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analogous colors Search This Blog This Blog Linked From Here My Blog List Showing posts with label analogous colors. Show all posts How-Tos and Step-by-Step This Easter craft from TV crafter Jim "Figgy" Noonan doubles as a science project, offering an opportunity to show kids the crystallization process at work. To make a fluorescent variation for Halloween, substitute the water and egg dye solution with Glow Water. Tools and Materials Blown-out eggshell (Get the How-To) Alum powder White glue Small paintbrush Plastic or glass container Egg dye Hot water Craft stick or spoon Latex gloves Drying rack or newspaper Crystal Egg Geode How-To 1.

Glass Pendant Necklaces Tutorial Easy. Cheap. Adorable. How can you pass up something like this? I found places online where they sold the tutorials on how to make these glass pendant necklaces. Here’s mine for free. Cute Plastic Bottle Planter Here is a creative idea for a DIY project, about how to make a cute plastic bottle planter. Make these “pots” along with your kids for your home , also can be a great gift from kids for their grandparents. In this project was used chia seeds, but can be used any type of grass.

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