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Kevin Rose’s Milk Inc. releases Oink, an app to rate, well…everything 3 November '11, 10:26pm Follow Digg founder Kevin Rose has a new venture, Milk Inc., and it has released its first app, called Oink. The app is described as a ‘way to rate and rank the things around you,’ and bills itself as a ratings engine not just for places, but the things inside. When you fire up the app currently you’ll get the ability to connect a Twitter or Facebook account or use an email to sign up, but the app is still in a limited beta so you’ll need to wait in line to actually begin to ‘Oink’ things. You can begin browsing things that have already been rated around you by the beta testers of the app. You can view items in categories or on the whole. Instead of just ranking Six Flags as the best theme park, you can rate the coasters in that park from top to bottom. The app allows you to build cred by giving things ratings and then having those ratings approved by followers and other users of Oink. You can download Oink Builder on the App Store now for free.

Backbone.js Zepto.js, a jQuery-compatible mobile JavaScript framework in 2K (presentation) October 28th, 2010 Zepto.js is a JavaScript framework for mobile apps and sites, with a jQuery-compatible syntax (lots of the jQuery API is supported!). The goal is have a 2k library that handles most basic drudge work with a nice API that you might already know so you can concentrate on getting stuff done. Here’s my presentation from the October 27, 2010 vienna.js meetup! Links from the presentation: Interesting numbers from the article (library sizes in bytes): jQuery 1.4.3: 180,477 uncompressed, 77,745 minified, 26,711 minified and gzipped Prototype 1.7_rc3: 160,122 uncompressed, 86,919 minified, 26,617 minified and gzipped Zepto.js (2010/10/27): 8,788 uncompressed, 5,816 minified, 2,368 minified and gzipped These numbers are not strictly comparable, as jQuery and Prototype offer features that are not in Zepto.js, and are not design goals of Zepto.js. You can also download the slides (PDF, 12MB). Want to hear more about Zepto.js?

Blog | Cinder We're excited to announce the latest Cinder release, version 0.8.5. This is the most significant upgrade to Cinder to date. Here's what it contains: New TinderBox TinderBox has been rewritten from scratch and now includes support for integrating CinderBlocks (prepackaged libraries of code for use with Cinder). Generating an app to experiment with technologies like the Kinect or OpenCV now requires just a few clicks. Redesigned Window/Event Systems Cinder's windowing and event subsystems have been rewritten to support multiple windows in a single application. Visual C++ 2012 support Cinder and TinderBox now have full support for Visual C++ 2012 (including both the v110 and v110_xp toolsets). New Icons New icons for Cinder apps and TinderBox. C++11 Features By standardizing on Xcode 4.4+ we can ensure the universal availability of unique_ptr, lambda functions, move semantics and several other powerful tools in C++11. Can now be written as Screensavers on Mac and Windows libc++ on Mac OS X and iOS

Open Source Exchange Rates API - free, hourly-updated JSON currency data JSON object {} { members } members pair pair , members pair string : value array [] [ elements ] elements value value , elements value string number object array true false null string "" " chars " chars char char chars char any-Unicode-character- except-"-or-\-or- control-character \" \\ \/ \b \f \n \r \t \u four-hex-digits number int int frac int exp int frac exp int digit digit1-9 digits - digit - digit1-9 digits frac . digits exp e digits digits digit digit digits e ee+e-EE+E- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation – Notation Objet issue de JavaScript) est un format léger d'échange de données. JSON se base sur deux structures: Une collection de couples nom/valeur. Ces structures de données sont universelles. En JSON, elles prennent les formes suivantes: Un objet, qui est un ensemble de couples nom/valeur non ordonnés. Un tableau est une collection de valeurs ordonnées. Une valeur peut être soit une chaîne de caractères entre guillemets, soit un nombre, soit true ou false ou null, soit un objet soit un tableau.

Motion-Twin RightJS -- JavaScript Framework -- RightJS Plugins is a subproject of RightJS that contains officially supported common use extensions for RightJS All the source code of the project is available under terms of the MIT license at the github service. git clone You can include any of the following modules as separated files on your page, or you can include them in the main build at the custom builds page top ↑Additional Effects By default RightJS comes with a basic Fx engine and a few most used visual effects. Info: Documentation | Download: build, source top ↑Casting Plugin Advanced dynamic typecasting features for dom-wrappers Info: Documentation | Download: build, source top ↑Drag'n'Drop Module The standard drag-and-drop library for RightJS Info: Documentation | Download: build, source top ↑Pretty Keys Provides pretty event names support for keyboard events Info: Documentation | Download: build, source top ↑RubyOnRails Support top ↑Sizzle Support
