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Love coaching - Les 400 culs: Du pick-up au love-coaching Avec l’arrivée du beau temps (“période propice à la séduction”), de nombreuses sociétés de Love-coaching lancent leurs opérations promo. C’est le moment où jamais de faire savoir qu’elles existent en France et depuis quelques années déjà. Le love coaching est une forme de thérapie comportementale appliquée aux histoires de coeur et de cul. Il s’agit de faire sauter ces mauvais réflexes qui empêchent certaines personnes de se mettre en valeur ou d’aborder les autres. «En France, la plupart des femmes qui viennent consulter demandent: "Je fais peur aux hommes, pourquoi ?". Quant aux hommes, le plus souvent, ils se plaignent: “J’ai tout fait pour cette fille mais je n’arrive pas à la séduire. Pour Alexandre Cormont, la séduction entendue comme "drague" a ses limites. Aux hommes qui viennent en récriminant «Pourquoi ne m’aime-t-elle pas, alors que je fais tout pour elle ?» «Beaucoup de ces femmes rigides refusent totalement l’idée d’aborder un homme, par exemple.

36 Questions Designed to Help You Fall in Love with Anyone Asking thirty-six specific questions plus four minutes of sustained eye contact is a recipe for falling in love, or at least creating intimacy among complete strangers. Creating a close rapport between people who have just met is difficult, especially in laboratory conditions. But psychologist Arthur Aaron of Stony Brook University created a method for doing just this. Recently, the method was tested by writer Mandy Len Catron at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. After finding Dr. Aaron's questions online, she proposed an event with an acquaintance of hers. Set I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Though not complete strangers, they were not on intimate terms either. "[T]he real crux of the moment was not just that I was really seeing someone, but that I was seeing someone really seeing me. That unexpected state was one of bravery and wonder, transcending the barriers and boundaries erected in day-to-day adult life. Set II 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25.

Café de l'Amour - Le site officiel 10 Reasons Why Most Men Can’t Handle A Deep Woman - Science of the Soul The deeper you are, the harder it becomes for you to find someone who wants to have a relationship with you. You can go out on a lot of dates but at some point the relationship fails to progress any further and that is mainly because of the intensity of your depth. Not every man is strong enough to handle a deep woman. Here’s why: 1. A deep woman asks deep questions. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.This kind of woman craves consistency. 8. 9. 10. Be Sure to LIKE Science of the Soul on Facebook Author: Rania Naim Source: Featured Image Credit: Ferdinando Vella Comments comments

La méthode Love Intelligence : 7 étapes clés, technologies à l'appui - Dossier : coach amoureux Au fil des années, Love Intelligence a développé une approche très pragmatique du coaching amoureux. "Notre méthode est basée sur sept points clés, énumère Florence, fondatrice et directrice de l'agence. Premier point : fixer clairement l'objectif du coaching." Reste ensuite à faire accepter la situation en la dédramatisant. C'est évidemment plus ou moins facile, selon le vécu de la personne. La suite du procédé est réglée comme du papier à musique : Etape n°3 : prendre du recul, de la hauteur Etape n°4 : comprendre son fonctionnement amoureux et accepter qu'on a une part de responsabilité Etape n°5 : identifier ce qui freine son bonheur Etape n°6 : le coach doit transmettre son savoir-faire, aider l'autre à développer sa confiance en lui Etape n°7 : le coaché doit, à ce moment-là trouver en lui-même les ressources pour résoudre son problème. La méthode Love Intelligence se décline en différents formats.

What Mathematics Reveals About the Secret of Lasting Relationships and the Myth of Compromise In his sublime definition of love, playwright Tom Stoppard painted the grand achievement of our emotional lives as “knowledge of each other, not of the flesh but through the flesh, knowledge of self, the real him, the real her, in extremis, the mask slipped from the face.” But only in fairy tales and Hollywood movies does the mask slip off to reveal a perfect other. So how do we learn to discern between a love that is imperfect, as all meaningful real relationships are, and one that is insufficient, the price of which is repeated disappointment and inevitable heartbreak? Making this distinction is one of the greatest and most difficult arts of the human experience — and, it turns out, it can be greatly enhanced with a little bit of science. She writes in the introduction: In the first chapter, Fry explores the mathematical odds of finding your ideal mate — with far more heartening results than more jaundiced estimations have yielded. Fry explains: She breaks down the equations:

la-fondatrice-et-animatrice-du-cafe-benedicte-ann : Café de l'Amour Le 14 février, au JT de TF1 à 20h00 Vous me verrez à partir de 27minutes et 45 secondes Le 13/02 sur Yahoo pour Elles TV Je suis visible à partir de 1minute 10 Mercredi 25/12 sur le plateau de "C dans l'air " sur France 5 Pour voir l'émission en replay, cliquer sur le logo de "C dans l'air" ou ici À Beyrouth Le 23/10/2013 dans le Daily Star Lebanon Pour lire l'article, cliquer sur le logo Plus interviews sur Radio Liban (à venir sur le site) Lundi 16/09/2013 dans Femme Actuelle Psycho: se rencontrer autrement: 8 pistes originales "Je fréquente un salon littéraire" Samedi 3 août 2013 : PLUS JAMAIS SANS MON LOVE COACH Dimanche 3 août 2013 sur France 3, un documentaire sur le love coaching dans lequel Bénédicte Ann, love coach, incarnait un fil conducteur. Dans une société où le principe de précaution semble poussé à l'extrême, le coaching, décliné à toutes les sauces, est en passe de devenir la norme. Une critique dans télé obs

Ghosting, Caspering and six new dating terms you've never heard of | Life and style In an age of dating apps, read receipts and socially acceptable stalking, a whole new confusing lingo has emerged. Most people are familiar with terms like ghosting (when you casually ignore someone’s existence and messages). But what about ghostbusting, when you force them to reply? Or the Dickensian Marleying, when an ex gets in touch with you at Christmas out of nowhere? That’s not to mention breadcrumbing (leading someone on with no intention of getting serious), submarining (ghosting someone before messaging weeks later as if nothing has happened), shaveducking (worrying you’re only attracted to someone because of their beard) or sidebarring (rudely checking your phone and messaging friends during a date). “Caspering” is the newest addition to the modern dating lexicon. International Business Times is credited with bringing the term to everyone’s attention, and has since spawned numerous trend pieces. 1 Sunday Night Fever 2 Freeclimbing 3 Printing What to say: “I can’t believe it.

Nathalie Giraud Sexotherapeute Coach sexuelle 10 Things Real Men Do. ~ Janne Robinson 1. Feel There seems to be some wild misconception that men shouldn’t talk about their feelings, but the real men I know feel. 2. Real men know the juiciest and sweetest parts of us don’t lie beneath our panty lines. 3. One night after a long night of slinging drinks at a bar in Edmonton, one of the bouncers walked me to my car and insisted on cleaning my car off. 4. When we pick up our phone we immediately disconnect from the moment unraveling in front of us. 5. Whether it’s a dinner reservation at a five-star restaurant or a Skype date in sweatpants, when someone shows up on time it communicates that they not only value us, but also their word. 6. Lady time is part of life, gentlemen. 7. Real men aren’t racist, sexist or homophobic. 8. Nothing is sexier than accountability. 9. I once had a boyfriend who—for my birthday—took me to a play, made me a homemade card, played my favorite Sinead O’Connor song on the drive, and bought me a MEC gift card. 10. Relephant reads: Photo: Pixoto

Liberalism, atheism, male sexual exclusivity linked to IQ The IQ differences are statistically significant, but experts say the data shouldn't be used to stereotype or make assumptions. Behaviors may stem from desire to show superiority or elitism, which also has to do with IQFor men, sexual exclusivity goes against the grain evolutionarilyNone of this means that humans are evolving toward a future where such traits are the default (CNN) -- Political, religious and sexual behaviors may be reflections of intelligence, a new study finds. Evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa at the the London School of Economics and Political Science correlated data on these behaviors with IQ from a large national U.S. sample and found that, on average, people who identified as liberal and atheist had higher IQs. The IQ differences, while statistically significant, are not stunning -- on the order of 6 to 11 points -- and the data should not be used to stereotype or make assumptions about people, experts say.

How It Works: Clinton’s “Reality Distortion Field” Charisma One piece of the puzzle: getting eye contact right. Not evasive, not creepy — just right. (Photo: Mr. Theklan) This is a guest post from Michael Ellsberg, a good friend who’s spent the last several years studying interpersonal persuasion and language (spoken and unspoken). He has performed hundreds of tests in the field as the creator of Eye Gazing Parties, which resembles speed-dating with no speaking. In this post, he deconstructs Bill Clinton’s so-called “reality distortion field” into elements you can practice for business or pleasure. Enter Michael Ellsberg I’ve figured out the secret—or at least, a big secret—of Bill Clinton’s legendary charm and face-to-face persuasion. “I have a friend who has always despised Bill Clinton,” a person at a cocktail party told me during the time I was writing my book about eye contact. “In that moment, face-to-face, all of my friend’s personal animosity towards Clinton disappeared, in one instant,” my new acquaintance at the party continued.
