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Social Media to Social Business

Blog: Testing your Web 2.0 Literacy News Why you may see video view numbers change on some of our talks today As you may know, we’re redesigning It will be the same TED you love — just a little better and much more able to address the needs of our global, mobile audience. Part of our work in creating TED 2.0 includes reevaluating how we measure things. Especially, video views. Oceans The changing face of exploration To explore is human. Psy et Geek ;-) Your Social Business Maturity Level The main thing I loved about the post was this one side maturity assessment, which could be used in conjunction with the Social Media Strategy and Framework in a previous post of mine. Another thing I liked about the post was the following graphic which gives you a very broad overview of how you can match spending or resource commitment to your social business maturity. Check out the full report here on slideshare Like this: Like Loading...

Rise of the networked enterprise: Web 2.0 finds its payday - McKinsey Quarterly - Organization - Strategic Organization Every new technology has its skeptics. In the 1980s, many observers doubted that the broad use of information technologies such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) to remake processes would pay off in productivity improvements—indeed, the economist Robert Solow famously remarked, “You can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics.” Today, that sentiment has gravitated to Web 2.0 technologies. Podcast The rise of the networked enterprise: Web 2.0 finds its payday McKinsey Global Institute senior fellow Michael Chui discusses how leaders can prepare for the new business environment as well as the latest results from McKinsey’s survey of global executives on their use of Web 2.0. New McKinsey research shows that a payday could be arriving faster than expected. The findings Our annual surveys of Web 2.0 use in the enterprise provided the basis for the findings in this article. Web 2.0 technologies are now more widely used Toward the networked enterprise Going forward

Réseaux sociaux, nouvelles technologies, mobile et web sur Apprendre avec le Web 2.0 Par François Jarraud Peut-on apprendre avec le Web 2.0 ? Oui ! nous dit une étude de la Commission européenne. Partant de l'étude de 8 cas précis, l'enquête met en évidence des "bonnes pratiques" innovantes, utilisant le web 2.0 dans l'éducation. "Les outils web 2.0 ont un potentiel considérable d'amélioration des apprentissages en promouvant l'innovation et en facilitant l'accès des individus et des organisation à la formation tout au long de la vie" nous dit l'étude. Selon l'étude, les outils de type web 2.0 (principalement wiki et blog) permettent de construire des environnements d'apprentissage plus personnalisés et plus motivants. L'étude met en évidence aussi les difficultés autres que techniques. Des 8 dispositifs suivis, 2 ont retenu notre attention. Good Practices For Learning 2.0. Web 2.0 et élèves en difficulté Les outils de tupe web 2.0 peuvent-ils lutter contre l'échec scolaire ? Good Practices for Learning La brochure

ROI på Sosiale medier Hvordan måler du din egen bedrifts suksess med sosiale medier? . Husk på det til senere, for forståelsen av dette «mottoet» er egentlig ganske så avgjørende for forståelsen av du kan måle om satsningen på sosiale medier har lønnet seg eller ikke… ROMI: Return of Marketing Investment – Langsiktig vs kortsiktig avkastning på bruk av markedsmidler. Kortsiktig brukt til å måle effekten av en spesifikk markedsføringskampanje, mens den langsiktige i større grad konsentrerer seg på oppbygging og vedlikeholdet av merkevaren. ROI: Return of Investment – Avkastningen på en investering. ROE: Return of Engagement - Målbar effekt av en aktivitet, blogpost, kampanje – antall «likes», Re-Tweets, sidevisninger, kommentarer, cut&paste til andre blogger, henvisninger, med mer. Det er langt enklere å måle effekten av en kortsiktig markedskampanje som bedriften har kjøpt og betalt for. Antall unike lesere per dag, uke, måned Antall kommentarer Antall Facebook-likes Antall Re-Tweets (Lest 42 ganger.)

Stop Designing Pages And Start Designing Flows - Smashing UX Design Advertisement For designers, it’s easy to jump right into the design phase of a website before giving the user experience the consideration it deserves. Too often, we prematurely turn our focus to page design and information architecture, when we should focus on the user flows that need to be supported by our designs. It’s time to make the user flows a bigger priority in our design process. Design flows that are tied to clear objectives allow us to create a positive user experience and a valuable one for the business we’re working for. Start With The User When starting a new Web design project, we’re often handed a design brief, branding standards, high-level project goals, as well as feature and functionality requirements. Two examples of popular user flows for e-commerce and subscription websites. Map User Flows Into Conversion Funnels Not all website visitors are created equal. Typical User Flows Some typical user flows are: Diving Into Funnels: A Closer Look At Customer Acquisition (al)

Accueil Introduction à l’Entreprise 2.0 – Christian Fauré L’entreprise 2.0 est constitutive de deux tendances majeures : La première tendance est celle du web 2.0 où il s’agit, comme on s’en doute, de mettre du web 2.0 dans le système d’information de l’entreprise.La deuxième tendance est celle du « Software as a Service« , voire du « quelque chose as a Service » (XaaS), qui constitue une nouvelle façon de consommer les technologies de l’information, avec de nouvelles offres portées par de nouveaux acteurs dans le périmètre de l’entreprise. Les deux tendances sont très intimement liées en ce sens que les solutions web 2.0 que le grand public connaît sont toutes, originairement, en mode Software as a Servce (SaaS). C’est à dire qu’aucune installation sur l’ordinateur individuel n’est requise : on accède directement à l’interface d’une application SaaS en utilisant un navigateur web, ce qui implique, comme on le verra, que les donnés soient stockées ailleurs que sur l’ordinateur, où dans le système d’information de l’entreprise. 1. 2. 3.
