We Are the 99 Percent 14th October 2013 Question with 172 notes Anonymous asked: How can you claim to speak for 99% of people? Cops stop ‘Occupy’ storming at Trinity Church Bryan Smith for New York Daily News The church-owned lot was the scene of arrests last month when some demonstrators tried to take over the space after the NYPD removed them from Zuccotti Park. About 100 Occupy Wall Street protesters flooded the Trinity Church property they had vowed to take over in lower Manhattan on Saturday but were quickly pursued by police. The protesters, who were gathering all day next to the lot, erected and climbed over portable wooden steps in the late afternoon in a bid to “reoccupy.” Retired New York Espiscopal Diocese Bishop George Packard — once a military chaplain in Iraq — was the first over the chain-link fence that surrounded the lot and the first one arrested.
GRASSROOTS MAPPING Post written by Oscar Brett Arriving at Zucotti Park in downtown Manhattan, the site of #Occupy#Wallstreet, you can feel the energy of the crowd. The level of diversity (ideological/ ethnic/ generational) is unbelievable. The Occupation of Wall Street began on September 17th and it is getting stronger each day. VIDEO: Mass Arrests Of Occupiers At Duarte Square Josh Harkinson Updated December 18th at 9:00 a.m. For weeks, Occupy Wall Street has been talking about occupying a vacant lot next to Duarte Square in SoHo. On Saturday, it walked the talk. At about 3:30 p.m, several hundred marchers left the square along with two large wooden ladders concealed beneath banners. They circled the block and converged at the lot's northwest corner, where they hoisted one of the ladders up to a tall chain-link fence.
HUFFINGTON POST How big are the Occupy Wall Street protests on Facebook? The Huffington Post analyzed the state of activism on Facebook in response to the Occupy Wall Street protests. Over 450,000 Facebook users have joined Facebook pages related to the protests so far. OWS Campers: What Can We Occupy Next? Protesters occupy a Bank of America branch in downtown San Francisco, California. See the rest of Mother Jones photo editor Mark Murrman's photos of the incident here . What will the evicted residents of Zuccotti Park occupy next? Will it be Duarte Plaza, a triangular patch of brick and gravel owned by Trinity Church in Tribeca?
Global Square Next meeting of GlobalSquare (also known as Occupy the WSF initiative) Our next meeting Date: Thursday, 17th of January 2013Time: 19.00 GMT in Mumble, for other locations please use the time zone converterLocation: server, room: Assemblies & Round Tables > OPEN SPACEPad for agenda and minutes: (add your proposals here) Inside Occupy Wall Street's Next Occupation At first glance, Occupy Wall Street's plan to take over a gravel lot in SoHo tomorrow seems a bit strange. After all, the property isn't all that close to Wall Street. It's owned by Trinity Church, which hardly seems like the kind of symbolic target that OWS found in Brookfield Office Properties, the politically connected owner of Zuccotti Park.
GUARDIAN DATA BLOG "951 cities in 82 countries" has become the standard definition of the scale of the Occupy protests around the world this weekend, following on from the Occupy Wall Street and Madrid demonstrations that have shaped public debate in the past month. We wanted to list exactly where protests have taken place as part of the Occupy movement - and see exactly what is happening where around the globe. With your help, adding events in our form below, we've been able to show 750 Occupy events world wide. Retired Episcopal Bishop to Join Occupation of Church-Owned Square Retired Episcopal Bishop to Join Occupation of Church-Owned Square As the Occupy Wall Street organizers continue to search for a public gathering space to resume their work after being forcibly removed from Zuccotti Park, Trinity Wall Street Episcopal Church continues to deny the movement’s request for access to the vacant, church-owned Duarte Square. Instead, they’ve chosen to have the police arrest anyone who enters — a decision that has provoked an outcry from thousands of people of faith across the country. As we highlighted, Trinity has even refused the pleas of retired Episcopal bishop George Packard, who has been serving as a negotiating mediator for the Occupiers. After the latest round of dialogue broke down, Bishop Packard has announced on his blog that he plans to participate in Occupy’s non-violent occupation of Duarte Square this Saturday. Packard explains:
MotherJones The loose-knit protest movement known as Occupy Wall Street has stirred action from New York City to LA and spread overseas. Here we present an expanding map of protest hot spots and reported arrests, and track the movement's growth. Check back often for updates—and check out all the rest of MoJo's #OWS coverage here. Protests taking place beyond Manhattan: Bishop, Priest, Protestor Arrested in Trinity Wall Street/Occupy Clash To chants of “We are unstoppable, another world is possible,” retired Episcopal Bishop George Packard this afternoon led Occupy Wall Street protestors in climbing over the fence at Duarte Square, a property owed by Trinity Wall Street, the iconic Episcopal church now mired in controversy over its refusal to allow the movement to set up camp for the winter in the park. [image credit: Episcopal Café] Episcopal Café reported that Packard and Episcopal priest John Merz were arrested along with several other protesters. It had been hoped that a letter from South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu to the #OWS community yesterday would sway local, diocesan, and national church leadership to soften their stance toward the movement on the basis of “the higher calling of Our Lord Jesus Christ--which they live so well in all other ways.”
#OccupyMap #OccupyMap is a platform for empowering citizen journalists and digital archivists worldwide. With OccupyMap you can publish real time reports from Occupy actions worldwide and help to create an archive of the moment-by-moment history of the Occupy movement. How to Contribute There are several ways you can contribute to OccupyMap.
Merci Chaacattac pour le changement ;-) ... Ca swingue là-bas ... La nuit est en train de tomber, un max de filcs viennent de débouler ... L'impression que le mouvement est à un tournand à N.Y. by tourist.information Nov 17
non mais tout est ok. je n ai pas acces au reste car je fais equipe uniquement sur "artists". j'ai depose cette perle pour que tu puisses la ranger là où c est le plus pertinent. :o) by agnesdelmotte Nov 17
à deplacer. (j ai pas acces au reste du pearltree) by agnesdelmotte Nov 17