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Africa | Tackling South Africa's rape epidemic Two friends of footballer Zakhe were raped and murdered for being gay The trial of three of the men accused of the rape and murder of one of South Africa's leading sportswomen, the openly gay football star Eudy Simelane, starts in South Africa on Wednesday. Thirty-one lesbian women have been reported raped and murdered in homophobic attacks in South Africa since 1998. But according to Triangle - a gay rights organisation - only two cases of "corrective rape" have ever made it to the courts; there has been only one conviction. "This is a sad fact in this country generally, women are very reluctant to come forward," says Sharon Cox from Triangle. "Corrective rape" is the term used to describe the rape of a lesbian woman by a man to either punish her, or "correct" her behaviour. Ms Cox says rape is power is South Africa. "The thinking is, all it takes is one good man to cure you of being a lesbian," she told the BBC's Newshour programme. Gang rape Sense of entitlement

HOW TO: Give Back With Social MicroFunding in 2009 Leslie Poston is a writer, social media guide and tech junkie, as well as the founder of Uptown Uncorked. This is part of her Real World Change 2.0 series. If you've been watching the web the last few weeks, especially Twitter, you've seen a rapid rise in a new trend: microfunding for charities and causes. The last few weeks have seen charities leveraging microdrives on a global scale via social networks like Twitter using third party donation tools. This is nothing new, Beth Kanter has been tapping the social media universe for charity for some time on behalf of organizations like the Sharing Foundation, and Mashable's own Pete Cashmore led the "well that Twitter built" campaign not too long ago. As the idea of simple, fast microgiving takes off, more and more charities and causes are seeing the benefits of this new way to help. The most recent campaign, and one that is doing wonders to drive awareness, is the WellWishes Twitter campaign using TipJoy and Twitter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Persepolis 2.0: Iran's Post-Election Uprising: Hopes & Fears Revealed Voluntary Gas Tax The voluntary gas tax is a self-imposed and self-collected tax established by a group of Davisites. That is to say, they keep track of the gas they use, decide on a rate at which to tax themselves, and donate the proceeds to one of a few non-profit organizations selected by the group. If you'd like to get involved, contact and at Davis Enterprise Column on Voluntary Gas Tax.pdf Origins The idea for the tax was brought to Davis by a delegation from Harrisonburg, Virginia that was visiting town to look at the local bike infrastructure in the Winter of 2010. Past Beneficiaries Each quarter the group chooses a new set of beneficiaries and each member chooses the beneficiaries to which they will donate their "tax money". Institute for Transportation and Development Policy * No on 23 * The Birch Lane "30 Bikes for 30 Students" program * The Yolo Basin Foundation * The Environmental Law Alliance

I'm a Photographer, not a Terrorist Generous River: Growing Rice in Sub-Saharan Africa | Volunteer Stories | Food Security | What Do Volunteers Do? | Learn About Volunteering Jump to Content or Main Navigation Peace Corps Generous River: Growing Rice in Sub-Saharan Africa By ROSE VELMA LINDGREN The broken fragments slipped between my fingers, leaving a chalky white residue that I rubbed off onto my ever-ready handkerchief as I tried to hide my disappointment. "Is this the only rice you have?" The woman looked up at me from under her large pagne headscarf-a faded ("well-loved," my mother would say) pattern of umbrellas danced across it-and, ignoring my question, asked, "How much would you like?" Togo was ranked sixth in the world among countries hit hardest by the global food crisis. My village should have been a success story, emerging out of the food crisis as a center for innovative agriculture and a model for reducing imports of staple foods. Rice production requires large amounts of capital, not just to begin, but every year to provide fertilizer and rent the farm vehicles. This year was worse. Virginie's uncle is the pastor of the local Baptist church.

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