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FlashJS - opensource HTML5 game engine with API similar to Flash one

FlashJS - opensource HTML5 game engine with API similar to Flash one

HTML5 Image Effects: Sepia 02.var canvas, ctx; 03.var imgObj; 11.var noise = 20; 13.function processSepia() { 15. var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); 17. for (var i=0; i <; i+=4) { 20.[i] = r[[i]]; 21.[i+1] = g[[i+1]]; 22.[i+2] = b[[i+2]]; 25. if (noise > 0) { 26. var noise = Math.round(noise - Math.random() * noise); 28. for(var j=0; j<3; j++){ 29. var iPN = noise +[i+j]; 30.[i+j] = (iPN > 255) ? 36. ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); 39. 42. canvas = document.getElementById('source'); 43. ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); 46. imgObj = new Image(); 47. imgObj.onload = function () { 50. ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0, this.width, this.height, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); 52. imgObj.src="images/pic1.jpg"; 55. var iCur = 1; 56. 57. iCur++; 58. if (iCur > 6) iCur = 1; 59. imgObj.src="images/pic" + iCur + '.jpg'; 61. 62. processSepia(); 64. 65.

66+ Open Source JavaScript Game Engine for Serious Developers Javascript is not only welcomed by the web developer or designers, but also more and more mobile device(Such iPad, iPhone, Android etc) oriented developers, we can easily build many amazing games with HTML(5) + Javascript + CSS. Below is a list of JavaScript Game Engine for serious developers, include general, 3D, Animation, Canvas, Math, Color, Sound, WebGL etc. Hope they will be helpful for your work! 1. General JS Game Engine Akihabara Akihabara is a set of libraries, tools and presets to create pixelated indie-style 8/16-bit era games in Javascript that runs in your browser without any Flash plugin, making use of a small small small subset of the HTML5 features, that are actually available on many modern browsers. bdge BDGE is a game engine written in Javascript that uses HTML5 Canvas and Audio to create in-browser games. Canvex: FPS game engine Cocos2D Cocos2d-javascript is a 2D game/graphics engine based on cocos2d-iphone but designed to run in the web browser. Crafty Diggy FlixelJS GameJS

Game Editor - the game design software for anyone interested in game developing. Mac OS X Lion with CSS3 Hello everyone and Happy New Year to all, lately i’ve been busy and so i haven’t time to write here, i hope that by this experiment to be pardoned :). I wanted to create with only use of CSS3 the boot, the login page and finally the desktop of the Mac OS X Lion. This is the first release and as you will see not everything is fully functional and at least as regards the desktop. In the next release i will implement new icons and new features while we examine what we have today. Boot This is simply the Mac OS X Lion boot. Login This section mainly consists of a clock, two images (logos and avatars user name), two backgrounds and a password input field. Thanks to the :target pseudo-class can be passed from one section to another. The animation of password error is connected via javascript but the animation is created using CSS3. Desktop Finally here we have in our desktop. For the rest is all CSS3 excluding the background image and icons. About this Project Modern Browser Supported HTML5 and CSS3

GameJs GreenSock | Homepage How to optimize your CSS Keeping your CSS files small and organized is very important, especially if you’re going to spend any time editing your site in the future, (or if others are gonna be using the code i.e. clients). Helpfully, there are a number of different techniques which can be utilized to aid organization and size of your CSS files in order to make them more streamline. Having more streamlined CSS will save you time and stress in the long run so it’s important to get it right. Firstly, keeping a single stylesheet, normally named style.css, is a good place to start in the organization of your CSS. Code in Style In order to keep your CSS files more streamline it is important to start by using a good code editor, such as TextWrangler on Mac, or Notepad++ on Windows. To further streamline your CSS files it is a good idea to establish a set layout that is used throughout all your CSS stylesheets. By following this commonly used technique your stylesheet will be more organized and easier to code. CSS Comments

gameQuery - a javascript game engine with jQuery Top game making tutorials Beginner's guide to Construct 2 Well done for choosing Construct 2! Let's get started making your first HTML5 game. How to make a Platform game Construct 2 can make all kinds of 2D games. 26th, January 2012 | byAshley Supporting multiple screen sizes Virtually every game has to work on a different sized screen. 29th, October 2011 | byAshley 6 Steps to Play with Players' Minds Open your mind, but be CAREFUL! Delta-time and framerate independence Framerate independent games are games that run at the same speed, no matter the framerate. 10th, October 2011 | byAshley An HTML 5 Navigation Screen - Paul Sheriff's Blog for the Real World Like many people today, we are exploring HTML 5 for use in web applications. While not really ready for prime-time on its own at this point, it can definitely be used in combination with tools like Modernizr ( One of the first things you might do is create a home page with a simple navigation system on it. This blog post will show you one way to accomplish this. Navigation Figure 1 shows an example of a home screen and a navigation system. While there were ways to accomplish drop shadows, rounded corners and gradients prior to CSS 3 and HTML 5, it was not always easy for developers to do so. Figure 1: A navigation system in HTML 5 can be surrounded with <nav> tags. Listing 1 shows the complete HTML for the navigation screen shown in Figure 1. Listing 1: The HTML for the default page of your web application. The <nav> element is nothing more than a semantic markup used to group links together to make up your main navigation area. Summary

kesiev/akihabara Tutorial: Building A Game In Edge Animate (Offender) Introduction: I’ve decided to build this first Tetrageddon Games “mini-game” tutorial, Offender, in Adobe Edge Animate because the program is still very new, and there isn’t much out there on it in terms of game development. I think this will make a great “getting started” resource for newcomers, as well as demonstrate the capabilities of Edge Animate. In this tutorial I hope to offer a solid example of building a game with the program. This is the first part of a series discussing HTML5 game development. * DOWNLOAD the source files here: * Play the finished game here: Offender HTML * Visit the website for it here: Note, Edge Animate is being used in some game projects already. * Space Invaders RPG. * Adobe’s Episode 10: Controllable characters in an interactive environment * Create animated game HUD with Adobe Edge Animate and Coherent UI (Part 1) In terms of HTML5 game development, there are many frameworks out there for making HTML5 games.
