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Thomas Barnett draws a new map for peace

Thomas Barnett draws a new map for peace

Will Potter: The secret US prisons you've never heard of before | TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript Father Daniel Berrigan once said that "writing about prisonersis a little like writing about the dead."I think what he meant is that we treat prisoners as ghosts.They're unseen and unheard.It's easy to simply ignore themand it's even easier when the government goes to great lengths to keep them hidden. As a journalist, I think these storiesof what people in power do when no one is watching,are precisely the stories that we need to tell.That's why I began investigatingthe most secretive and experimental prison units in the United States,for so-called "second-tier" terrorists.The government calls these units Communications Management Units or CMUs.Prisoners and guards call them "Little Guantanamo."They are islands unto themselves.But unlike Gitmo they exist right here, at home,floating within larger federal prisons. There's an estimated 60 to 70 prisoners here,and they're overwhelmingly Muslim.They include people like Dr. So, why was he moved? (Laughter) For the record, I'm not. Thank you.

Guerra Fría: OTAN. Pacto Varsovia. Misiles en Cuba - Historia Recordando el video anterior, nos ubicamos en 1961, año en el que se creó el muro de Berlín. Éste, había sido construido, con la idea de que los alemanes orientales, bajo el régimen de la República Democrática, no pasaran hacia el lado Occidental. Y de esta forma, el muro, dividió físicamente a Alemania en dos partes. Con la idea de crear una fortaleza política económica, por separado, uno del otro, se crean diferentes pactos y tratados. Uno de ellos, fue lo que se conoce como OTAN (Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte). Por otro lado, en 1955, se crea el pacto de Varsovia. Otro de los que se va a estudiar, es la guerra de Corea Otro suceso relevante, dentro de la guerra fría, fue lo que se conoció como: Crisis de los misiles, en Cuba. En 1959, la revolución comunista de Cuba, deja como líder político de ese país, a Fidel Castro. En el próximo video, veremos qué sigue sucediendo con la guerra fría.

Exploring openness in radical video: Jason Silva at TEDGlobal2012 Photo: James Duncan Davidson Jason Silva is a “performance philosopher” driven by the concept of awe. Inspired by Buckminster Fuller and Timothy Leary, his background of film and philosophy has given him the tools to create movie trailers for ideas — what he calls “philosophical shots of espresso.” In terms of his videos, their aesthetics, music and presentation all matter — because Jason believes we want to be transformed.

TEDBlog: Thomas Barnett's bracing talk on the future of war Global Issues Last night in the TED office: War Stories War isn’t easy to talk about. TED’s Juliet Blake knows this first-hand — she is the daughter of German Jews who never spoke about the war that wiped out so many members of their family. Live from TEDGlobal 2013 Making peace is a marathon: May El-Khalil at TEDGlobal 2013 The founder of the Beirut Marathon, May El-Khalil tells us how personal tragedy led her to create a peaceful haven in her all-too-often war-torn country. Psilocybin, the Drug in Magic Mushrooms, Lifts Mood and Increases Compassion Over the Long Term - - TIME Healthland - StumbleUpon The psychedelic drug in magic mushrooms may have lasting medical and spiritual benefits, according to new research from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. The mushroom-derived hallucinogen, called psilocybin, is known to trigger transformative spiritual states, but at high doses it can also result in “bad trips” marked by terror and panic. The trick is to get the dose just right, which the Johns Hopkins researchers report having accomplished. In their study, the Hopkins scientists were able to reliably induce transcendental experiences in volunteers, which offered long-lasting psychological growth and helped people find peace in their lives — without the negative effects. (PHOTOS: Inside Colorado’s Marijuana Industry) “The important point here is that we found the sweet spot where we can optimize the positive persistent effects and avoid some of the fear and anxiety that can occur and can be quite disruptive,” says lead author Roland Griffiths, professor of behavioral biology at Hopkins.

Guerra de Vietnam - Historia La Guerra de Vietnam, fue un reflejo de la Guerra Fría (1946-1991), donde se enfrentaban, Estados Unidos y la URSS (capitalismo, contra comunismo). Este conflicto bélico, comienza en 1964 y se da entre, La Republica de Vietnam (Vietnam del Sur) y la República Democrática de Vietnam (Vietnam del Norte), prolongándose, hasta incluso 1975. Decimos, que se trata de un reflejo, de la Guerra Fría, ya que es Estados Unidos, quien apoya a Vietnam del Sur y la URSS, a Vietnam del Norte. Una vez finalizada, la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Indochina había quedado dividida, en la región del Norte, liderada por Ho Chi Minh, donde la influencia preponderante era la China y, por otro lado la región del sur, con influencia inglesa. Ho Chi Minh, era el líder del movimiento de liberación, Vietminh, fundado en 1941. En 1945, proclama la independencia, de Vietnam del Norte, apoyado por China y la URSS. La Guerra, continua activa hasta 1973, donde Estados Unidos, es derrotado, con graves consecuencias.

Thrive: What on Earth Will It Take? | Watch Free Documentary Online Thrive: What on Earth Will It Take? THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future. We are at a critical turning point in human history. The path we are on is leading toward a global police state. We must change direction, but how? This also is the place to discover what you can do to bring about change. If each of us uses our unique gifts, and we collaborate with others, we can create the world we want to live in. Report: Thrive: What on Earth Will It Take? Processing your request, Please wait.... Share: Thrive: What on Earth Will It Take? Related Documentaries From The Web

Flit(tm): An Interview With Dr. Barnett An Interview With Dr. Barnett Dr. And now, Flit(TM)'s inaugural interview. 1. A: It's a question of mix. 2. A: Bush's side has gotten it more up to now in terms of bold action and revamping the national security establishment in the direction it needs to go. 3. A: So long as the WTO Doha Rounds continue, I see enough give in the system. 4. A: Kyoto was a dose of our own medicine. 5. A: No, I do not. 6. A: States still make sense in the Core now, despite the growth in supranational organizations. 7. A: The progress gets measured in decades, and the growth of the Gap will most likely come,as it has in the past, in great spasms or "waves of democracy." 8. A: Great question. The UN has become, for all practical purposes, the venue for Gap states to complain to the Core. 9. A: The historical analogy we need to remember is taming the Wild West, not the British Empire. 10. A: My advice tends to be: read the Wall Street Journal and look for economic inevitabilities that cannot be ignored.

2012: Time for Change IT Conversations: Thomas Barnett - Emerging Worldviews Professor Thomas P.M. Barnett is a Senior Strategic Researcher in the Warfare Analysis & Research Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, U.S. Naval War College. Currently, Thomas is on temporary assignment as the Assistant for Strategic Futures, Office of Force Transformation (OFT), Office of the Secretary of Defense, where he is working with OFT Director Vice Admiral Arthur K. Thomas has published a number of articles explaining these strategic concepts, which he presents comprehensively in a briefing entitled, "A Future Worth Creating: Defense Transformation in the New Security Environment." At the Naval War College, he serves as Director of the NewRuleSets.Project, an ambitious effort to draw new "maps" of power and influence in the world economy so as to expand the U.S. Thomas has a BA (Honors) from the University of Wisconsin. This presentation is one of many from the IT Conversations archives of Pop!

Struggling with quantum logic: Q&A with Aaron O’Connell On stage at TED2011, Aaron O’Connell talked about building the largest object ever put into a quantum mechanical state, a vibrating piece of metal (called a mechanical resonator) — work he completed in the lab of professors John Martinis and Andrew Cleland, and working closely with Max Hofheinz and many others. Now he’s interested in starting a science company with the potential for dramatic impact on the world. The TED Blog talked with him about his research, the nature of physics, and the differences between academia and the corporate world. You made an object that’s an enormous breakthrough in physics, and then you have a huge challenge to try to explain to non-physicists why it’s a big deal. Where does that disconnect come from? A lot of the impact of the experiment is that it forces you to change your perception of the world, and in such a way that you need to develop a new logic system. That’s a really tough concept. This is something we have no intuition for. No, actually I don’t.

Future of Humanity Institute - Prize The Future of Humanity Institute and the Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology are pleased to announce the winners of the Crucial Considerations for the Future of Humanity Thesis Abstract Competition. From a large number of very high quality entries, the winning entry (receiving £2,000) was: Nick Beckstead (Rutgers University)Global priority setting and existential risk crucial ethical considerations Due to the large number of high-quality entrants, six second prize winners were chosen, each of whom will receive £200. Sebastian Farquhar (Oxford University)Trends in automation and the unemployability problem James Hall (Oxford University)Facing the future progress as technological change George McGowan (Oxford Brookes University)How much (dis)value could future civilisations have G Owen Schaefer (Oxford University)Challenges for moral enhancement a research proposal Aron Vallinder (Lund University)Preferences elicitation, extrapolation and aggregation

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