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Nassim Haramein - Sacred Geometry & Unified Fields

Nassim Haramein - Sacred Geometry & Unified Fields

Introduction to the Ascended Master Teachings An Ascended Master is an individual who by Self Conscious effort has generated enough Love and Power within himself to snap the chains of all human limitation, and so stands free and worthy to be entrusted with the use of forces beyond those of human experience. He realizes himself to be the Oneness of Omnipresent God – “Life.” Hence, all forces and things obey his command because he is a Self-Conscious Being of free will, controlling all by the manipulation of the Light within Himself. The Ascended Masters have all been where we are today, have faced the same challenges, and have mastered them by mastering themselves, for all Attainment comes from within out. As unascended men and women, they did not seclude themselves from the world, but lived at the very center of the events of their day. The Host of Ascended Masters are tangible Beings of Great Light! These Glorious Beings, who guard and help the evolving human race, are called the Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection.

Secret Teachings of All Ages: Preface Sacred Texts Esoteric Index Previous Next p. 5 NUMEROUS volumes have been written as commentaries upon the secret systems of philosophy existing in the ancient world, but the ageless truths of life, like many of the earth's greatest thinkers, have usually been clothed in shabby garments. Work upon the text of this volume was begun the first day of January, 1926, and has continued almost uninterruptedly for over two years. I make no claim for either the infallibility or the originality of any statement herein contained. Having no particular ism of my own to promulgate, I have not attempted to twist the original writings to substantiate preconceived notions, nor have I distorted doctrines in any effort to reconcile the irreconcilable differences present in the various systems of religio-philosophic thought. The entire theory of the book is diametrically opposed to the modern method of thinking, for it is concerned with subjects openly ridiculed by the sophists of the twentieth century. p. 6

12 Signs of Spiritual Awakening | Joe Eigo Enlightened Warrior VORTEX By Geoffrey Hoppe and Tobias 1. Body aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulder and back. the result of intense changes at your DNA level as the “Christ seed” awakens within. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. drama for yourself or other. Like this: Like Loading... My mission is to awaken humanity, create an enlightened society and heal the world. Ars Floreat - downloads Hieronder kunt u gratis enkele teksten downloaden, uitsluitend voor persoonlijk gebruik. Commercieel gebruik van deze teksten is niet toegestaan. Evenmin is het toegestaan de teksten te wijzigen, bewerken, geheel of gedeeltelijk te publiceren, of anderszins te vermenigvuldigen. Toegestaan is het kopiëren en printen van citaten of tekstgedeelten voor studie- en discussiedoeleinden. Voor een volledige lijst van pdf downloads op deze site zie: lijst © Copyright 2003-2012 - Stichting Ars Floreat - Amsterdam U kunt een boek downloaden door met de rechter muisknop de betreffende link of afbeelding aan te klikken en te kiezen voor "Save Target As...". De teksten zijn in pdf-formaat. Voor hulp bij het downloaden en installeren van de Reader zie: hulp NB: Met de Adobe Reader kunt u de pagina's vergroot weergeven en desgewenst ook vergroot uitprinten.

Secrets In Plain Sight Sean Gourley — thoughts from the intersection of science, technology and politics Audio & Video De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep maakt gebruik van cookies. We maken een onderscheid tussen functionele cookies en cookies voor het beheer van webstatistieken, advertenties en social media. De cookies bevatten geen persoonsgegevens en zijn dus niet tot een individu te herleiden. Met de cookies voor advertenties en social media worden mogelijk door derden gegevens verzameld buiten de websites van de Nederlandse Publieke Omroep. Bij instellingen kun je aangeven deze cookies niet te accepteren. Waarom cookies? De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep maakt gebruik van cookies. Klik hier voor meer informatie over cookies en een overzicht van de sites waar je toestemming voor geldt. Cookie instellingen aanpassen? De cookie instellingen voor de websites van de Nederlandse Publieke Omroep zijn te allen tijde te wijzigen. Cookie-instellingen aanpassenAkkoord

Lynn Margulis Lynn Margulis (born Lynn Alexander;[1] March 5, 1938 – November 22, 2011)[2] was an American biologist and University Professor in the Department of Geosciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.[1][3] She developed a theory of the origin of eukaryotic organelles, and contributed to the endosymbiotic theory, which is now generally accepted for how certain organelles were formed. She showed that animals, plants, and fungi all originated from Protists. She is also associated with the Gaia hypothesis, based on an idea developed by the English environmental scientist James Lovelock. Research[edit] Endosymbiosis theory[edit] Lynn Margulis attended the University of Chicago, earned a master's degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1960, and received her Ph.D. in 1963 in the faculty of Biological Sciences from UC Berkeley in Botany. In 1995, prominent evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins had this to say about Lynn Margulis and her work: [edit]

ICECAP TheOwlMan The mysterious and ever popular "Illuminati Minidocumentary"! (New World Order,Secret Societies,Freemasons,Occult Symbolism...etc)... FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (The Answers) *By "The Driver"! *I KNOW that the so-called "UFO" is fake (From the "Sci-Fi Channel"),that is kinda the point,but there isn't alot of "Cosmic Top Secret Classified" footage of REAL military "Spy Drones" lying To see "atleast" one REAL top secret military spy drone,see my film: "Alex Jones on UFOs,Aliens,and Project Blue Beam" *By "Religion"...Is meant something like this... "Religion" is man trying to reach out to God...God sending his only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) into this world to save us,is God trying to reach out to man... And now THE most frequently asked questions... *The Music is called: "Clubbed To Death"...It is by: Rob Dougan...It is from the film "The Matrix"... We may NEVER know "The Author" (Producer)...For now,it will remain a MYSTERY...
