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Best time to tweet

Best time to tweet
Leo Widrich is the co-founder of Buffer, a smarter way to publish tweets and Facebook posts. He writes more about Twitter tips and tools on the Buffer blog. Follow him on Twitter @LeoWid. When exactly are your best times to tweet? With over 200 million tweets posted each day, this is a very important question to tackle. When you better time your tweets, you’re better able to reach your followers. Let’s examine different tools that help determine Twitter metrics. 1. This first tool is certainly my favorite in terms of simplicity. Your best times are determined by two key measures: the performance of your past tweets and when most of your followers will be online. 2. TweetStats is a comprehensive tool that provides more detailed best tweeting times. The app also features a tweet density report. 3. My favorite in terms of algorithm is certainly Tweriod. 4. Additionally, the app allows for a very comprehensive keyword search. 5. What else is important other than timing?

Panorama des médias sociaux 2012 (The english version of this article is here: Social Media Landscape 2012) Il y a quelques années une analyste disait que dans cinq ans, les médias sociaux seront comme l’air (omniprésents). Nous sommes en 2012 et les médias sociaux n’ont jamais occupé une place aussi importante sur le web, à tel point que l’on en vient à se demander dans quelle mesure il est encore pertinent de dissocier les médias sociaux et le web. Comme chaque année depuis quatre ans (2008, 2009 et 2011), je vous propose donc un panorama des médias sociaux pour y voir plus clair sur les différents acteurs en présence et le rôle qu’ils occupent. Après une période de flou en 2010 où j’ai été incapable de produire un panorama cohérent, la dernière version proposait un découpage en sept grandes familles d’usage avec une position centrale pour Facebook et Twitter. Un écosystème toujours aussi dense En terme d’usages, j’ai réparti les nombreux services disponibles en six familles d’usages :

Acheter Followers :: Startup 2.0 Pour Acheter Des Followers Twitter Reasons to add your information to Culture24 The Culture24 network is centred on our rather unglamorously titled listings and resources system, DDE (Direct Data Entry). DDE feeds the database underpinning our website and services. The data is maintained by more than 4,000 UK museums, galleries, libraries, archives, science centres and heritage sites who update entries themselves via a set of simple, password-protected web pages. If you're not already using the DDE system, or if you have an entry but it's not being updated, here are a few reasons why we think it's a good idea to get stuck in. It’s free! If you'd like to know how to use DDE, you can find out more here Read the DDE Terms and Conditions

100 services à connaître pour mieux utiliser Twitter Dans le vaste domaine des réseaux sociaux, Twitter est l’un des plus connus et reconnus avec Facebook, Linkedin… Après les pays anglophones, Twitter a envahi toute l’Europe. En 2009, seulement 29% des internautes français connaissaient Twitter selon l’IFOP contre 80% en 2010. De là à l’utiliser il y a bien sûr un pas. Nous sommes encore loin d’un usage massif, pour le moment seules quelques dizaines de milliers de personnes sont actives sur le réseau de micro-blogging en France. Ce qui n’est pas le cas ailleurs, les chiffres qui circulent estiment entre 50 et 200 millions d’utilisateurs au niveau mondial. Raccourcisseur d’URL : l’utilité des raccourcisseurs d’URL n’est plus à démontrer. Clients : Echofon : Ce client vous offre la possibilité de vous connecter à plusieurs comptes Twitter en même temps sur une même page. TweetDeck :Cet outil permet la gestion de multi comptes Twitter.Seesmic : le client desktop qu’on ne présente plus ! Organisation et optimisation Personnalisation :

Quel apport d'audience ? Périmètre Etude réalisée du 1er au 31 janvier 2012Périmètre de 12 sites web d’actualité Publiée le 28/02/2012 – Les réseaux sociaux sont maintenant devenus incontournables pour de nombreux acteurs du web, en termes d’image mais aussi de génération de trafic. En témoigne la croissance des parts de visites des sites web Facebook et Twitter en tant qu’affluents pour les sites web d’actualité français. En trois mois, la part de visites moyenne du site Facebook passe de 2% à 3% des visites d’un site d’actualité français toutes sources confondues… Dans le cadre de cette étude, nous avons considéré 12 grands sites web d’actualité français mesurés par une solution AT Internet. Sur l’ensemble des visites toutes sources confondues d’un site web d’actualité français, … ce qui représente 28% des visites provenant de sites affluents Sur l’ensemble des visites provenant de sites affluents, Enfin, Google + , ouvert au public depuis septembre dernier, se fait encore très discret. Méthodologie - Accès direct

10 New Twitter Tools That Will Get You Tweeting Whether you’re new to Twitter or an experienced user, Twitter tools make everything easier. Here are some of my favorite new tools to make Tweeting easier and more useful for any user. Try one or two that looks useful and leave a comment in the box at the bottom if you like. 1. Whenever I see an article I like I just click on the Buffer icon and it becomes a Tweet that is then automatically posted at the next optimal time. Cool Feature: With every Tweet you send via Buffer you will get detailed analytics about how many clicks, retweets and reach. 2. Twimbow is a great way to stay on top what people are tweeting to make getting started Tweeting easier for you. Cool Feature: You can add pre-set hashtags (learn more about what hashtags are in #4 below) to your Tweets to color-code them for other Twimbow users, which connects you to other the Twimbow community of users. 3. 4. Hashtags are just words added to tweets that act like topic or event labels. TweetChat makes chats easy for you. 5.

24 Hour Museum To Become Culture24! Culture Secretary James Purnell with Jane Finnis and John Newbigin of Culture24. © Jon Pratty / Culture24 The organisation that publishes 24 Hour Museum changed its name to Culture24 on November 26 2007, beginning a period of change and development that will see the family of websites rebuilt, renamed and relaunched in spring 2008. For now though, although the organisation's name changes to Culture24, the current websites stay the same, with the same names and URLs. The Culture24 name was launched at a celebratory event hosted by Culture Secretary James Purnell at the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) office. Also present were Roy Clare, Chief Executive of MLA, Alan Davey (Director of Culture, DCMS) and Bill Morris of LOCOG, (the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games.) MLA Chief Executive, Roy Clare © Jon Pratty / Culture24 John Newbigin, Chair of the Trustees, Culture24.

Ten technical Twitter tips for journalists So you think you know Twitter? But do you know how to archive tweets, set up an RSS feed of a Twitter stream or have private group chat? Here are some practical, technical tips to help you: 1. Type to: in the search box on Twitter’s home page to get messages sent to you or to a particular username. Find local tweets using near: and within: This is a tip sent by journalism student Jeroen Kraan @KraanJ when we were discussing Twitter tips on @journalismnews. There is a list of more Twitter advanced search commands here. 2. 3. 4. To add a feed of tweets from a user copy and paste the following, replacing xxxx with the user name. This method doesn’t work for Google Reader but is compatible with RSS readers such as NetNewsWire. To set up a keyword RSS feed use the following URL, replacing / journalism jobs with your search query. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

“The Guardian’s Facebook app” - Martin Belam at news:rewired In September last year the Guardian launched our Facebook app as one of the media partners working on new features announced at the company’s f8 conference. The app uses the Open Graph to implement “frictionless sharing”, where the act of reading an article automatically pushes it as an action into Facebook’s database. The Guardian Facebook app Several of us at the Guardian - including colleagues Meg Pickard and Dan Catt - had thought for some time about what a “social news experience” might be like, but when we came to build the app we concentrated on shifting one particular metric. When we launched the app, some people were quizzical about the approach. Christine Burns said in two tweets: “The Guardian are going the right way to kill off normal social exchange of references to their articles. Jason Cartwright tweeted: “The whole thing is weird - why would you cede control of the distribution to FB? And @Playwert got straight to the point... A new audience for our journalism Thank you

50 Brilliant Apps to Enhance Your Twitter Experience Without a doubt, Twitter is one of the best innovations of the century. It’s a simple idea coupled with a simple interface that took them to the stratosphere. But after a few years and millions of dollars in venture funding, Twitter’s simplicity isn’t what people are looking for anymore. Right from the start, most of the innovation in the Twitter ecosystem has been coming from third party developers. Hootsuite HootSuite Hootsuite is the ideal choice if you are a social media power user to stay on top of your social media. Genre: Monitoring and AnalyticsPricing: From $5.99 per monthFree Account: AvailableMultiple Accounts: SupportedSupport for Other Social Networks: Available SocialOomph SocialOomph SocialOomph is another equally capable web app to stay on top of social trends. Genre: Monitoring and AnalyticsPricing: From $19.97Free Account: AvailableMultiple Accounts: SupportedSupport for Other Social Networks: Available CoTweet cotweet Seesmic Seesmic Twellow Twellow Klout Klout Strawberryjam Ping

News Community Outreach: Looking Back, Moving Forward For the past 4 years, Media Focus on Africa (MFA) together with Search for Common Ground (SFCG) has been facilitating inter-ethnic community dialogue sessions among the youths across the country, based on the drama series, The Team. This has been informed by the violence that rocked Kenya after the disputed 2007 elections that saw over a thousand people killed and hundreds of thousands displaced from their homes. The nature of politics in Kenya is that it is built on ethnic foundations, and this is always magnified when the general elections draw near. This did not change in the 2013 elections and MFA together with SFCG saw it necessarily to increase their efforts in peace building by investing more in the dialogue sessions before the elections happened. In this last year however (as Kenya approached the elections), discussions centered mostly on peaceful elections. If you missed the Team on radio, no need to worry. Click here
