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Redirecting Introduction to the Rex PackageSummary of RexUsing Rex in Your ProgramDownload Rex and Put It on Your ClasspathImport Rex Into Your CodeRex Basics: Literal Patterns and the Match and Occurs OperatorsBuilding Rex PatternsRex Literals Character ClassesBasic Ways to Define Character Classes.Predefined Character ClassesCharacter Class ExtensionsNegated Character ClassesCharacter Class Instersection and SubtractionRepetition OperatorsRepetition Operator BasicsRepetition StrategiesThe Optional OperatorConcatenation OperatorsConvenience Concatenation OperatorsThe Alternation OperatorLookahead and Lookback AssertionsNegative Lookahead/Lookback AssertionsRestrictions on Lookahead/Lookback AssertionsBack-ReferencesFlagsProcessing Text with Rex PatternsExtracting Sections of Input Using Named PatternsAvoiding Name Clashes with Hierarchical NamesProcessing All Matches in an Input StringSimple String ReplacementThe Tokenizer Class Rex has several goals: ! A *! A *! A.! A.! M ! M ! Rex Literals ! "a" *> 3 !

Liftweb setup in 10 minutes - IDE and project configuration Scala is one of the coolest programming languages out there and Lift is a revolutionary web framework that really leverages many scala features. But it can be daunting at the beginning, even just getting your workspace setup. In this article I will go through the basic setup of your IDE, it really takes a few minutes! Even though I've always been an Eclipse person I'm using IDEA IntelliJ with Scala cause I think is way superior. First step is to create the project and for that we will use lift maven archetype. 1.mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb 2. 3. 4. 6. You can also create a JPA based project running the same command with 1.archetypeArtifactId=lift-archetype-jpa-basic_2.8.1 You already have a full liftweb project! Next open IntelliJ and install the scala plugin. Now go to the plugins, pick scala right click "Download and Install" and once done restart the IDE. You should be able to see your code with syntax highlights and navigate through the classes already. 20. 22.

razie/scripster - GitHub Pointing out the obvious: Scala Pitfalls: Trait Bloat Those of you following the active development of the Scala programming language may have noticed interesting Subversion commits today (r25962-25964) claiming to reduce the size of scala-library.jar by about 1.5MB. That's no small amount for a library that was creeping up on 9MB as of Scala 2.9.x, yet zero functionality was lost. So I bet you're wondering: how was this possible, and why is it important? Friends of mine know that I've been really picking up on Scala lately because, as a person who comes from a very heavy imperative/object-oriented programming background, I find it to be a good hybrid language that offers both clean OO and functional programming constructs. Try as I might, I doubt I'll ever bring myself to appreciate the Lisp-derived languages, so when weighing Scala vs., for instance, Clojure, I found the superior OO support in Scala to be the aspect that put it over the top. One aspect of Scala's OO concepts harkens back to my days of heavy C++ development.

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