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More Than Facebook: The Time Is Right For Social Business

More Than Facebook: The Time Is Right For Social Business

Etude ifop : Facebook est le réseau social le plus fréquenté par les Français | Dossier Depuis l’année 2007, l’ifop, un des pionniers et l’un des leaders sur le marché des sondages d’opinion et des études marketing, propose un observatoire des réseaux sociaux. Basé sur un panel de 2080 internautes, il a permis d’étudier la notoriété de 35 réseaux sociaux (Google+ à notamment été ajouté à l’étude comparé à 2010) ou encore l’appartenance des internautes Français à ceux-ci. Pour ce qui est de la notoriété, Facebook et Youtube, respectivement 1er et 2ème, gardent les mêmes places qu’en 2010 (Facebook gagne tout de même un point pour atteindre 95% de notoriété, Youtube reste à 92 points.). A la 3ème place on retrouve Twitter qui gagne 5 points et atteint désormais 85% de notoriété ! Il prend donc la place du réseau Copain d’Avant. A noter aussi que les progressions de notoriété les plus importantes sont celles de Badoo (34%, +11 points) et LinkedIn (25%, +11 points). Pour le classement de l’appartenance, le podium reste inchangé mais l’odre change !

10 Twitter Marketing Strategies and Tactics by deep on September 9th, 2011 Twitter is one of the simplest forms of social networking platform which is formed around a context of 140 Characters. In twitter, users have a basic profile and an ability to update a text with maximum 140 characters and upload pictures. User can follow other users or curated list which bundles interesting users in one list. In terms of business usages, twitter has been exploited in many ways which even the founders of Twitter would not have imagined. So how do you get to be an influential twitter user from scratch? Some of the basic and important Strategies and Tactics are: 1. The first step is to choose an appropriate Twitter Handle and understand the basic lingo of Twitter such as RT, ReTweet, Direct Message, List, Hashtags and Mentions. 2. Building credibility is the utmost important thing in Twitter because there are thousands of spam account and noise in the platform. 3. Goals are important because they give direction to your strategies. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

8 Handy, Beautiful Social Media Tips From Grandma [PICS] Move over Sophia Petrillo, there's a new Golden Girl in town sharing her timeless advice on how to act on various social networks and Internet hangouts. Props to Chacho Puebla and his latest project, Grandmother Tips, a humorous collection of tips our grandmothers never taught us, but we might share with our grandchildren. The typography series features Puebla's great aunt holding signs with bold, beautiful type, bestowing words of wisdom for a new generation, since the times they are a-changin'. There are many bloggers and brands that just leap onto Twitter, setup an account and start tweeting. This random approach is fine if you are a person that is doing tweeting for fun and you want to share your rambling rantings to any Joe that wants to leap into your stream and share sweet nothings. Don’t be blinded by the shiny new Twitter tool, it needs to be used wisely and if you put in place a planned strategy it will deliver results that will delight and amaze. The principles of a coherent marketing strategy should not be discarded because social media mania has turned your brain to mush. Twitter in the right hands with the right plan and approach is a very sharp marketing tool. Twitter is the Perfect Marketing Channel for Bloggers Top bloggers have now realized that Twitter is a very effective and highly leveraged social media marketing platform to engage with a highly targeted audience and a channel that drives traffic and adds to and enhances their current marketing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Du bon usage des ressources clés dans la collaboration Résumé : l’organisation de demain sera connectée et communicante. C’est un élément de performance dans l’économie du savoir. Mais la communication et l’échange, éléments de base de la collaboration, nécessitent un émetteur et un récepteur qui mobilisent l’attention de l’un (volontairement) et de l’autre (involontairement car on ne décide pas des sollicitations qu’on reçoit). Or l’attention, plus que le temps, est la ressource productive rare dont il faut optimiser l’utilisation. Quel que soit la manière de travailler choisie, verticale, en réseau, push, pull etc. on trouve toujours la même constante légitime : optimiser l’utilisation des ressources. Traditionnellement on considère que dans cette perspective productiviste le facteur limitant est le temps. L’attention est la ressource rare dont l’utilisation doit être optimisée. Or on sait que personne n’est capable d’être en mode « attention » 8h/jour, et en tout cas pas de manière continue. Et puis il y a la maitrise du facteur humain.

16 Things People Really Hate About Your Email Marketing Have you ever been forced to duke it out with a company just to get off of their email list? What about insist that you never opted in to someone's email communications in the first place? Or maybe you did opt in once upon a time, but the messages are so poorly targeted and infrequently sent you'd have no way of remembering your relationship with that company in the first place. These days, we'd be hard pressed to find someone who hasn't melted down into an unproductive diatribe with sloppy email marketers who fill our inboxes with unsolicited, random, and irrelevant messages. And I know none of us want to be guilty of such behavior! 1) Emailing People Who Didn't Opt In The first rule of email marketing is only email people who have opted in. And if none of that makes you bat an eye, consider your brand's likability. 2) Making Unsubscribing Difficult No matter how amazing your email marketing is, some people are going to want to unsubscribe. 3) Not Honoring Unsubscribes "Hello Mike!

Quels Sont Les Statuts Facebook Qui Favorisent L’engagement Savez-vous quels sont les types de statuts Facebook qui obtiennent le meilleur taux d’engagement ? C’est une question à laquelle répond SocialBakers dans sa dernière étude en y présentant les statuts Facebook qui favorisent le plus de commentaires et de J’aime. Socialbakers a étudié les 100 premières Pages sur Facebook pour en extraire deux données principales : les types de statuts qui sont le plus publiés les statuts les plus qualitatifs en terme d’engagement 1. Statuts les plus publiés 2. Que peut-on en retenir ? Bien que les statuts comportant des liens représentent les publications les plus utilisées, ils sont aussi ceux qui favorisent le moins l’engagement. Les statuts qui reçoivent le plus de « j’aime » et de commentaires sont les albums suivis par les publications qui ne comprennent aucun élément multimédia puis les vidéos, les évènements, les photos et les liens. Il est intéressant de voir que les albums obtiennent un meilleur taux d’engagement que les photos isolées.

Mashable Mashable (Mashable Inc.) es un blog de noticias de Internet, fundado por Pete Cashmore en julio de 2005. Con un ranking de tráfico de 346 (170 a nivel de Estados Unidos), según Alexa,[2] se ubica como uno de los blogs más importantes en Internet. Mashable trata regularmente temas relacionados con las redes sociales, tales como YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter, MySpace, asì como sobre empresas tecnológicas (como Apple), aunque también informa sobre sitios y redes sociales de perfil más bajo.[1] Mashable es popular en muchas redes sociales. Según lo publicado en su homepage, para diciembre de 2011, tenía más de 2,6 millones de seguidores en Twitter, más de 730.000 seguidores en Facebook y más de 572.000 suscriptores de RSS.[3] Véase también[editar] Referencias[editar] Enlaces externos[editar]

Six Social Media Trends for 2012 - David Armano by David Armano | 10:25 AM December 12, 2011 Each year at this time, I look forward and predict trends in social media for the coming year. But first, I look back at my predictions from last year. How’d I do? Not bad. Social media continues to move forward toward business integration, a trend that I identified last year. I was also partially accurate in predicting that Google would “strike back” in 2011. I had one big swing-and-miss on Facebook’s intrusion in the location-based services war. So what can we expect in 2012 in a world that seems to grow ever connected by the hour? Convergence Emergence. The Cult of Influence. Gamification Nation. Social Sharing. Social Television. The Micro Economy. These are a few emerging trends which come to mind.

Cuantificando objetivos del Social media a traves de las KPI's Las KPI, o Key Performance Indicators son los indicadores clave de rendimiento, necesarios para cuantificar objetivos. Podemos considerarlos como las pautas de control que sirven para diagnosticar si la estrategia que seguimos es la idónea, si funciona correctamente, o qué aspectos son susceptibles de modificar. Los KPI's son aplicables a muchos ámbitos de la estrategia empresarial; generalmente se utilizan para cuantificar el rendimiento de actividades que no son fácilmente medibles. Es imprescindible contar con una adecuada lista de KPI bien definidos. Específicos (Specific): Los KPI deben ser específicos y concretos, no sirven objetivos generalistas ni teóricos. Medibles (Measurable): Perfectamente medibles. Alcanzables (Achievable): Tienen que ser alcanzables. Relevantes (Relevant): Es fundamental establecer parámetros relevantes para la empresa. A tiempo (Timely): Deben ser indicadores medibles en tiempo real. ¿Qué KPi’s utilizas en tu estrategia de Social Media?

3 Reasons Why You Can't Neglect Socializing in Person I’m a 30-year-old writer who works from home and thrives on the neat things you can do with technology. I’ve written books about smartphones and online social networks, and I’m reading things all day. But perhaps the most idea-generating part of my workweek is attending a knitting circle. I’m pretty sure at least a half-dozen other web professionals feel the same way, and you might as well. Not a traditional knitting circle, mind you, but it’s the same kind of idea. Left to our base instincts, we'd all probably spend that scheduled time, like most of our time, in front of a screen. That’s just dandy for me. You need a real Third Place The Third Place is a concept of Ray Oldenburg, urban sociologist and author of The Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Bars, Hair Salons, and Other Hangouts at the Heart of a Community. Oldenburg published his major books on the Third Place in 1999 and 2002. You need to argue your ideas more You’ll do better work [Image: Flickr user hellobo]
