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Anti-Bullying Awareness

Anti-Bullying Awareness

Bullying Prevention and Intervention Resources - Student Support, Career & Education Services These websites may include content that do not necessarily represent the official views of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education ("the Department"), and listing them here does not imply endorsement of any kind. The Department assumes no responsibility for, or any obligation to monitor the content, privacy practices, operators, availability, accuracy, quality, advertising, products, services, or other materials of these sites. Scroll down the page for more information, or select any of the following categories to be brought directly to that point on this page. 1. Model Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan: The Model Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan has been updated to reflect Chapter 86 of the Acts of 2014, which amended G.L. c. 71, §370, the anti-bullying statute, and was signed into law on April 24, 2014. School districts and other covered entities must amend their Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan to conform to the new requirements. 2.

Bullying Awareness ~ Lesson Plans | One World, One Heart Beating Putting an end to bullying means infusing relationships to self and others with compassion, empowerment, and love. These lessons (arranged from lowest to highest grade levels) address bullying behaviours, while demonstrating non-violent ways of resolving conflict. (Click on these links for Lesson Plans on Teaching Tolerance, Making a Difference, and Creating Community.) Sticks and Stones Grades: K through 8 Subjects: Social Studies, Health Duration: One session Materials: One light grey piece of paper crinkled into a “stone” per student, pencils, 1 sheet posterboard and marker Breaking down The Walls of Intolerance (Lunch Day Mixer) Grades: 1 through 12 Subjects: Social Studies, Health Duration: One session Materials: Black bulletin board paper, red construction paper (enough to make 1 “brick“ per student), markers, scissors, stapler Peaceful Verbs Grades: 3 through 5 Subject: Language Arts Duration: See lesson plan Materials: See lesson plan

For teachers only 2. Les objectifs de ce site et de la séquence: Ce site a été réalisé pour des élèves de classe de 3ème "niveau vers B1. ». Les élèves découvriront le personnage de Jack l’éventreur « the Ripper », découvriront la période Victorienne et les conditions de vie des femmes à Londres à la fin du 19 ème siècle. Évoquer des événements passés: réactivation du prétérit simple et en Ing et la forme passive. 3. p 2 Jack the Ripper : Compréhension de l’écrit d’une lettre dite de Jack the Ripper à partir du site : Repérer les informations essentielles . p 3 The victims :Compréhension de l’écrit. 4 Atelier rotatif qui reprend les différentes compétences : Idées ,suite à un stage Paf intitulé « Comment travailler en atelier en classe de langues » mené par Florence Vourch. Des corrections peuvent être disposées sur le bureau des professeurs et les élèves travaillent en autonomie.. 5. Expression de l’ oral . Consigne : Utiliser le prétérit simple et en Ing et 3 formes passives.

New ways to stop bullying As an expert on bullying, Dorothy Espelage, PhD, hates to see her research collecting dust on library shelves. She wants it in the hands of educators where it can make a difference. So, the counseling psychologist/researcher heads to Wisconsin almost weekly to update teachers on the latest facts about bullying. "We're doing good peer-reviewed research on bullying, and the only way to get the message out there is to go into the schools," says Espelage, who with colleagues has surveyed 20,000 Wisconsin second- through 12th-graders about the subject. Espelage is one of a growing number of American psychologists helping schools establish effective bullying prevention and intervention programs, which are being mandated by many school systems across the country in the wake of Columbine and other school shootings. New research from the Secret Service and the U.S. Indeed says Limber, "Bullying is a very common experience for kids in school" and more widespread than previously thought. Susan M.

C3 : FICHE DE LECTURE sur NELSON MANDELA Par BDG CM2 dans Dans la cour des grands... le 8 Décembre 2013 à 21:10 Catherine nous a envoyé cette excellente fiche sur le parcours incroyable de Nelson Mandela. Un moyen judicieux de profiter de l'actualité pour parler de tolérance. Un diaporama pdf est également joint pour projeter quelques photos et lancer réflexion et débat dans la classe. Friends . Bullies someone else. No matter what situation or form it comes in, bullying can make you feel depressed, hurt, and alone. It can keep you from enjoying the activities and places that are part of your life. Bullying happens everywhere, whether it's your town or Paris, France. But why should something that can make a person so miserable have to be part of growing up? Let's start by looking at the different kinds of bullying: Physical bullying means: Hitting, kicking, or pushing someone...or even just threatening to do it Stealing, hiding or ruining someone's things Making someone do things he or she don't want to do Verbal bullying means: Name-calling Teasing Insulting Relationship bullying means: Refusing to talk to someone Spreading lies or rumors about someone Making someone do things he or she doesn't want to do What do all these things have in common? The reason why one kid would want to bully another kid is this: when you make someone feel bad, you gain power over him or her.

DIRE > Ressources pédagogiques du programme DIRE en français Affiches | Serment | Signets | Cartons d’identité | Étoile DIRE de la semaine | Dépliants | Certificat de contribution | Guides d’implantation | Articles pour infolettres | Astuces pour maintenir DIRE Affiches Les affiches de DIRE et DIRE MENTOR peuvent être imprimées et affichées dans votre salle de classe ou dans les couloirs afin de rappeler aux élèves d'utiliser les stratégies de DIRE et DIRE MENTOR au quotidien. Le serment de DIRE La bannière du serment de DIRE s'imprime sur trois pages de grandeur lettre et est accompagnée d'instructions d'assemblage. Signets Les signets DIRE peuvent être imprimés et distribués aux élèves. Cartons d’identité Les cartons d’identité peuvent être imprimés et distribués, par exemple pour identifier le bureau de chaque élève, afin de rappeler aux élèves d'utiliser les stratégies de DIRE. L'étoile DIRE de la semaine À chaque semaine, vous pouvez présenter l’étoile DIRE de la semaine à un élève qui a bien utilisé les stratégies de DIRE. Dépliants

Bullying No. 80; March 2011Click here to download and print a PDF version of this document. Bullying is a common experience for many children and adolescents. Surveys indicate that as many as half of all children are bullied at some time during their school years, and at least 10% are bullied on a regular basis. Bullying behavior can be physical or verbal. Children who are bullied experience real suffering that can interfere with their social and emotional development, as well as their school performance. Children and adolescents who bully thrive on controlling or dominating others. If you suspect your child is bullying others, it's important to seek help for him or her as soon as possible. If you suspect your child may be the victim of bullying ask him or her to tell you what's going on. It's also important to respond in a positive and accepting manner. Ask your child what he or she thinks should be done. For more information visit AACAP's Bullying Resource Center

Ressources-pour-les-parents Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Family Policy Compliance Office (FPCO) Home The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school. Schools may disclose, without consent, "directory" information such as a student's name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. For additional information, you may call 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327) (voice). Or you may contact us at the following address:

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