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Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]

Inbound Marketing vs. Outbound Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]
Thanks to the Internet, marketing has evolved over the years. Consumers no longer rely on billboards and TV spots — a.k.a. outbound marketing — to learn about new products, because the web has empowered them. It's given them alternative methods for finding, buying and researching brands and products. The new marketing communication — inbound marketing — has become a two-way dialogue, much of which is facilitated by social media. Another reason why inbound marketing is winning is because it costs less than traditional marketing. 44% of direct mail is never opened. Inbound marketing focuses on earning, not buying, a person's attention, which is done through social media and engaging content, such as blogs, podcasts and white papers. This infographic from Voltier Digital highlights the differences between the two kinds of marketing. Infographic courtesy of Voltier Digital

6 Must-Have Affordable Web Tools for Non-Profits Trite but true: the best things in life are free (or at least, heavily discounted). For cause-driven companies and non-profits, purchasing corporate technology products — and hiring an IT team to manage them — is often out of reach, if not just unwieldy for an organization that's big on mission but not bureaucracy. In recent years however, startups and tech innovators have stepped up to the development plate, quietly creating the next generation of web- and cloud-based management tools specifically suited for small and mid-sized organizations. From newsletter-creation to targeted blog tools, running analytics and making donations, almost every useful service a non-profit or cause-based organization could want has received a technologically innovative makeover, complete with options for every set of needs, challenges, and price-points. 1. 3. 5. 6. Image courtesy of iStockphoto, manley099

Best Social Media Tools For Marketing Your Business Social media is a growing field to advertise your business. Twitter and Facebook are large websites where a company can have thousands or even millions of people interacting with them on a daily basis. It is impossible to interact with each and every one of those individuals. That is why businesses need to take advantage of the best social media tools for marketing your business. Management tools are among some of the most user friendly tools that a marketer will need. YouTube is actually a social media tool as well as a social media website. Mail Chimp is another useful social media tool. Google Apps is a key tool in any organization.

What Is Inbound Marketing? | HubSpot The proven methodology for the digital age Since 2006, inbound marketing has been the most effective marketing method for doing business online. Instead of the old outbound marketing methods of buying ads, buying email lists, and praying for leads, inbound marketing focuses on creating quality content that pulls people toward your company and product, where they naturally want to be. By aligning the content you publish with your customer’s interests, you naturally attract inbound traffic that you can then convert, close, and delight over time. How to interpret the graphic Along the top are the four actions (Attract, Convert, Close, Delight) inbound companies must take in order to obtain visitors, leads, customers, and promoters. Inbound marketing is about using marketing to bring potential customers to you, rather than having your marketing efforts fight for their attention. Major themes: Make marketing people love. Attract Blogging- Inbound marketing starts with blogging. Convert Close

Entre défiance et plébiscite : l'alchimie du Brand Content ... Si 61% des internautes jugent utile que les marques proposent des contenus informatifs via Internet, ils sont 59% à ne pas leur faire confiance quand il s'agit de s'informer... Le point dans cette infographie issue de l’Observatoire Orange-Terrafemina. Par exemple, 62% des sondés, invités à se prononcer sur le site «GetTheLook» de L’Oréal proposant des conseils mode et beauté, jugent le concept intéressant. 59% des internautes ont déjà participé à un concours via un email de promotion, 41% ont déjà consulté la page Facebook d’une marque et 29% ont joué à un jeu via ce canal, 18% ont déjà posté un commentaire sur ce type de page. 22% ont téléchargé l’application d’une marque de distribution, 9% suivent le fil Twitter d’une ou plusieurs marques, 5% suivent des marques sur Instagram et la même proportion sur Pinterest. Cependant, 59% des sondés affirment ne pas faire confiance aux marques pour les informer ou leur donner des conseils au même titre qu’un journal ou un magazine.

Tech Firm Implements Employee ‘Zero Email’ Policy (Hannelore Foerster/Bloomberg/Getty Images) You’ve got mail–not. Employees of tech company Atos will be banned from sending emails under the company’s new “zero email” policy. CEO Thierry Breton of the French information technology company said only 10 percent of the 200 messages employees receive per day are useful and 18 percent is spam. Caroline Crouch, a spokeswoman for the company, told ABC News the goal is focused on internal emails rather than external emails with clients and partners. When asked how employees have responded to the policy, Crouch told ABC News the overall response “has been positive with strong take up of alternative tools.” Breton, the French finance minister from 2005 to 2007, told the Wall Street Journal he has not sent an email in the three years since he became chairman and CEO of Atos in November 2008. Atos had revenue last year of of EUR 8.6 billion, or $11.5 billion, and has offices in 42 countries, according to the company website.

5 Things To Do Every Day For Success Fast Company wants you to have your best year yet in 2012; click for more advice and tips on how to work smarter, manage your career, and lead a more meaningful life. "You get up at what time?" I hear that a lot, along with "You are so lucky." So, I'm going to help out here and let you in on the secrets of my success. Well, not all of them--but enough to show you the foundation I build on every day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A simple yet highly effective list. Looking for more advice to rev up your career?

How Sessions are calculated in Analytics - Analytics Help This information in this article only applies to web tracking. The calculations don’t apply if you’re collecting data using a Google Analytics SDK for any mobile OS. The concept of a session in Google Analytics is important to understand because many features, reports, and metrics depend on how Analytics calculates sessions. At a glance A session is a group of interactions that take place on your website within a given time frame. You can think of a session as the container for the actions a user takes on your site. A single user can open multiple sessions. Time-based expiry (including end of day): After 30 minutes of inactivity At midnight Campaign change: If a user arrives via one campaign, leaves, and then comes back via a different campaign. In depth How long does a session last? By default, a session lasts 30 minutes, but you can adjust this length so a session lasts a few seconds or several hours. Example Assume Bob interacts with your website at the following intervals: Campaign Tags

Marketing de contenu : Ce qu’il faut faire et ne pas faire ! [Infographie] Publié par Emilie Moronvalle le juil 30, 2013 dans le Blog | 0 commentaire Selon une étude réalisée par le Content Marketing Institute , le budget alloué au marketing de contenu est en augmentation cette année par rapport à 2012 où 33% du budget marketing des entreprises américaines spécialisées en B2B, était consacré au contenu. Le marketing de contenu est très important pour le référencement de votre entreprise. A l’aide de cette infographie , vous saurez ce qu’il faut faire et surtout : ce qu’il ne faut pas faire ! Le marketing de contenu, c’est quoi ? Le marketing de contenu est un moyen pour promouvoir vos produits et services auprès de votre cible en créant du contenu attractif, de qualité et informatif, que ce soit pour attirer vos prospects ou les encourager à échanger avec votre entreprise. L’objectif est double : développer et démontrer l’expertise de votre entreprise sur son secteur d’activité, et créer une relation avec vos prospects afin de les inciter à passer à l’action.

The Top 25 Social Media Terms You Need To Know New terms, phrases and acronyms are constantly emerging across social networks. Businesses trying to grow (or simply exist) online are drowning in digital jargon. While many glossaries attempt to help overwhelmed social media users, the long lists of vocabulary continue to grow! Here are the top 25 social media terms you need to know: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. e-Book: A book published in digital form. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. What social media terms do you find difficult to understand? Connect: Authored by: Your Social Move Increase your sales, profits & reputation with practical social media strategies. See complete profile

Want To Be A CMO? The Career Path May Surprise You Think that being a wizard at developing splashy ads, branding, and social media campaigns generates an automatic ticket to become the next CMO or VP of Marketing? Think again. According to a new study, only one-third of CMOs and VPs of marketing arrive at the top post because of their experiences in marketing. But what backgrounds do the other two-thirds of marketing senior executives come from? In the recently released book, Getting to the Top: Strategies for Career Success executive search consultant and career expert Kathryn Ullrich shares groundbreaking research on career path categories to CMO and other functional disciplines in marketing and sales. According to her research, the career path categories to reach the role of CMO or VP Marketing are as follows: Ullrich analyzed hundreds of resumes in her search database to categorize the backgrounds of executives reaching Chief Marketing Officer or VP Marketing titles. Domain Expertise A Key Ingredient

Nouvelle Tendance du Marketing Digital : le Content Marketing Selon l’étude « state of content marketing 2013 », plus de la majorité des marketers vont se concentrer sur la création de contenu marketing en 2013. Le marketing de contenu est passé de 18,9% en 2012 à 34,8% en 2013 comme canal de communication le plus utilisé. Le content marketing est aujourd’hui un moyen incontournable pour les marques dans leurs stratégies globales. Le content marketing est une stratégie à part entière dans la stratégie de la marque C’est un véritable facteur clé de succès du marketing digital. L’objectif du content marketing est de créer une relation et une affinité avec le client sur le long terme. On peut désormais l’intégrer au marketing mix, tellement l’impact est puissant. On remarque une tendance, à savoir que les entreprises externalisent de moins en moins, mais créent un véritable département en matière de content marketing en recrutant des journalistes ou des rédacteurs qualifiés, étant en mesure de fournir des contenus marketing de haute qualité.

The Introvert's Guide to Boosting Your Career Through Blogging I have written many times during the past 18 months about how it was my loyal participation in #Blogchat on Twitter, and the encouragement of the #Blogchat Community, that gave me the knowledge and confidence needed to launch my own blog. So when I say that co-hosting #Blogchat this past Sunday night with Mack Collier was a sincere honor and tremendous pleasure, you should know how deeply I mean this! Mack was kind enough to invite me to co-host with him and officially launch my new eBook with a Community that feels like it’s made of real friends. We chose the topic, “How Introverts Can Use Blogging to Boost Their Career” because of it’s interest to the #Blogchat community and because I have a full section on this in my eBook, “ The Introvert’s Guide to Success in Business and Leadership .” The speed of the chat was simply surreal (it flew by faster than LeadershipChat ever has!) Given the speed and breadth of the chat I wanted to share with you the tweets that I sent out Sunday night.
