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Flat Design, Material Design, Design thinking : qu'est ce que c'est ? - Café Numérique 4.86/5 ( 97% )based on 7 ratings Le Flat Design Popularisé par Apple dès 2012, il s’agit d’une véritable philosophie de conception graphique pour les interfaces numériques, basé sur l’épure et le refus du SKEUmorphisme qui prévalait jusqu’alors. Le SKUMorphisme, c’est l’imitation des objets de la vie réelle sur un écran (effets de carnet à spirale, de cuir,…) que l’on a vu pendant longtemps dans les interfaces Apple, et qui a totalement disparu à présent que Jony Ive est à la tête à la fois du Design Materiel et logiciel d’Apple Le Flat Design a également signé le grand retour de la typographie, qui avait été jusqu’alors absente des interfaces web, principalement à cause de limitations techniques. Les principales caractéristiques de ces interfaces sont : les effets de transparence, les filtres sur les photos, des couleurs douces et/ou très travaillées et surtout une absence totale de relief et d’effet de profondeur. Pourquoi un tel « raz de marée » autour du Flat Design ? Photo : Google

User-Centered Innovation Is Not Sustainable - Roberto Verganti by Roberto Verganti | 1:52 PM March 19, 2010 Last week I was in London at “The Big Rethink” conference of The Economist. Its goal was to explore the challenges of facing the world after the recession and how innovation and design could help address them. It came as no surprise that one of the more pressing problems mentioned was sustainable growth, especially the reduction of resource consumption and the protection of the environment. What did surprise me, however, was that many experts were still supporting user-centered innovation as the panacea for all these challenges. User-centered innovation has been popular in the pre-recession economy. Take the well-known example of the Toyota Prius. Only forward-looking executives, designers, and, of course, policy makers may introduce sustainable innovation into the economic picture. It is only within the framework of a vision-centered process that users can provide precious insights.

IDEO | A Design and Innovation Consulting Firm Hasso-Plattner Institute - Hasso-Plattner-Institut HPI Research School The Graduate school at Hasso Plattner Institute has devoted itself to the field of “Service-Oriented Systems … > more As the world of operations has changed, so have interests and priorities within the Unit. Historically, the TOM Unit focused on manufacturing and the development of physical products. Over the past several years, we have expanded our research, course development, and course offerings to encompass new issues in information technology, supply chains, and service industries. The field of TOM is concerned with the design, management, and improvement of operating systems and processes. As we seek to understand the challenges confronting firms competing in today's demanding environment, the focus of our work has broadened to include the multiple activities comprising a firm's "operating core":

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