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The 5 F’s of Data Hygiene for Deeper Sales Conversations

Data is the new oil. Without it, your sales engine stops running. Like oil, data needs to be refined. Or else, it won’t fuel your sales machine. The problem is that B2B data has a very short shelf life. 24% to 36% of your CRM data decays each year Tweet this! Poor data causes reps to waste 27.3% of their time, and ends up costing you 12% of revenues. The good news is that, by following a few simple data hygiene best practices, richer data-driven sales conversations are always within your reach… Learn how to Utilize a Data-Driven Approach to Generate Technology Leads! #1 Find out what’s wrong Start with a thorough audit of your CRMInterview key data handlers and usersIdentify what types of errors and potential issues you encounter Related: Not Just an Address Book: 4 Hacks to Turn a CRM into a True Sales Tool #2 Fix what’s broken Related: Symptoms of an Unhealthy Email Marketing List (and How to Clean It) #3 Fill missing values #4 Fit data together #5 Feed into a data management process Related:  Telemarketing Tips, Trends and InformationTelemarketing

Commercial Cleaning Time for you to clean up with a bunch of shiny, brand new leads! Callbox helps you get more janitorial service leads and contracts by identifying potential customers within your market area. We contact and set appointments with Facility Managers and Building Maintenance Officers from various commercial facilities and private and government establishments such as hospitals, clinics, schools, offices, resorts, sports arenas, and convention centers. We qualify each commercial cleaning lead using your preferred qualification criteria We provide first-rate telemarketing lead generation and appointment setting services for commercial cleaning companies of all sizes. Our expertise in the commercial cleaning industry enables us to identify and use the most efficient lead generation tools and vehicles to find the best commercial cleaning leads. We generate janitorial sales leads and set appointments for the following services: We’ve worked with:

Don't Waste a Moment! See Sample Cold Calling Scripts What makes a movie script get spotlighted as the best screenplay by award-giving bodies? A script that presents a story that can move an audience to a certain emotional aspect, with scenes and characters that stimulate imagination, which translate into verbal or gestured reaction. That’s how a Cold Calling Script should be. When writing a campaign script, one has to take note of the campaign’s main objective. Whether you are to gather factual information for a lead generation campaign, book a prospect for an appointment setting campaign, or register attendees for an upcoming event, your script must contain keywords and substantial ideas that would stir up the prospect’s interest, otherwise you’ll be putting all call efforts into waste. Related: What Makes an Outstanding Telemarketing Campaign [for All Types of Industry] A Hands-On Guide to Gaining B2B Leads from Social Media Take your B2B social selling skills a step further with the help of this guide. Meaty and persuasive. Check it out!

Case Study: Callbox Telemarketing Boosts Online Advertising The Client The Client is an evolving web advertising firm that provides creative, technical and search marketing services, comparable to that of world-renowned agencies, at an affordable price. Situated in Chicago, Illinois, the Client offers its customers a variety of interactive advertising avenues such as web design, Flash animation, off-the-shelf custom content management systems, and Search Engine Optimization. They have served companies of different sizes from several industries. The Challenge The Client wanted to increase business leads through telemarketing their service offering as traffic to their website does not provide them a steady business flow. Lead Generation for Logistics - B2B Lead Generation Australia Looking to generate more leads to convert into customers ? Callbox supports logistics and supply chain solutions providers by developing and implementing strategic b2b lead generation and appointment setting initiatives based on emerging trends, strategies, marketing tools, and industry best practices. We help logistics salespeople maximize their sales time, and focus on selling instead of filling the sales funnel. We generate logistics sales leads through Multi-Channel Marketing campaign, targeting potential customers which might include: Logistics managersFreight forwardersCustoms brokersProject cargo service providers We’ve been helping logistics companies for 14 years including: Air Cargo & Freight ForwardingSea Freight & Cargo ShippingLogistics & WarehousingRelocation & LogisticsMoving Companies Dial 888.810.7464 to speak with a Callbox Marketing Consultant.

Sample Telemarketing Scripts for MEDICAL Download our free ebook: Here’s what’s in store for you this month! Subscribe to our newsletter and get your Sample Telemarketing Script for FREE! Scripts are used as guide for telemarketers to deliver the right message to their prospects. Our sample scripts for the Medical Industry are ready-to-use templates with sample call flow for different situations – from your first encounter with the Gatekeeper until your call is transferred to the right person within their organization. Scripts included are: Appointment Setting ScriptCall-to-Invite ScriptData Profiling Script Boost your sales team’s confidence when talking to your prospects using the rebuttals for some of the most common objections that you can will encounter during your call. Generate leads and close deals, fast! Sign up now and get the scripts delivered straight into your inbox. More perks to look forward to next month… Sample Email Templates:

Marketing Strategies from the World’s Top Performing Telecom Companies Making it big in your IT lead generation can be daunting. While it’s easy to draft specific goals for your organization, the hardest part is finding the right methods that strike a perfect balance in terms of quantity, quality and cost in acquiring telecom sales leads. In many cases however, some marketers nod at the notion that more spending means better results. Then again, the most successful telecom companies – notwithstanding their capability to fund expensive campaigns – remain the most frugal in creating the best techniques that attract a constant supply of quality telecom lead. Related Post: Three Ways to Lower your IT Lead Costs If finding that perfect balance means the world to you, consider following from these examples dispensed by three of the world’s best performing IT suppliers and service providers. Virgin Mobile’s focus on partnership and approachability Related Post: How to Get More B2B Leads for IT Services Diversified multichannel marketing as sweet as an Orange

Call to Invite Australia - Conferences, Events, Tradeshows To Australians, a quick drink is least fulfilling without sharing it with someone – much like corporate events.Gaining business opportunities from a trade show or webinar requires the use of a call-to-invite campaign as perfect as Queensland wine. Have us handle your call-to-invite campaign and we will provide you with a constant stream of confirmations in no time. We make use of only the best techniques and technologies to invite people from such industries as IT, telecommunications and software development. We make sure that your database of potential participants is constantly updated with decision makers from the Australia-Pacific region and elsewhere around the globe. We provide call-to-invite and event registration campaigns for a variety of corporate events, including: Trade shows Conferences Breakfast meetings and business luncheons Product launchings Conventions Webinars Seminars We also undertake precise campaign reporting to help you maximize your time and budget.

Sample Telemarketing Scripts for BUSINESS CONSULTING Download our free ebook: Here’s what’s in store for you this month! Subscribe to our newsletter and get your Sample Telemarketing Script for FREE! Scripts are used as guide for telemarketers to deliver the right message to their prospects. Our sample scripts for the Business Consulting Industry are ready-to-use templates with sample call flow for different situations – from your first encounter with the Gatekeeper until your call is transferred to the right person within their organization. Scripts included are: Appointment Setting ScriptCall-to-Invite ScriptData Profiling Script Boost your sales team’s confidence when talking to your prospects using the rebuttals for some of the most common objections that you can will encounter during your call. Generate leads and close deals, fast! Sign up now and get the scripts delivered straight into your inbox. More perks to look forward to next month… Sample Email Templates:

How Bitcoin is Changing the Global Economy The term “bitcoin” is being thrown around so much that almost everyone has an idea of what it’s all about. Since it was first introduced in 2008 by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin has steadily worked its way towards dominating every aspect of the online community. From buying phone credits to shopping for clothes online, there is no financial transaction that the cryptocurrency is not good for. This alone has contributed to the popularity of bitcoin as a monetary system that continues to go unregulated. In recent weeks, Bitcoin has experienced a surge in value as more and more people are cashing in to mine their own digital currencies. Though it fell back slightly, financial and economic experts are expecting the cryptocurrency to remain robust and will eventually create a lasting and significant impact on the global economy. For B2B managers and execs, bitcoin may seem like an attractive financial item to invest in. Reduced reliance on fiat money Access to a credit system

Sample Scripts for Telemarketers FINANCIAL SERVICES - B2B Lead Generation Australia Here’s what’s in store for you this September! Subscribe to our newsletter and get your Sample Telemarketing Script for FREE! Scripts are used as guide for telemarketers to deliver the right message to their prospects. Our sample scripts for the Financial Industry are ready-to-use templates with sample call flow for different situations - from your first encounter with the Gatekeeper until your call is transferred to the right person within their organization. Scripts included are: Appointment Setting Script Call-to-Invite Script Data Profiling Script Boost your sales team’s confidence when talking to your prospects using the rebuttals for some of the most common objections that you can will encounter during your call. Generate leads and close deals, fast! Sign up now and get the scripts delivered straight into your inbox. More perks to look forward to next month… Sample Email Templates:

Why Bad Telemarketing is the Real Problem Telemarketing, especially in the B2B industry, has gotten a bad rap nowadays. For one, many people have mentioned having a bad experience or two with a telemarketer. Indeed, people have their own opinions about the practice of cold-calling, but generally, everyone seems to have this idea that telemarketing is something to be avoided like the plague, or worn out literary clichés. Anyway, it is still important to note that telemarketing is a staple in every B2B enterprise’s attempts to generate high-quality leads. What most people, particularly executives, know is that telemarketing remains to be a force to reckon with. So, now, why all the bad rap? Basically, we should begin by asking ourselves “What is telemarketing for?” And of course, there are no shortcuts. Doing away with call scripts There is a reason why Hollywood actors need to read scripts. Related: Don’t Waste a Moment! Making guesses Never assume what a prospect wants to hear. Become needy Set up intangible targets

Event Marketing - B2B Telemarketing Services - Call To Invite How do you get potential customers to show up and turn your tradeshow or seminar into an excellent lead generation and appointment setting opportunity? In our experience, it’s knowing what motivates people and building their excitement through effective call-to-invite campaign. We run call to invite campaign through telemarketing, targeting participants with precision, and call to follow-up to convert leads to customers. These are the reasons why outbound telemarketing is hands down the best tool for marketing your events: Phone invitation is more personal.Outbound calling is flexible; it allows you to rework your approach during a conversation whereas email gives you only one shot at a copy.Event telemarketing results are easy to measure. Our event telemarketing process is quite straightforward.

Callbox Pipeline CRM - track & manage your sales leads 2. Running your Lead Generation Program EMAIL: Lead Nurture ToolWe use the powerful Lead Nurture Tool to launch your multi-channel, multi-step campaign to nurture your leads over a period of time, until they are ready to become customers. See how the Lead Nurture Tool works VOICE: SMART CallingSMART Calling is designed to get your Callbox Team to call your prospects at times when engagement and conversion rates are most optimal, leading to a higher percentage of success. Get the inside look on SMART Calling SOCIAL: Business ConnectionsCallbox Pipeline’s social media feature allows your Callbox team to systematically scour the web for prospects whose profiles match those that are in your list and connect with them. CHAT: SalesChat 365Callbox’s 24/7 live chat service for your business allows us to take sales-related inquiries, qualify them for you and even book them for appointments. This is how we make SalesChat 365 work Feed your curiosity – read about Remarketing here
