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TestYourself by PsychTests: Tests and quizzes on personality, IQ, love/relationships, career, health and attitudes/lifestyle. Professional quality online psychological assessments developed by the web's prominent testing experts.

TestYourself by PsychTests: Tests and quizzes on personality, IQ, love/relationships, career, health and attitudes/lifestyle. Professional quality online psychological assessments developed by the web's prominent testing experts.

Highly Sensitive People Emotional Problems - Are You Too Sensitive Photo Credit: George Doyle/Stockbyte Many years ago I had a falling-out with a girlfriend that proved so painful, I can hardly talk about it today. My friend (let's call her Mary) was a colorful television personality and had the world at her feet. She was engaged to a handsome European, and her face was plastered across the newspapers. I was working for 60 Minutes at the time, and we often met for lunch. Then one day her show was canceled and she asked me — casually, as though it didn't really matter — if I'd put her forward as a reporter for 60 Minutes. Mary never spoke to me again. Though I didn't know it then, I too am an HSP, and have since learned to identify a range of HSP behaviors and responses, both in myself and in others. HSPs are hardwired differently than the rest of the population. Once upon a time, HSPs might have been written off as shy or even neurotic, but Aron believes these labels are demeaning and inaccurate. Still, not everyone is buying.

Internet Tips And Secrets Three-minute timed test. 1. Read everything before doing anything. 2. Put your name in the upper left-hand corner of this paper. 3. Take a personality test Best Online Psychology Tests Want to know what’s really going on in your own head? The mental health Web site PsychCentral offers a list of the best online psychology tests. Some of these are used to collect data for research experiments, while others are skill tests or quizzes that offer personal insights. Here are a few of the best. 1. The Stroop Test. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. And for even more insight, take PsychCentral’s own Sanity Score quiz, which is designed to assess aspects of your mental health, including your risk for depression, anxiety and other emotional disorders. For additional tests and more information about online psychology assessments, read the full PsychCentral article by clicking here.

How the Brain Stops Time One of the strangest side-effects of intense fear is time dilation, the apparent slowing-down of time. It's a common trope in movies and TV shows, like the memorable scene from The Matrix in which time slows down so dramatically that bullets fired at the hero seem to move at a walking pace. In real life, our perceptions aren't keyed up quite that dramatically, but survivors of life-and-death situations often report that things seem to take longer to happen, objects fall more slowly, and they're capable of complex thoughts in what would normally be the blink of an eye. Now a research team from Israel reports that not only does time slow down, but that it slows down more for some than for others. Anxious people, they found, experience greater time dilation in response to the same threat stimuli. An intriguing result, and one that raises a more fundamental question: how, exactly, does the brain carry out this remarkable feat? Was it scary enough to generate a sense of time dilation?

Skeptical Christian The Cube Game -– Find Out The True Nature Of People In this video I am going to play with you The Cube game. This psychological game is from the book “Secrets of the Cube” . Watch the video, remember your answers and check the meanings of your imagined objects below. I forgot to ask one question about the cube. The Cube game answers: The Cube The first object in the desert, the cube, represents you. The bigger the cube, the bigger your ego. If the cube is made out of something solid and strong, it means that you are a strong person. How you think about the cube represents how you think about yourself. If the cube is in the centre it means that you like the attention and you like to be praised. The color of the cube represents your personality. Here is a general guide to the cube colors: Black is the color of authority, elegance, sophistication. White symbolizes innocence, non-judgemental personality, objectivity, lack of strong opinions. Red is the color of dominance, power, love and sexual energy. Brown shows stability. The Ladder The Horse

How to Find Your Purpose and Do What You Love “Find something more important than you are,” philosopher Dan Dennett once said in discussing the secret of happiness, “and dedicate your life to it.” But how, exactly, do we find that? Surely, it isn’t by luck. I myself am a firm believer in the power of curiosity and choice as the engine of fulfillment, but precisely how you arrive at your true calling is an intricate and highly individual dance of discovery. Still, there are certain factors — certain choices — that make it easier. Gathered here are insights from seven thinkers who have contemplated the art-science of making your life’s calling a living. Every few months, I rediscover and redevour Y-Combinator founder Paul Graham’s fantastic 2006 article, How to Do What You Love. What you should not do, I think, is worry about the opinion of anyone beyond your friends. More of Graham’s wisdom on how to find meaning and make wealth can be found in Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age. 16. 28. This is your life.

Revenge of the Introvert After ten years as a psychologist practicing psychodynamic psychotherapy , I reclined on the couch of my own analyst feeling burdened by my chosen work. After a day of seeing patients, I was drained. I had been trained to listen at many levels—words, emotions, unconscious disclosures—and I took all of that in and sorted it out in my mind. I was good at helping others discover and pursue what they wanted out of life. But at day's end I had no resources left to do it for myself. Then I heard myself say: "I don't like being a therapist." Suddenly I felt free, loosed from expectations that never fit. As a card-carrying introvert , I am one of the many people whose personality confers on them a preference for the inner world of their own mind rather than the outer world of sociability. Over the past two decades, scientists have whittled down to five those clusters of cognitions, emotions, motivations, and behaviors that we mean by "personality" factors. Introversion in Action

Help Desk Geek | Help Desk Tips for IT Pros Self-evaluation maintenance theory Self-evaluation maintenance (SEM) theory refers to discrepancies between two people in a relationship. Two people in a relationship each aim to keep themselves feeling good psychologically throughout a comparison process to the other person.[1] Self-evaluation is defined as the way a person views him/herself. It is the continuous process of determining personal growth and progress, which can be raised or lowered by the behavior of a close other (a person that is psychologically close). Description[edit] A person's self-evaluation (which is similar to self-esteem) may be raised when a close other performs well.[1] For example, a sibling scores the winning goal in an important game. At the same time, the success of a close other can decrease someone’s self-evaluation in the comparison process. In both the reflection and comparison processes, closeness and performance level are significant. Research example[edit] Tesser & Smith (1980) experimented with this theory. See also[edit] Notes[edit]
