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Official Classic Battletech Website

Official Classic Battletech Website

Battletech Universe Succession Wars "The great dynasties of interstellar civilization are preparing to go to war to determine who will dominate human space. Players operate at the strategic level, where armies maneuver against armies, alliances are made and broken, and the object is not just to win an engagement, but to win the war." - The Succession Wars (FASA 1612), Introduction "A diligent player can construct a campaign that spans a few worlds or literally takes into account all two-thousand plus worlds in the Inner Sphere. The size and scope of any given campaign is left up to each player and player group. Using the considerable body of fiction covering the various worlds, factions, factories, forces and so on, published in numerous BattleTech sourcebooks and novels, will provide the players with the tools they need to design campaigns of virtually any type and size." - Combat Operations (FanPro10979) Welcome to our campaigns.

Battletech Wiki Classic BattleTech logo Overview[edit] Original game[edit] Boardgame[edit] At its most basic, the game of Battletech is played on a map sheet composed of hexagonal terrain tiles. Heat buildup is a major limiting factor of the game, and overheating a unit can have many negative effects such as penalties to weapon accuracy, slower movement, or even detonation of any ammunition carried by the Mech. Armor is tracked by body location of the mech, such as arms, legs, and multiple torso locations. Expansions[edit] The game's popularity spawned several variants and expansions to the core system, including CityTech which fleshed out urban operations, infantry and vehicle combat, AeroTech which focused on air- and space-based operations, and BattleSpace which detailed large spacecraft combat. FASA launched two additional systems to complement the core game: BattleTroops, an infantry combat system, and BattleForce, a large-scale combat simulator governing the actions of grouped BattleTech units. Malibu

Clan Snow Raven Touman Clan Snow Raven Touman currently stationed on Strana Mechty Swift Wing Galaxy 1st Raven Phalanx (The Longshanks) currently stationed on Homer 6th Raven Battle (The Meteors) 9th Raven Striker (The Snow Hunters) currently stationed on Circe 4th Raven Wing (The Snow Wing) 5th Raven Wing (The Frost Wing) Storm Crow Galaxy 5th Raven Stoop (The Wind Riders) currently stationed on Bearclaw 14th Raven Battle (The Thunder Heart Cluster) 9th Raven Wing The Hawkshead Galaxy 97th Raven Striker 1st Raven Regulars currently stationed on Brim 3rd Raven Auxiliaries 12th Raven Garrison 2nd Raven Phalanx currently stationed on Lum 5th Raven Auxiliaries 4th Raven Garrison Delta Solahma 4th Raven Regulars currently stationed on Hellgate 7th Raven Garrison 8th Raven Garrison Epsilon Solahma 6th Raven Regulars 7th Raven Regulars 2nd Raven Garrison 15th Raven Garrison 16th Raven Garrison Total Complement: 40 Warships Clans Mechbay Old Mechbay BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation.

Ghibli Plastic Model Kits World Art Funny Cat Pictures Last 100 фотофактов об Японии Продолжаем рубрику “Пост из прошлого”: Никаких туристических открыток, только наблюдения. (Всего 101 фото + 8 видео) Источник: ЖЖ/valkorn 1) Большую часть 9,5-часового перелета лайнер находится в России — то есть ты уже и поужинал, и три фильма посмотрел, и поспал, и позавтракал, а на экране в спинке кресла: «ближайший населенный пункт — Дальнегорск». 2) По маршруту Narita Express запустили составы cерии E259. 3) Роуминг есть, интернет есть. 4) Посетителей любых учреждений, музеев, ресторанов, гостиниц и других общественных мест встречают бутыли с дезинфицирующим раствором — руки мыть. 5) Городская архитектура в целом невзрачна и сугубо утилитарна. 6) ...что в торговых кварталах. 7) На славящемся своими видами курорте Хаконэ понатыканы гостиницы одна уродливее другой. Петр Вайль: «Токио — один из самых внешне непривлекательных городов на Земле. 8) Борются с курением на улицах. 9) Специальные хоругвеносцы выискивают курильщиков и компостируют им мозги. 12) Рабочий подновляет разбитую плиточку.

Москва сырокопченая Небольшая прогулка по ночной Москве, окутавшейся в дым от горящих торфяников...Хоть дышать и нечем, зато какой красивый свет! Funny Dogs and Cats Pictures << Cute Puppies and Cute Kittens | Funny Animal Pictures >> Cute and Funny Dogs and Cats Pics More Funny Dog and Cat Pictures: Playing Cat covering dog’s eyes with paws Guess Who? Cat Attack We couldn’t resist re-posting these funny flash clip of kittens attacking Come on. Yeah, I can walk! Mommy, the diaper monster is attacking me again! Cat and Kitten sleeping in sink Oh, hi… Hope you don’t mind, but we found your cat door, and just thought we’d make ourselves at home. Pic of sad Kitten getting shower I, I thought you loved me. Siamese Kitten enjoying playing on a computer Oh my God! Very Cute, playing kittens touching paws I love dancing to this song! Cute dog and cat poster Cute Sleeping puppies So they all rolled over and one fell off, there were four in the bed and the little one said “Roll over. Cute dog poking his head out from hole in building Pssst. next page » Page Topic: Funny Dogs and Cats Pics Comments Section: Cute Kittens, Puppies & Baby Animals

Captured America in Color 1939-1943 Posted Jul 26, 2010 Share This Gallery inShare324 These images, by photographers of the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information, are some of the only color photographs taken of the effects of the Depression on America’s rural and small town populations. The photographs and captions are the property of the Library of Congress and were included in a 2006 exhibit Bound for Glory: America in Color. Faro and Doris Caudill, homesteaders. Connecticut town on the sea. Farm auction. Children gathering potatoes on a large farm. Trucks outside of a starch factory. Headlines posted in street-corner window of newspaper office (Brockton Enterprise). Children in the tenement district. Going to town on Saturday afternoon. Chopping cotton on rented land near White Plains. Barker at the grounds at the state fair. Backstage at the "girlie" show at the state fair. At the Vermont state fair. Couples at square dance. Orchestra at square dance. Children asleep on bed during square dance. House.

Блог Андрея Соловьева Institute for Advanced Study, где работал Эйнштейн, обустроил возле своего кампуса небольшой лесопарк: кусочек широколиственного леса с ручьем, болотцем и проложенными тропинками. Он так и называется Institute Woods, и прогулка по этому лесу преподносилась в программе конференции как еще одно бесплатное развлечение в среду. Woods непосредственно граничат с полем Битвы при Принстоне. Так что если бы у меня возникло желание, то я спокойно мог дойти туда самостоятельно, но организованный подвоз на автобусах от McCarter Theatre сэкономил мне полчаса: на автобусе там ехать всего 5 минут. Не я один решил выбраться на природу, но, как я уже мог заметить в предыдущие дни, на подобные экскурсии откликаются меньше 10% участников конференции.
