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Bad at Sports we make money not art scene & herd Left: High Line curator Cecilia Alemani, New Museum associate director Massimiliano Gioni, economist Gianluca Violante, and dealer Valentina Castellani. Right: Artists Mickalene Thomas and Lynda Benglis with dealer Ludovica Barbieri. (All photos: Linda Yablonsky) YOU KNOW IT’S SPRING in New York when the sea of black that describes the art world’s rigorous dress code changes to color. “Red and racy” was the mode d’access last Tuesday night for the New Museum’s annual benefit gala, which appeared to put the institution in the black. All the same, guests approaching Cipriani Wall Street were instantly outclassed by two gleaming red Ferraris sitting nose-to-nose on the sidewalk. Loiterers Instagrammed the cars like mad. But we did go in, and all was glitter, glamour, and glory for the evening’s honorees, Annabelle Selldorf and Lynda Benglis. Nobody’s fool was also in the room, namely Benglis. “Lynda Benglis!” Everyone is so nice these days. Esche had to follow this. — Linda Yablonsky

Radiolab Player demo Robert Krulwich: Oh wait, you're listening-- Voice-over Girl: OK. Jad Abumrad: All right. J.A.: All right. Voice-over Girl: You are listening to Radiolab, Radiolab. J.A.: Hey, I'm Jad Abumrad. R.K.: I'm Robert Krulwich. J.A.: This is Radiolab and today we are desperately seeking symmetry. R.K.: And thus far we are failing-- J.A.: desperately. R.K.: Because maybe, maybe, you know, if we took-- if we rejiggered our whole approach, because symmetry, you know, is always really about-- J.A.: Love? R.K.: No, it's-- it's-- J.A.: What? R.K.: No, we're changing the subject now. J.A.: Nah. R.K.: It's about the way things look when they're flipped around or turned or rotated. J.A.: Remember when I asked you that personal question? R.K.: Oh, yeah. J.A.: Oh yes, we do. R.K.: Is that a question you want to ask me in front of uh-- that's a-- that's a private question, I feel. J.A.: Surely you know though, that you are uh-- the difference between your true self and your mirror self is not trivial. J.W.: I was 19.

FUCKING GOOD ART Eyeteeth: A journal of incisive ideas e-flux Journals A Hacker Manifesto at Twenty June 2024 With: McKenzie Wark, Yifan Wang, Changwen Chen, Isabel Ling, Bami Oke, Liara Roux, Chelsea Thompto, Francisco Nunes, Valérian Guillier, Luce deLire, Hugh Davies, Kim Córdova, Bruce Schneier, and Janus Rose May 2024 With: Ghoncheh Ghavami, Bahar Noorizadeh, Nahal Nikan, Arnavaz, Negar Hatami, Elaheh, Shouka Alizadeh, Goli Baharan, Nuzhan Didartalab, Aram, Parva, and Dasgoharan April 2024 With: Daniel Muzyczuk, Robert Ashley, Michał Libera, Alice Notley, Kimberly Alidio, Alessandro Bosetti, Ben Vida, and Andrius Arutiunian March 2024 With: Oriab Toukan, Evan Calder Williams, Charles Tonderai Mudede, Antonia Majaca, T. February 2024 With: Ben Eastham, Anton Vidokle, Christina Kiaer, Ekaterina Kulinicheva, Hallie Ayres, Xin Wang, Elena Vogman, Zhen Zhang, Jonas Staal, Lukas Brasiskis, Zairong Xiang, and Arseny Zhilyaev December 2023 November 2023 With: Thotti, Joan Kee, Serubiri Moses, Rizvana Bradley, Katherine C. October 2023 September 2023 June 2023 May 2023 Contemporary Art Daily Universes in Universe - Worlds of Art Art Fag City Art F City — New York art news and reviews. - AO Art Observed™
