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50 Life Hacks to Simplify your World Life hacks are little ways to make our lives easier. These low-budget tips and trick can help you organize and de-clutter space; prolong and preserve your products; or teach you something (e.g., tie a full Windsor) that you simply did not know before. Most of these came from a great post on tumblr. There is also a great subreddit ‘r/lifehacks‘ with some fantastic tips as well. - muxedo task: 99 Life Hacks to make your life easier! Found on: TwistedSifter

Ouverture du magasin DEHFI L'électroménager rénové et garanti - Actualités - Développement de l'Entraide Humanitaire et de la Flore Internationale Alexandre et Sophie, les vendeurs du magasin de D.E.H.F.I L'association D.E.H.F.I a le plaisir de vous informer que son magasin est à présent ouvert. Grâce au projet de rénovation d'appareils blancs mis en place depuis le mois de Juin 2012, D.E.H.F.I se propose de récupérer vos vieux appareils blancs en panne (réfrigérateurs, machines à laver, lave-vaisselle, four à micro-ondes,...) et de les rénover. Une nouvelle étape de ce projet a été franchie avec l'ouverture de son magasin situé dans la résidence Apollonide, au 147 rue François de Mahys, au Chaudron, 97490 Sainte-Clotilde (près du Collège des Alizés - voir plan ci-dessous) Vous pouvez nous contacter par téléphone au 0 262 77 84 55. L’association assure qu’elle vendra, entre autre, des machines à laver, des réfrigérateurs, de fours à micro-ondes à des prix défiant toute concurrence. Le magasin sera ouvert du mardi au samedi de 9h à 17h en journée continue. Données cartographiques Plan

Husky City – A City of the Future The Campaign is een grootschalige wereldwijde bewustwordingscampagne. Ons doel is om informatie te verspreiden over de vele wereldwijde, gemeenschappelijke problemen en een nieuw economisch model, dat bekend staat als een 'Resource Based Economy', aan zo veel mogelijk mensen ter wereld te presenteren. We hopen dat door deze nieuwe kennis steeds meer mensen een beter begrip zullen krijgen van de vele wereldwijde problemen, waar ze vandaan komen en naar welke oplossingen we kunnen beginnen te kijken. Door deze deur van kennis te openen hopen we dat veel mensen naar hun eigen waarden gaan kijken en dat ze hun levenspatronen in een nieuwe, en meer constructieve, manier gaan dirigeren. Als wij als beweging ons werk goed doen, door het overbrengen van kennis naar de massa, zullen meer mensen wereldwijd op deze kennis reageren en zullen ze beginnen hun eigen levens te veranderen en kiezen om een betere benadering te hanteren voor hun persoonlijke voetafdruk op de wereld. Dus wat is de Campagne?

Videos From PESWiki This is a topical index of free energy related videos available for viewing online. They represent data and information on alternative, clean, practical, renewable energy solutions. See also: Free Energy > Videos > The new FreeEnergy.TV site is live! Link Ethics Some people invest a lot of time/effort in producing material with the idea of that material not only providing good info, but also good income. If someone wishes to give their material away, that's great; we appreciate it; and we'll link to it. If you delete a link, please state your reason for doing so. Notation to the effect of "permission certified" should be placed next to each of those links for which such certainty is known. -- Sterling D. Overviews Featured Listings Add-ons VideoDownloader Firefox Extension adds a small icon on the status bar at the bottom of your firefox window, and a toolbar button. Acoustic Levitation Acoustic Levitation Chamber - 1min49sec Algae American Antigravity Films Compressed Air Motors Dr.

The 100 Best (And Free) Online Learning Tools We’re always excited to find the next best thing. But how does one actually find this supposed next best thing? Let Edudemic do the work for you! In the vain of C4LPT, we bring you many other resources that are not as well-known as those featured on their site . Sharing and Collaborating These sites offer a place for educators to find open educational resources as well as provide a place for those who want to share their ideas or work collaboratively on projects. Apple Learning Interchange . Open Courseware Search Engines Use these search engines to find more open educational resources and information. OER Recommender . Open Courseware These institutions offer open courseware available for anyone to access. TU Delft OpenCourseWare . Online Academic Video Sites These sites provide educational videos free of charge that will help inspire your teaching. Open Vault . Online Lectures Find open lectures online from top universities and public media around the world. Academic Earth . Social Media Tools

Sommet international des coopératives (3): le bilan Dans un premier billet, j’expliquais ce qui avait pu provoquer la mise en route d’un tel événement qui est sans précédent dans les annales du mouvement coopératif international depuis des décennies. Dans un second billet, j’avançais l’idée de l’urgence d’une prise de parole publique du mouvement sur des enjeux majeurs de société, en occurrence d’avoir à affronter la première grande crise socio-écologique du capitalisme boursier, laquelle crise a désarçonnée à peu de choses près tout le monde (économistes, banquiers, gouvernements tout comme les mouvements sociaux). Ce Sommet, coup de génie de la direction du mouvement Desjardins et de sa pdg Mme Leroux, est un grand pas dans la bonne direction. C’est là, à mon avis, le premier élément d’un bilan de la dite rencontre qu’il faut mettre sur la table. Les points forts de ce sommet Que nous a réservé ce Sommet? Cette ouverture manifeste également la reconnaissance (enfin !) Les points faibles de ce sommet L’avenir s’annonce stimulant

iRevolution: From innovation to Revolution iRevolution has received over 1.3 million hits and been cited by the New York Times (NYT), CNN, Huffington Post, UK Guardian, Al-Jazeera, Wired, Slate, Fast Company, TechPresident, World Bank, United Nations, Red Cross, National Geographic, Nature, Scientific American, New Scientist and others. Topics frequently addressed on this blog include: Big DataCrisis MappingCrowdsourcingDrones/UAVsHumanitarian TechnologyInformation ForensicsDisaster ResilienceSatellite ImagerySocial ComputingSocial Media iRevolution features short thought pieces on how innovation and technology are revolutionizing the power of the individual through radical self-sufficiency, self-determination, independence, survival and resilience. The iRevolution banner above is from the sketch produced by Jacques-Louis David in 1789. What’s with the hat(s)? Note: the views expressed here do not represent those of the organizations and institutions I work for and have worked for. Like this: Like Loading...

What is a Transition Initiative? It's a place where there's a community-led process that helps that town/village/city/neighbourhood become stronger and happier. It's happening in well over a thousand highly diverse communities across the world - from towns in Australia to neighbourhoods in Portugal, from cities in Brazil to rural communities in Slovenia, from urban locations in Britain to islands off the coast of Canada. Many of these initiatives are registered on the Transition Network website. These communities have started up projects in areas of food, transport, energy, education, housing, waste, arts etc. as small-scale local responses to the global challenges of climate change, economic hardship and shrinking supplies of cheap energy. Really, it's the opposite of us sitting in our armchairs complaining about what's wrong, and instead, it's about getting up and doing something constructive about it alongside our neighbours and fellow townsfolk. What are we "transitioning" away from? They then: ... and another:

Home :: List of Top 100 Tools for Learning is full of useful sites for journalists At the Reynolds Center, we like to talk about tools that help us dig into data or to share our stories. So my eye was caught this morning by a list of Top Tools for Learning 2012. That is a list of the best tools around today to help us learn. It’s a very cool list. These are tried and true Websites or apps that make it easy to gather or investigate content and share knowledge. Jane Hart, founder of (Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies), says the list of Top 100 Tools for Learning is compiled from the votes of 582 professionals worldwide – 55% working in education, 45% working in non-educational organizations.

Global Financing IBM United Kingdom Financial Services Limited Registered in England and Wales with number 01197743 Registered office: PO Box 41, North Harbour, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3AU IBM Global Financing offerings are provided through IBM Credit LLC in the United Kingdom and other IBM subsidiaries and divisions worldwide to qualified commercial and government clients. Rates and availability are based on a client’s credit rating, financing terms, offering type, equipment and product type and options, and may vary by country. Non-hardware items must be one-time, non-recurring charges and are financed by means of loans. Other restrictions may apply. Rates and offerings are subject to change, extension or withdrawal without notice and may not be available in all countries.

Arts Skills Exchange | Mutantspace - Part 4 Angel Albarrán and Anna Cabrera make photographs together and their series ‘The Mouth Of Krishna’ encapsulates both their philosophy and their process. For over 17 years both have been exploring the concept of reality believing that we are the eyes of our own universe, that the very concept of a universe is a human construct and therefore exists because we acknowledge its existence. This Descartian view of reality shapes their work – for both time and space are the foundation stones of the physical universe - and photography is the perfect medium for them to explore their ideas. In many ways their view comes down to the simple dictum that what you believe to be reality is true for what you perceive by your senses is interpreted by the mind to be an infinite reality. ‘The Mouth Of Krishna’ is a wonderful example of this conceptual rationalisation of reality – as is the Taoist creation myth illustrated by Elena Boils – and they use it as the basis for this series of photographs.

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