inteligentes e perspectivas surrealistas em suas obras. Riusuke Fukahori Paints Three-Dimensional Goldfish Embedded in Layers of Resin First: watch the video. Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori paints three-dimensional goldfish using a complex process of poured resin. The fish are painted meticulously, layer by layer, the sandwiched slices revealing slightly more about each creature, similar to the function of a 3D printer. I really enjoy the rich depth of the pieces and the optical illusion aspect, it’s such an odd process that results in something that’s both a painting and sculptural.

Sagaki Keita (click images for detail) Artist Sagaki Keita was born in 1984 and lives and works in Tokyo. His densely composited pen and ink illustrations contain thousands of whimsical characters that are drawn almost completely improvised. I am dumbstruck looking at these and love the wacky juxtaposition of fine art and notebook doodles. A young artist The talent of this guy is amazing! Hsin-Yao Tseng – artists who managed to get a bachelor’s degree at the Academy of Fine Arts in San Francisco. His talent surprises, soft colors and shades make his paintings breathe. Tea for Three: Shunga Inspired Art by Jeff Faeber (NSFW) » Rush Blog–MUSIC | FASHION | ART | CULTURE “As one who has “fallen from grace,” as it were, I have a natural interest in the underdog, the discarded and unwanted. Hence, I often paint on or incorporate cardboard, trash, society’s forgotten, landfill-bound material. I react to what I feel is often an overly sanitised, saccharine façade that is projected on us by mass commercialisation, or groupthink (or religion or politics or whatever.) There is often beauty in despair. View NSFW images below. For those of us who don’t know, Shunga–according to Wikipedia–is a Japanese term meaning “erotic art.” What that statement is, however, is up to your discretion. More of his work may be seen at
