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Original Hover Effects with CSS3

Original Hover Effects with CSS3

Cross Browser HTML5 Progress Bars In Depth Update (March 9, 2012): I have updated this document to include styling information for Internet Explorer 10. Screenshots of HTML5 progress bars with different styles applied. Details given below. As a web application developer, progress bars are great when you want to show the user that some action is happening, especially when it can take a long time. They can be animated (like the one in Gmail does when it shows the user how long it is going to take for it to load and initialize), or static (like some shopping cart applications have to show the user how many pages it will take to check out an order). The HTML: Simple The HTML for a Progress bar is dead simple: <progress max="100" value="60"><strong>Progress: 60% done. Note that the HTML inside the <progress> tag is the fallback for browsers that do not support it. Note that: A progress bar can also have an “indeterminate” state, which happens when there is no value attribute. <progress max="100"><strong>Progress: 60% done. That’s Too Basic!

20 stunning examples of CSS3 animation | CSS3 Used well, CSS animation is an incredibly useful and powerful tool. It can add interest or creative excitement, direct the user's eye, explain something quickly and succinctly, and improve usability. For that reason, recent years have seen more and more animation on sites and in app. In this article, we round up some of the coolest CSS animation examples we've seen, and show you how to recreate them. Read on for a range of in-depth tutorials and inspiring effects (and links to their code) to explore. What is CSS animation? CSS animation is a method of animating certain HTML elements without having to use processor and memory-hungry JavaScript or Flash. While it may seem limited when it comes to animation, CSS is actually a really powerful tool and is capable of producing beautifully smooth 60fps animations. The golden rule is that your CSS animations shouldn't be overblown – even a small movement can have a big impact, and too much can be distracting and irritating for users. 01. 02. 03.

Point Effet de flou avec CSS3 et jQuery Today we will show you some examples of websites that are using beautiful and inspiring color combinations that match perfectly and create an eye candy... For me, Photoshop is becoming more and more of a prototyping or blue printing tool: it’s basically just a canvas... CSS3 opens up so many crazy possibilities and today we want to show you how to go wild with splash and coming soon page effects using CSS3 animations. After getting the request, we are going to show you how to create a “slide-in on scroll” effect. You’ve probably seen this cool effect on some websites, like on Nizo or in the portfolio section of brilliantly designed La Moulade. Typography is truly a science and many designers spend an entire career devoted to the study. There are many creative ways of showing what a website is about: the use of images, videos, descriptions and more. Today we will create a set of nice typography effects for big headlines using CSS3 and jQuery. So you're still not using HTML5, huh?

index iHover is an impressive hover effects collection, powered by pure CSS3, no dependency, work well with Bootstrap 3! Hover effect 1 <div class="row"><div class="col-sm-6"><!-- normal --><div class="ih-item circle effect1"><a href="#"><div class="spinner"></div><div class="img"><img src="images/assets/2.jpg" alt="img"></div><div class="info"><div class="info-back"><h3>Heading here</h3><p>Description goes here</p></div></div></a></div><! Hover effect 2 <! Hover effect 3 <! Hover effect 4 <! Hover effect 5 <div class="row"><div class="col-sm-6"><! Hover effect 6 <! Hover effect 7 <! Hover effect 8 <! Hover effect 9 <! Hover effect 10 <div class="bs-example"><! Hover effect 11 <! Hover effect 12 <! Hover effect 13 <! Hover effect 14 <! Hover effect 15 <div class="row"><div class="col-sm-6"><! Hover effect 16 <! Hover effect 17 <div class="row"><div class="col-sm-6"><! Hover effect 18 Note: This will not work in IE9, since IE9 doesn't support 3d rotate. <! Hover effect 19 <div class="row"><div class="col-sm-6"><! Hover effect 20 <!

Textarea Auto Resize On a current project, I was trying to find a way to auto-resize a textarea according to some content that would be loaded in dynamically via Ajax. I didn’t know the height of the content and the textarea element doesn’t resize naturally like other HTML elements, so I needed to update the height of the element with JavaScript each time the content changed. It seemed like a simple task. Using a Hidden Clone Element A <div> element will naturally stretch to fit the height of its content (assuming no floats or absolutely positioned elements are involved). Grab the content loaded into the textareaCreate an invisible clone divGive the clone the same width and typographical properties as the textareaPlace the content into the cloneGet the height of the cloneApply the height of the clone to the height of the textarea The Code One of the keys to this solution is the CSS. First here’s the CSS for the textarea: Here is the CSS I’ll be applying to the hidden clone element: What About IE6-8? Bugs?

Transit - CSS transitions and transformations for jQuery What about older browsers? Transit degrades older browsers by simply not doing the transformations (rotate, scale, etc) while still doing standard CSS (opacity, marginLeft, etc) without any animation. Delays and durations will be ignored. // Delegate .transition() calls to .animate()// if the browser can't do CSS transitions.if (! Fallback to frame-based animation If you would like to fallback to classic animation when transitions aren't supported, just manually redefine .transitition to .animate. (Note: if you're using custom easing, you may need to also use jQuery Easing, and restrict your use of easing options to the ones defined there.) $.fx.speeds. Default duration Transit honors jQuery's default speed, $.fx.speeds. Custom easing Define custom easing aliases in $.cssEase. Webkit: prevent flickers Having flickering problems in Webkit? Antialias problems in Webkit? Force hardware-acceleration in Webkits to prevent text flickering.

Smoothy HTML5 Template Duis consequat ut quam ut sollicitudin. Donec eget congue ligula, eget pharetra urna. Nam tempor tellus sit amet bibendum dapibus. Nam auctor elementum dolor. Quisque tincidunt risus et enim. Curabitur commodo arcu vel enim mollis consequat. Simulate Realism with CSS3 16th February, 2010 Tom Kenny Tutorials CSS3 is here to make our lives easier as web designers and developers. While it’s not something we can always rely on heavily for layout purposes just yet, we can use it to enhance certain aspects of our designs by spending a considerably less amount of time doing so. However, CSS3 has not been created for the sole purpose of making it easier and quicker to create a website but also so we can create much better sites than we ever could with CSS before. Polaroids – View Demo Despite not being around today, polaroid images are still iconic and because of this is still a great way to display photos. A subtle shadow gives the impression that is sitting on a flat surface and by scaling and increasing the size and positioning of the shadow on a hover state we can create the illusion that it has been raised slightly from the surface. Buttons – View Demo Why do buttons exist in web design? The recessed border also uses CSS3 gradient to get the full effect.

Pleeease · Process CSS with ease The Empire Room Dallas goes Gatsby — Doodle Dog Creative A dazzling new event venue has opened its doors in Dallas, Texas. The Empire Room will hit the ground running with a new look inspired by very visual art deco style and incorporated glam of The Great Gatsby’s lavish parties. The brand identity for this venue was meant to be over the top glamourous and exceedingly great. With lush fabrics, bold shapes and great views of the downtown skyline, (think old school glam) we wanted the brand to match the venue’s unique flare. Check out the new design for The Empire Room! And a look at the website… and a couple sneak peak images of the inside of the venue: Stop by and visit the site and keep an eye on the photos as the events start kicking off!
