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Johnnie's Math Page - The Best Math for Kids and their Teachers -Hundreds of Interactive Math Tools, Math Activities, and Math Games

Johnnie's Math Page - The Best Math for Kids and their Teachers -Hundreds of Interactive Math Tools, Math Activities, and Math Games
Johnnie's Math Page is the site to find fun math for kids, math games, and even a little math homework help. Interactive math activities from across the web have been organized by topic to make math learning enjoyable and interesting. These activities have been chosen to represent the range of math learned from kindergarten to middle school. I have put together resources for middle school math. In the middle school math section you will find fantastic models for all kinds of algebra- from linear equations to quadratics. For parents and teachers, you will find math lessons and free math worksheets as well as links to other math teaching resources. For those who like a challenge, you will find free math games in the math puzzles section. Contact Johnnie

L’Attrape-Nombres – Un jeu qui enseigne l’arithmétique et combat la dyscalculie A qui ce jeu est-il destiné? L’Attrape-Nombres est principalement adapté aux enfants de 5 à 10 ans – mais les niveaux supérieurs feront le plaisir des adultes ! Les enfants de maternelle y découvriront les concepts de base des nombres et de l’arithmétique. Ceux de primaire, qui connaissent déjà les nombres, apprendront à calculer de plus en plus vite. Le jeu s’adresse tout particulièrement aux enfants qui éprouvent des difficultés en maths (dyscalculie) – il les aidera à renforcer leurs circuits cérébraux de représentation et de manipulation des nombres. L’Attrape-Nombres se concentre sur les nombres à deux chiffres. Lernerfolg Grundschule: Online Lernspiele für Mathe, Deutsch, Englisch

Basic Facts Fluency Every math teacher struggles to find ways to encourage students to master their basic facts. Whether for addition and subtraction facts or for multiplication and division facts, teachers collect many ideas from which they can draw activities to meet the varied needs of learners in their classes. Games and Who Has? activities are especially motivational and continual play can help students develop fact fluency in an effort to master the games and capture the most points. Many teachers include a weekly "Game Day" in math classes. Math Games: Students need regular opportunities to play the games with appropriate levels of challenge and with different partners. Check out these links for Mathwire games that practice basic facts: Who Has? Once students have developed conceptual understanding of the basic operations they need to develop fluency with the facts. Check out Who Has? Teacher Resources: Check out Suggested Techniques to increase your differentiated repertoire of effective strategies.

creo | La science en jeu WordWorld Come play again later! Come play again tomorrow! Math Games - HOODA MATH - over 100 Math Games Schöne Ausmalbilder, Mandalas, Bastelvorlagen u. Malvorlagen für Kinder 7 Games for Practicing Math Facts 1. Speed Racers What they’ll practice: Identifying odd and even numbers What they’ll need: One deck of cards per pair How to play: Students should remove all face cards and divide the deck in half. 2. What they’ll practice: Basic math facts What they’ll need: Chalkboard or interactive whiteboard, two flashlights (one with colored cellophane wrapped around the top to distinguish between teams) How to play: Before class begins, list several numbers on the board (either in rows or random order). 3. What they’ll practice: Addition, subtraction What they’ll need: One deck of cards for every three students (face cards are worth 11) How to play: Two players are the “soldiers” and one player is the “general.” The general (the only one who can see both cards) adds the two numbers together and says the sum aloud. 4. What they’ll practice: Coin values, addition, subtraction What they’ll need: Small buckets, lots of coins (fake is fine, but real is more fun!) 5. What they’ll practice: Adding doubles 6. 7.

Le site est bien et amusant Willkommen in der Wortwuselwelt, spiele mit weltigen Geräuschen, wortigen Gedichten und wuseligem Getier! Hip Hip Hooray Magazine Math Activities These Math Activities are divided into two categories: Quick and effortless retrieval of addition and multiplication facts is essential to computing a whole range of math functions from reducing fractions, to finding common denominators, to dividing, to factoring, etc.. Students who haven't memorized the facts struggle unnecessarily throughout their math studies. Schools tend to "out-source" this essential task of memorizing the facts. After school programs can help students immensely by helping kids learn their math facts. Memorizing facts is necessary, but it doesn't have to be tedious. These activities review basic math concepts. The files below are in pdf format. General Paper Tower Stacking Game: Memorize addition facts with a "Jenga" style stacking game. Parking Spot Game: Memorize addition facts with a game for car lovers. Math Facts Hangman: Play Hangman with numbers instead of letters. Flash Card Eating Monster: Feed a hungry monster with addition facts. Addition Facts Memory Kits

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