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Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park » Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park Check the most recent trail report[PDF] As of November 5, 2013 – The access road to the Woodbury-Silver Spray trailhead was repaired and re-opened in late summer 2013 by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. However, there are a number of significant waterbars on the first 300 metres of the Fletcher-Woodbury FSR off of Hwy 31. These may not be passable for low-clearance vehicles. Until further notice, the main access road to Kokanee Glacier Park (via Kokanee Creek to Gibson Lake) may be actively used by industrial traffic between September 15 and June 15, Monday to Friday. Park visitors should be aware that this is a high elevation Park and that severe weather events can happen throughout all the seasons. Know Before You Go Persons visiting Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park are reminded that this park is a wilderness area without supplies or equipment of any kind. About This Park Park Size: 32,035 hectares Reservations Fishing Hiking

Chews Health – Session 11 – Treating Tendons with Seth O’Neill The Physio Matters Podcast Putting big mouths and big ideas behind microphones. The Physio Matters Podcast is a feature of Chews Health’s third core value ‘We Educate’. Episodes will feature expert, honest advice, delivered directly to listeners at no cost. The Physio Matters Podcast content hopes to be clinical gold delivered direct. |Subscribe on iTunes| Session 11 – Treating Tendons with Seth O’Neill Session 11 features an interview with popular session 6 guest, PhD candidate Seth O’Neill. Podcast Timeline: 0 – 2:25 – Introduction and Welcome back to the first returning guest! 02:25 – The International Scientific Tendon Symposium 2014 and what’s new in the tendon world 03:50 – What is load? 06:10 – Tendinopathy and compression – To stretch or not to stretch? 09:22 – The role of continuing rehab and prevention strategies for tendon health 12:20 – Treating the TA; its not just the tendon – Seth’s research and plantar flexion strength deficits – Combining isometric and isotonic exercises

Hiking and Backpacking - Nelson, Castlegar, Slocan, Kootenays, British Columbia Crowsnest Highway: The West Kootenays The historic Dewdney Trail ran between Hope, at the east end of the Fraser Valley in the Lower Mainland, and Wildhorse, near Creston in the East Kootenays. Although much of the original 4-foot (1.2-m) pathway that Edgar Dewdney blazed in 1865 has been neglected, it's still possible to hike portions of it that have been maintained between Christina Lake and Rossland. Dewdney was a young civilian surveyor who was originally hired by Colonial-Governor Douglas in 1860 to build a trail between Hope and the gold fields in the Okanagan Valley region. The BC Forest Service office in Grand Forks or in Nelson should be able to provide more information about this trail and others it maintains in this part of the West Kootenays, including the Old Glory Trail. Located in the Monashee Mountains on Hwy 3B just north of Rossland, the 20,000-acre (8100-hectare) Nancy Greene Provincial Park is noted for its alpine and Nordic skiing, especially at Red Mountain.

Sekcja Naukowa Psychoterapii | Polskie Towarzystwo Psychiatryczne. Zarząd SNP PTP powołany na Walnym Zebraniu Członków w dniu 23.04.2016 w Łodzi Przewodniczący: dr hab. Były Przewodniczący Zarządu: prof. Przyszły Przewodniczący Zarządu (Elekt): mgr Krzysztof Klajs Pozostali członkowie Zarządu: mgr Kazimierz Bierzyński dr n. med. Komisja Rewizyjna: mgr Jarosław Gliszczyński dr Krzysztof Ciepliński lek. med. Komisja Etyki: prof. dr hab. Redaktor Naczelny kwartalnika "Psychoterapia": dr hab. n. med. Zastępca Redaktora Naczelnego: mgr Kazimierz Bierzyński Sekretariat SNP PTP mgr Beata Krzyżanowska e-mail: adres: Sekcja Naukowa Psychoterapii Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychiatrycznego Katedra Psychiatrii Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego ul. dane do faktur: PTP Sekcja Naukowa Psychoterapii ul. Nadzwyczajne Walne Zebranie Członków SNP PTP, zwołane z inicjatywy Zarządu Sekcji Naukowej Psychoterapii w dniu 22.10.2017 roku, wybrało panią prof. dr hab. zostaje zastąpione następującym: Na posiedzeniu w dniu 18.02.2016 r. ul. ul.

How to Load a Backpack: Expert Advice from REI Loading a backpack is pretty simple. If possible, it's best to first load your backpack at home. You can spread out your gear on a clean floor, visually confirm you've got everything and feel less rushed as you load up. Use a checklist to ensure you've got everything you need. Still shopping for a backpack? The Basics of Pack Loading The Bottom of the Pack Virtually all backpacks have large openings at the top and are known as (ta-da!) Nearly every backpacker shoves his or her sleeping bag into the bottom of the pack. Any other needed-only-at-night items can go down low except a headlamp or flashlight. Tip: Try to keep your sleeping bag separated from anything that can transmit a fragrance. Some packs have a zippered opening at the bottom of the packbag, known as the sleeping bag compartment. The Pack's Core Your heaviest items should be placed 1) on top of your sleeping bag and 2) close to your spine. Carrying a hydration reservoir? If you prefer efficiency, insert it at home. Other Tips

WARZYWA I MAKARON Z WOKA. SZYBKI STIR FRY Szybkie obiady nie są moją domeną. Ja po prostu lubię posiedzieć w kuchni, pobrudzić się i leniwie kuchcić. Ale to też zasługa mojego trybu życia i pracy w domu. No dobra, są czasem takie dni, kiedy mi się po prostu nie chcę. Leniwie otwieram lodówkę lub z nadzieją szukam w zamrażarce mrożonych piegów od mamy. Tak zwany stir fry czyli mieszaj i smaż to najlepszy sposób na szybki obiad. Już jakiś czas mierzyłam się z kupnem woka. Wok też bardzo mi się podoba. - Całe naczynie długo trzyma ciepło oraz nagrzewa się równomiernie - Można w niem dusić potrawy nie ryzykując tego, że coś się przypali lub będzie za suche. - może nagrzać się do naprawdę wysokiej jak w woku temperatury- Potrawy trzymane w żeliwnym garnku pod przykryciem wolniej się studzą.- W żeliwnych patelniach można smażyć na minimalnej ilości tłuszczu- Żeliwo Staub nie wydziela absolutnie żadnych szkodliwych substancji- Są bardzo wytrzymałe ponoć mogą nam służyć całe życie! Dlatego gotuje mi się na nim bardzo dobrze. cebula sos:

What’s Killing the Great Forests of the American West? by Jim Robbins 15 Mar 2010: Report by jim robbins For many years, Diana Six, an entomologist at the University of Montana, planned her field season for the same two to three weeks in July. That’s when her quarry — tiny, black, mountain pine beetles — hatched from the tree they had just killed and swarmed to a new one to start their life cycle again. Now, says Six, the field rules have changed. Such shifts make it an exciting — and unsettling — time to be an entomologist. Photo by iStock Scientists say massive forest die-offs from tree-killing pests are a symptom of a larger problem: warming temperatures and increased stress caused by climate change. “A couple of degrees warmer could create multiple generations a year,” she said, as she chopped off a piece of bark on a dead lodgepole pine to show the galleries of burrowing larvae. One recent study collected reports of large-scale forest mortality from around the world. savanna in Australia, nearly a third of the trees were dead. MORE FROM YALE e360

Polskie prawo karne wobec uporczywego nękania innej osoby (stalkingu) - Numer 75 / 06.2011 - Policja 997 6 czerwca 2011 r. w polskim systemie prawnym pojawiło się nowe przestępstwo: tzw. stalking, definiowane jako uporczywe nękanie lub wzbudzanie uzasadnionego okolicznościami poczucia zagrożenia lub istotne naruszenie prywatności innej osoby lub osoby jej najbliższej. Wprowadziła je ustawa z 25 lutego 2011 r. o zmianie ustawy Kodeks karny, ogłoszona 5 kwietnia 2011 r. w Dzienniku Ustaw nr 72, pod pozycją 381. Zabronione zostało też podszywanie się pod inną osobę, wykorzystywanie jej wizerunku lub innych danych osobowych w celu wyrządzenia jej szkody majątkowej lub osobistej (o tym w następnym numerze – red.). Ściganie stalkingu nastąpi na wniosek pokrzywdzonego. Stalker zagrożony będzie karą pozbawienia wolności do lat trzech, chyba że w wyniku tego przestępstwa pokrzywdzony targnie się na własne życie. Art. 190a. § 1. Przedmiotem ochrony nowego przepisu, umieszczonego w rozdziale XXIII kodeksu karnego – Przestępstwa przeciwko wolności, jest przede wszystkim wolność człowieka. Przypisy:

Fire and Biodiversity in British Columbia by Ze’ev Gedalof Climate & Ecosystem Dynamics Research Lab University of Guelph The Concept of the Fire Regime Nearly the entire vegetation landscape of British Columbia is shaped by wildfire. The fire regime itself is a product of several interacting factors – generally categorized as top-down controls, and bottom-up controls. Bottom-up controls include those that are internal to the ecosystem – such as topography, soil texture, vegetation dynamics and insect outbreaks. Some controls are difficult to classify as either top-down or bottom-up, but have important effects on the fire regime. Alpha Diversity & Adaptations to Fire Alpha diversity, or the species richness at a given location, is influenced strongly by the unique fire history of the site. Resisters – These species have characteristics that allow them to survive fire intact. Avoiders – These species are adapted to conditions where fire is unlikely to occur. Beta Diversity & Landscape Heterogeneity Conclusions

A Clinician's Perspective Identifying Red Flags in Children Andrew Merget, DPT, SST, Cert. MDT Direct access gives the physical therapy profession a huge opportunity to be the primary assessor for all musculoskeletal care. As was the case of a 12-year old female patient seen in an outpatient clinic. As an MDT trained clinician, our assessment prior to treatment interventions will guide us on the nature of pain and the behavior of the patient’s problem. This 12-year old female patient with foot pain had several red flags to note in the history. The challenge I had with this patient was her young age. The telling moment of the physical examination was the effect of posture correction on her symptoms. The lumbar spine mechanical testing revealed no centralization or directional preference, but a relevant relationship to her foot symptoms. It is essential to give every patient an unbiased mechanical evaluation.
