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HTML5, CSS3, JS Demos, Creations and Experiments Comparing Codepen, JSFiddle, JSBin, Plunkr, CSSDeck, Liveweave, Dabblet Codepen, JSFiddle, JS Bin, Dabblet, CSS Deck, and Liveweave are HTML, CSS and JavaScript playgrounds, meaning that you can type in your HTML, CSS and JavaScript to troubleshoot, mess around with some code, or quickly write HTML CSS, and Javascript. These sites are the leading playgrounds for front-end developers and in this article I hope to point out some pros and cons of each and conclude an overall winner. If anyone is familiar with C++, these playgrounds are like drivers – you use them to avoid creating a mess of code that you can't troubleshoot. These code playgrounds are reviewed in no particular order. If you want to read my overall thoughts among them all, read the last section. Codepen Codepen is a nice and sleak code playground that lets you mess with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (as they all playgrounds do). See the Pen CSS Rolling Loader by Irko Palenius (@ispal) on CodePen. Codepen has a liveview that is automatically updated when you type and allows for three major layouts.

7 of the Best Code Playgrounds A variety of front-end code playgrounds have appeared over the years. The majority offer a quick and dirty way to experiment with client-side code and share with others. In this article, we take a quick look at seven of the best. Typical features of these online playgrounds include: color-coded HTML, CSS and JavaScript editorsa preview window — many update on the fly without a refreshHTML pre-processors such as HAMLLESS, SASS and Stylus CSS pre-processinginclusion of popular JavaScript librariesdeveloper consoles and code validation toolssharing via a short URLembedding demonstrations in other pagescode forkingzero cost (or payment for premium services only)showing off your coding skills to the world! The best feature: they allow you to test and keep experimental front-end code snippets without the rigmarole of creating files, firing up your IDE or setting up a local server. JSFiddle JSFiddle was one of the earliest code playgrounds and a major influence for all which followed. CodePen
