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3 Reasons to Travel While You're Young

3 Reasons to Travel While You're Young

100 Healthy Study Snacks You Should Reach For Instead November 16th, 2010 Studying can be hard work, and you’ll need some serious brain fuel to get you through acing that exam and breezing through getting your degree. Yet the foods many students reach for when they’re deep in a study session are often not only unhealthy, but not exactly ideal choices for energy, concentration and boosting your brainpower. Instead of Potato Chips Those crispy taters are delicious, but these snacks are healthier and pack more of a nutritional punch. Popcorn. Instead of Unhealthy Dips and Spreads Just because you’re not loading stuff up with heaps of Cheese Whiz and ranch dressing doesn’t mean you have to go without. Salsa. Instead of Pre-Packaged, Processed Snacks These snacks may be convenient, but they’re often packed with sodium, sugar and a wide range of chemicals. Cheese. Instead of Candy If you’ve got a sweet tooth, there are healthier places to turn than an economy sized bag of gummy bears. Fruit Salad. Instead of Soda Water. Instead of Ice Cream

Myriam Lefebvre: Désolée, j'avais la tête en Erasmus! Ce billet est dédié à toutes les personnes qui sont parties en échange étudiant et pour qui, le cœur est resté accroché quelque part...à l'autre bout du monde! Alors que le programme d'échange étudiant européen Erasmus célébrait vendredi dernier ses 25 ans d'existence, l'idée m'est venue de mettre sur papier quelques mots sur l'esprit de cette aventure estudiantine, qui pour certains, se veut la révélation de leur être, la redéfinition de leur personnalité ou encore, la découverte d'une passion pour le monde. Lorsque j'ai appris que j'allais partir étudier aux Pays-Bas, je savais que c'était pour le mieux. Je savais que j'en reviendrais changée. Mais comment? Partir à l'étranger, c'est... Comme j'étais la seule Québécoise à étudier à La Haye à ce moment, j'étais moi-même source de nombreux constats de différence. À l'étranger, les étudiants voient tant de choses, leurs yeux pétillent en continu. Revenir de cet étranger qui ne l'est plus, c'est... Finalement...

Moon For Sale: A Confession When I was young, I thought that I would be able to breathe underwater. Water was, to me, just a thin film that covered an area of air, until I decided to fill my bathroom sink with water. In the end, I ended up inhaling water and figured out that water takes up space and is not just a thin film that sat above air. When I was a bit older living in California, I held on to the side of a swimming pool and took a lap around the pool until my hands slipped and I fell into the deep end and when I woke up, I was on the floor beside the pool coughing up water. I am scared of swimming. I am not afraid of eating alone. I have been in fights. Writing is a way for me to forget that I exist even if I write about myself. I know more about Chinese history than I do about Korean history. I love you. Tagged Atomic Bomb, Bolano, Breathing under water, China, Confessions, Death, Drowning, Fear, growing up, Hemingway, Life, loxe-sex, north korea, NYU, Poe, Uncategorized, Westchester

Top 10 des personnes exaspérantes pour l’expatrié fraîchement de retour au pays natal. Le retour au bercail quand on est expatrié depuis plusieurs mois peut être un peu fatiguant, notamment au début. Et force est de reconnaître que certains personnages ne vous aident pas beaucoup à mettre rapidement derrière vous les difficultés des premières semaines. Top 7 de ces individus qui, par leur maladresse ou leur caractère, vous font un peu regretter d’être rentré. Celui qui vous donne des nouvelles du front "T'as su qu'on a changé de président?" Merde, non, je suis passé complètement à côté! Et vous, quels sont les gens qui vous ont le plus agacé lors de votre retour d’expatriation ? A palliative nurse has recorded the top five regrets of the dying. Photograph: Montgomery Martin/Alamy There was no mention of more sex or bungee jumps. A palliative nurse who has counselled the dying in their last days has revealed the most common regrets we have at the end of our lives. And among the top, from men in particular, is 'I wish I hadn't worked so hard'. Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse who spent several years working in palliative care, caring for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives. Ware writes of the phenomenal clarity of vision that people gain at the end of their lives, and how we might learn from their wisdom. Here are the top five regrets of the dying, as witnessed by Ware: 1. "This was the most common regret of all. 2. "This came from every male patient that I nursed. 3. "Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. 4. 5. "This is a surprisingly common one.

Facts That Will Make You Want To Travel Soraya Chemaly: 10 Reasons the Rest of the World Thinks the U.S. Is Nuts This week the Georgia State Legislature debated a bill in the House that would make it necessary for some women to carry stillborn or dying fetuses until they "naturally" go into labor. In arguing for this bill Representative Terry England described his empathy for pregnant cows and pigs in the same situation. I have a question for Terry England, Sam Brownback, Rick Santorum, Rick Perry and too many others: I have three daughters, two of them twins. If one of my twins had been stillborn would you have made me carry her to term, thereby endangering both the other twin and me? Mr. The right to life. Mr. My human rights outweigh any you or the state corruptly and cynically seek to assign to a mass of dividing cells that will eventually turn into a "natural" person. Just because you cannot get pregnant does not mean I cannot think clearly, ethically, morally, rationally about my body, human life or the consequences of my actions. By not trusting me, you force me to trust you. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Nostalgia For Everything December 21, 1992|By ANDREI CODRESCU This time of the year for some reason I get filled with nostalgia like a Jules Verne balloon. I'm like Marcel Proust who smelled a cookie and couldn't stop remembering. Wood fires are my cookie. I remember sitting on the step of the Santa Maria Maggiore cathedral in Rome in 1965 eating an apple while everything turned to nostalgic gold around me. I sat in a steamy cafe by the Spanish Steps later with a bitter hot espresso looking wistfully on the fashions of the year 1965, miniskirts and polka dots, and feeling so terribly young and alone. I remember the wind whistling with snowflakes in it down Woodward Avenue in Detroit as I looked for a warm place to sit and contemplate the future year 1967, for which I already felt nostalgic though it hadn't even happened. I remember the back porch of Gabriel's hilltop apartment in San Francisco in 1970 looking on a pastel blue and gold city and wondering where winter was. I remember late fall, early winter at the Mt.
