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Selling Software and Services: A Short Guide to SaaS Marketing

Related:  Callbox Technology - Technology MarketingMarketing Tips and Tricks

5 Steps to Future-Proof Your Go-to Market Strategy for Cloud Services Here’s a number to think about: $1 trillion. That’s the amount of IT spending Gartner says the shift to the cloud will disrupt by 2020. Whether you’re launching your first cloud solution or expanding an existing cloud services portfolio, it’s vital that you nail down your go-to market (GTM) strategy well before the planned rollout. A GTM plan acts as your road map for taking a (small) bite out of the huge cloud services market. Now, there are tons of resources on how to build an effective go-to market strategy for cloud services, so we won’t be looking into that in this post. Instead, today’s entry talks about a simple 5-step process you can apply to make your GTM plan robust enough to withstand any road bumps you encounter along the way. Step 1: Make sure you’re looking at a trend, not just a blip. A go-to market strategy often starts by identifying relevant business drivers. You want business drivers that result from long-term trends, not random blips. The Takeaway Author: Judy Caroll

150+ Software/Tech Marketing Stats to Help You Plan for 2018 - Looking for solid stats to support your 2018 marketing plan? We’ve got you covered. Having ploughed through the mountain of software/tech marketing data available, we’ve compiled all the essential numbers in this free eBook. This eBook features over 150 data points hand-picked from more than 60 reputable whitepapers, slide-decks, industry reports, and other published materials. Overall StrategyContent MarketingEmail MarketingSocial MediaOrganic and Paid Search Other Channels/Strategies Get the free eBook now and start beefing up your 2018 marketing plan. Conversations to Conversions: A Rundown of the Top Email Writing Tips According to numbers by Ascend2, at least 82% of B2B and B2C companies are handling email marketing campaigns. And there are several reasons for this. For one, email continues to be an effective means of communicating a brand’s products and services owing to how well it can educate and ultimately convince prospects to make a purchase. In fact, a great deal of a company’s total revenue is due in part through email marketing campaigns – at least those that approach email writing with a keen eye for detail and, more importantly, a great deal of knowledge on what makes people respond to a message in their inboxes. Writing email copy may seem like a piece of cake to anyone outside the B2B world, but it actually involves a lot more effort and creativity. With that said, here are some writing tips to consider in your next email campaign. #1) Stellar Subject Lines First of all, let’s focus on that part of an email where the recipient sees first. And to tell you the truth, it’s not that easy.

Callbox Client Reviews What evidence can you share that demonstrates the impact of the engagement? Callbox has done an excellent job identifying potential leads. The number of leads they’ve been able to connect and build relationships on LinkedIn is quite good. Overall, Callbox’s leads are interested in our product. Both our prospects and sales team have been comfortable working with Callbox. We’re reaching out to multiple countries that have diverse requirements and approaches. How did Callbox perform from a project management standpoint? Callbox is good at project management. What did you find most impressive about them? Callbox’s professionalism, consistency, and reliability are impressive. Are there any areas they could improve? They can improve on their reporting and activity analysis. Do you have any advice for potential customers? Go in with a clear understanding of your expectations and goals.

5 Ways to Find the Right Buyers for your ERP Software March 12, 2015/0 Comments/in IT Lead Generation /by Barbara Mckinney In the IT industry, when selling enterprise resource planning or ERP software, you will need to focus your time and energy on marketing your product’s features to the right people. However, attracting the right buyers poses as much a challenge as providing sales with high quality B2B leads. In order to find ERP leads, you will need to understand a few simple things first before starting your IT lead generation campaign. Know what certain segments want What do businesses want in ERP software? Listen to what they’re talking about Use marketing intelligence to identify what IT buyers want the most from ERP software. Dig deeper: How to Communicate the Value of your VOIP Services and Increase IT Sales Stay social Social media platforms are also important for understanding potential clients. Dig deeper: How to Streamline your Social Media Platforms for Better Generation of IT leads Establish thought leadership

Lead Generation vs. Demand Generation. Which is Best for IT and Software Businesses? Which water is safer and healthier to drink? Canadian Living noted that tap water is the worst water type to drink. Chlorine treatment may kill unwanted bacteria in it but may contain lead or aluminum as it passes through extensive piping prior to coming out of the faucet. On the safe side of the list is Bottled water which is treated through distillation, reverse osmosis or ionized, and Charcoal filtration but which is also prone to bacteria breed when filters are not changed regularly. The course of IT and Software companies in choosing between Lead Generation and Demand Generation as to which best marketing strategy would work for their business seems turbid as the question which water type is best safe for drinking. However, competition mainly in the aspect of customer acquisition is getting stringy as (other) aggressive companies look for more prospecting options and bravely invest in the powers of advanced technologies to grab all the chances of dominating the market.

10 Affordable Marketing Ideas for Software Startups At the way things are going at the moment, people continue to look towards the IT industry for solutions in everyday life. Complex tasks have become simpler through automated systems and mobile applications. This is not to mention the fact that nearly all other areas of society depend on software and IT products to streamline routine processes. Nowhere has this been truer than in the B2B industry. But as the number of software and IT start-ups grow year by year, it has become a challenge for many smaller players to get themselves noticed by their target audiences. At any rate, B2B marketing remains to be a tough cookie to crack. Fortunately, there are numerous ways that start-ups can do to better promote their software products and services. Make use of referrals Nothing passes off more as an affordable marketing method than generating referrals from previous customers. Attend industry events Optimize your sites Do outreach on LinkedIn Grow your network No man is an island. Contribute

Blogging for IT Leads: Top Ways to Drive New Clients Solutions providers for IT institutions will get the most out of blogging. Not only because it is a fad among B2B companies wanting to identify, locate and sell to their target clients. Engaging one’s audience via blogging platforms such as WordPress also brings added benefits to the high quality IT leads it secures. Aaron Orendorff for the Content Marketing Institute wrote that blogging: Builds trust – Over and above TV advertisements, search-engine ads, and online banner ads, information in blogs is trusted by a whopping 81% of consumers. Improves your SEO – Companies that blog receive 97% more inbound links and 434% more indexed pages than a company without a blog. Boosts your traffic – Building a base of 21 to 54 articles boosts traffic by an estimated 30%. Generates leads – B2B bloggers generate 67% more leads over their non-blogging counterparts. Closes sales – 82% of companies that blog daily acquired a customer using their blogs, as opposed to 57% of marketers who blog only monthly.

Conversion Rate Optimization: Why Your Website Needs It? Take it from us, conversion rate optimization is not a digital marketing buzzword, and it’s probably an excellent time that we should start focusing a lot of our efforts around it. For some reason, there are times where we forget about CRO in favor of other optimizations. However, there is a lot that we can do today to improve our conversion rates. In this article, we will be exploring the different ways that we can improve our conversion rate optimization on our web properties and how we can get improved conversions by merely understanding CRO. What is Conversion Rate Optimization? To put it simply, conversion rate optimization – or CRO – is the process of analyzing the data that customers are leaving on your web property to find out how to improve the performance of your website. Think about it this way CRO is the process of optimizing your website to make sure that you can meet the wants and needs of your customers to get them to go onwards with the next part of the conversion journey.

Marketing Strategies from the World’s Top Performing Telecom Companies Making it big in your IT lead generation can be daunting. While it’s easy to draft specific goals for your organization, the hardest part is finding the right methods that strike a perfect balance in terms of quantity, quality and cost in acquiring telecom sales leads. In many cases however, some marketers nod at the notion that more spending means better results. Then again, the most successful telecom companies – notwithstanding their capability to fund expensive campaigns – remain the most frugal in creating the best techniques that attract a constant supply of quality telecom lead. Related Post: Three Ways to Lower your IT Lead Costs If finding that perfect balance means the world to you, consider following from these examples dispensed by three of the world’s best performing IT suppliers and service providers. Virgin Mobile’s focus on partnership and approachability Related Post: How to Get More B2B Leads for IT Services Diversified multichannel marketing as sweet as an Orange

5 Ways to Find the Right Buyers for your ERP Software In the IT industry, when selling enterprise resource planning or ERP software, you will need to focus your time and energy on marketing your product’s features to the right people. However, attracting the right buyers poses as much a challenge as providing sales with high quality B2B leads. This is usually reflected by how difficult it is to know what buyers want. In order to find ERP leads, you will need to understand a few simple things first before starting your IT lead generation campaign. Know what certain segments want What do businesses want in ERP software? Listen to what they’re talking about Use marketing intelligence to identify what IT buyers want the most from ERP software. Dig deeper: How to Communicate the Value of your VOIP Services and Increase IT Sales Stay social Social media platforms are also important for understanding potential clients. Dig deeper: How to Streamline your Social Media Platforms for Better Generation of IT leads Establish thought leadership
