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Christoph Gielen imm | Home Ensure early bird discount now! 74Days01Hrs.21Min.14Sec. Create. Furnish. Live. Registration 2015 Register as an exhibitor for imm cologe 2015 now and ensure early bird discount. Ensure early bird now! An overview of your advantages Here are the reasons why you won’t want to miss the imm cologne 2015. E-Salesfolder Participation costs 2015 Get information on costs such as the stand area rental fee, catalogue entries and calculate your space rental online. Space rental calculation online imm cologne/LivingInteriors 2014 - TV magazine

Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall: Video Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall: Photographs by Roland Halbe Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall: Photographs by ICD/ITKE/IIGS University Stuttgart Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall: Development Process LANDESGARTENSCHAU EXHIBITION HALL Landesgartenschau Schwäbisch Gmünd, 2014 Robotically Fabricated Lightweight Timber Shell The Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall is an architectural prototype building and a showcase for the current developments in computational design and robotic fabrication for lightweight timber construction. The Landesgartenschau Exhibition Hall was conceived at the University of Stuttgart as part of the “Robotics in Timber Construction” research project and realized in collaboration with Müllerblaustein Holzbau GmbH, Landesgartenschau Schwäbisch Gmünd 2014 GmbH, the forest administration of Baden-Württemberg (ForstBW) and KUKA Robotics GmbH. Wood is one of the oldest building materials known to mankind.

salondudesign-metz - Salon de l'innovation et du design - metz: 6 au 9 juin 2013 La 1 ère édition du Salon de l’Innovation et du Design aura lieu à Metz en Juin 2013. Devant la multiplicité de définitions et interprétations du terme « design », nous avons choisi de lier design et innovation sur ce site de manière à favoriser une approche de la démarche design à travers ses acteurs. En présentant les designers, leurs réalisations et leurs projets aux côtés des chercheurs et entrepreneurs travaillant à la création de produits, concepts, process innovants, nous mettons l’accent sur l’interaction entre la recherche, les travaux de laboratoire et la mise en pratique par des agences pour une application. Esprit design, design attitude au sens large seront le dénominateur commun de nos exposants et des visiteurs Les champs de l’innovation porteurs de développement Matériaux et process innovants , Identité visuelle-communication :IT , numérique, téléphonie verts, mobilier, objets Art et design : La Galerie du Salon

Arvo Pärt Sound Cloud by Coop Himmelb(l)au The Sound Cloud takes reference from Arvo Pärt’s music as well as the dense pine forest. Its shape is derived from the song “Spiegel im Spiegel”, consolidating the main sequence spectrogram of the song into the curves of a roof. This cloud of sound forms an introverted space within where the music is played and listened to and a space underneath that becomes the work and meeting place for the people interested in the legacy of the composer. The cloud only touches the ground where it is thickened to house the performance space, and otherwise hovers between the trees, like the tree house of the observation platform, suspended in the natural environment of the forest. The complex rooms of the program are organized in their functional groups and combined into a box building that is placed underneath the roof. Location: Laulasmaa, EstoniaArchitects: Coop Himmelb(l)auDesign Principal: Wolf D.

Arvo Pärt Sound Cloud - Coop Himmelb(l)au The Sound Cloud takes reference from Arvo Pärt’s music as well as the dense pine forest. Its shape is derived from the song “Spiegel im Spiegel”, consolidating the main sequence spectrogram of the song into the curves of a roof. This cloud of sound forms an introverted space within where the music is played and listened to and a space underneath that becomes the work and meeting place for the people interested in the legacy of the composer. The complex rooms of the program are organized in their functional groups and combined into a box building that is placed underneath the roof.

ABEER SEIKALY Human life throughout history has developed in alternating waves of migration and settlement. The movement of people across the earth led to the discovery of new territories as well as the creation of new communities among strangers forming towns, cities, and nations. Navigating this duality between exploration and settlement, movement and stillness is a fundamental essence of what it means to be human. In the aftermath of global wars and natural disasters, the world has witnessed the displacement of millions of people across continents. Design is supposed to give form to a gap in people’s needs.

Amazing 3D Printed Mobile Home Created by 3M futureLAB We have been hearing a lot lately about 3D printing homes. In fact a Chinese company claims they will begin printing out hundreds of concrete homes within the nxt year or two, and researchers in Amsterdam are working on a 3D printed plastic canal house. That's not all though.Peter Ebner, and students at the 3M futureLAB have created a tiny mobile home, which they say could be used by the 25-35 age group. The homes, are almost entirely 3D printed, down to the electricity, heating, water, and sewage systems, as well as the thermal insulation.The Body of the home is printed out of a sand and glue mixture. The size of these homes are a claustrophobic 50 square feet, but the designers claim that these are more than big enough to support one individual.

SKYSCRAPERS 2 – Limited Edition Book eVolo Skyscrapers 2 - Limited Edition Book Cover: Hardcover Size: 9″ x 12″ x 2.5″ Pages: 628 ISBN: 978-1938740053 This publication is the follow-up to the highly acclaimed book “eVolo Skyscrapers”. 150 new skyscrapers submitted to the eVolo Skyscraper Competition are categorized and examined. The book is also an investigation on the public and private space and the role of the individual and the collective in the creation of dynamic and adaptive vertical communities. The success of the competition relied on the expertise of world renowned jurors including: Chris Bosse, Vincent Callebaut, Julien De Smedt, Hernan Diaz Alonso, Marc Fornes, Florian Idenburg, Mitchell Joachim, Edward Keller, Jing Liu, Alexander Rieck, Francois Roche, Michel Rojkind, Roland Snooks, Tobias Wallisser, Tom Wiscombe, and Ma Yansong among many others. -> EVOLO SKYSCRAPERS 2 - Limited Edition Book

practice our architecture firm pacific environments architects are an enthusiastic & accomplished team of skilled design professionals & 3d problem solvers who provide creative people-focussed environmental solutions that literally ‘bring out the best’ …. in your project, your environment, your lifestyle. We develop strong communicative, open rapport with our clients and work alongside them to deliver exciting projects that often far exceed their initial dreams & expectations. As recognised pioneers in environmentally friendly and energy conscious design with almost 50 years experience, our diverse portfolio includes residential, apartments, education, commercial, industrial, retirement villages, tourism, government and civic buildings, alpine, resorts and wineries. Our enjoyment comes from working through unique and often complex design challenges and delivering innovative and exciting pragmatic outcomes. We draw upon our unique and beautiful local environment in the Pacific as our inspiration.

Modular Cliff House Hangs Perilously Over a Cliff's Edge in Australia | Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building Australian prefab architecture specialists Modscape Concept have designed an exciting five story home that clings to a cliff’s edge. Aptly called Cliff House, the design was created in response to a growing number of clients exploring design options for living on extreme coastal plots in Australia. The modular home was inspired by the shape of barnacles clinging to a hull of a ship, and it extends off the side of a cliff, rather than sitting upon it. Rather than being a disruption built along the skyline, Cliff House almost propels off of it, acting as an extension to the natural topography. The unique positioning also gives the home’s residents an incredible connection to the ocean below, while alleviating construction problems associated with building on uneven rock. Related: Tropical Casa Flotanta Hovers Lightly Above the Pacific in Costa Rica Although still a concept, Cliff House could provide efficient and innovative housing in rocky areas deemed unlivable. + Modscape Concept

i360 Brighton the building – Opus Dubai A mas­ter­work of design whose reper­toire grav­i­tates towards inter­con­nect­ed­ness and orig­i­nal­ity, The Opus com­prises two struc­tures that form a sin­gle cube which appears to ‘hover’ above the ground, eroded by a fluid void. The art of The Opus cap­tures the void dur­ing the day and illu­mi­nates it at night bring­ing to life the dis­tinct char­ac­ter of the build­ing.
