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Portraits Photographiques et Uniformes

Portraits Photographiques et Uniformes

Related:  Photographes contemporains

rinkokawauchi_jp News: りんこ日記はこちらです。>>Rinko DiaryInstagram >> rinkokawauchi Mon Tour 2 Roues ... Audoin Desforges Kylie Minogue, née en 1968, chanteuse, actrice, femme d'affaires australienne Pierre Hermé, né en 1961, chef pâtissier-chocolatier Julia Bijaoui et Quentin Vacher, fondateurs de Frichti, livraison de repas à domicile Pablo Padovani fondateur du groupe de rock psychédélique Moodoïd Forest Whitaker, acteur, réalisateur et producteur de cinéma américain né en 1961 Élisabeth Quin, née en 1963, journaliste.

Photojournalism — Brent Stirton KIKA, CAMEROON, JULY 2010: Members of the Baka Pygmy tribe, the original forest dwellers of the Cameroon forests, Kika, Cameroon, June 9, 2010. The Baka have small logging concessions of their own in community forest areas but are plaughed by a lack of education, logging equipment, access to markets and an addiction to alcohol fostered by their Bantu neighbours who ruled them for many years and who often pay the Baka for labor in alcohol. Logging roads and subsequent small towns created by logging concessions are bringing man and infrastructure further into the forest of Cameroon than ever before, Kika, Cameroon, June 5, 2010. This is severely threatening the great forests of the Congo Basin, one of the last great Forest reserves in the world.

Rêverie sur le monde… Le voyage imaginaire d'Ossiane. Rudy Waks Portraits "Veramente" de Guido Guidi Guido Guidi, Fosso Ghiaia, Ravenna, 1971 Traduction en espagnol On définit en général Guido Guidi (à la Fondation HCB jusqu’au 27 avril) comme un photographe de paysages : ce n’est pas faux, certes, mais ne vous attendez pas à voir là les collines toscanes, les ruines romaines, le pittoresque napolitain ou les plages ioniennes, ce n’est pas Luigi Ghirri. Guidi est un photographe de la périphérie urbaine, des espaces décrépits qui ne sont plus vraiment agricoles et pas encore industriels, de cet univers sans formes, sans essence, dont il fait ressortir, non l’absence de beauté, mais en tout cas la singularité. Guidi photographie des rues, des terrains vagues, des façades, des rebuts, tout cet univers que, souvent, nous préférerions ne pas voir.

Just another site Patrick Swirc Loading Modds Antoine Le Grand Anaïs Boileau Lucile Boiron Gregg Segal By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. Learn more Un-Daily Bread Daily Bread Jérome Bonnet Loading Modds Antoine Le Grand Anaïs Boileau Ecosystem of Excess, 2014 - Pinar Yoldas This project starts in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Covering between 700000 and 15 million square kilometers, the site is a monument to plastic waste on a global scale. Referring to Kantian aesthetics, it is a truly ‘sublime’ kinetic sculpture built by all the nations around the Pacific Ocean through many years of mindless, unsustainable consumption.

Chris Jordan - Running the Numbers II This ongoing series looks at mass phenomena that occur on a global scale. Similarly to the first Running the Numbers series, each image portrays a specific quantity of something: the number of tuna fished from the world's oceans every fifteen minutes, for example. But this time the statistics are global in scale, rather than specifically American. Finding meaning in global mass phenomena can be difficult because the phenomena themselves are invisible, spread across the earth in millions of separate places. There is no Mount Everest of waste that we can make a pilgrimage to and behold the sobering aggregate of our discarded stuff, seeing and feeling it viscerally with our senses. Instead, we are stuck with trying to comprehend the gravity of these phenomena through the anaesthetizing and emotionally barren language of statistics.
