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Disaster Recovery Working Group Emplois & missions Vous recherchez un emploi ou une mission dans la solidarité internationale : > Effectuez vos recherches ci-dessous à partir des critères proposés. > Recevez gratuitement toutes les nouvelles offres d’emplois correspondant à vos critères dans votre boîte mail. N.B.: la rubrique Agir avec les ONG peut vous guider dans votre démarche de recherche d’emploi. Vous souhaitez publier une offre d’emploi ou une mission : > Remplissez le formulaire de demande d’inscription annonceur.Ce service est ouvert aux ONG, fondations, organismes publics de coopération (local, national, régional) et aux organisations internationales. Coordination SUD ne saurait être tenue responsable du contenu des offres d’emploi diffusées sur son site.

Teacher and Administrator Professional Development | EDC, Inc. The developing world faces a massive and growing shortage of quality teachers, while many administrators are not well prepared to be instructional leaders. EDC delivers effective, hands-on training and support to large numbers of teachers and administrators; recently, we trained half a million teachers in a single year. Our professional development programs are intensive, ongoing, connected to practice, and sustainably embedded within our partners’ education systems. We use various technologies to reach difficult-to-reach places, improve cost effectiveness, and provide more constant support than is practical using conventional means. We empower head teachers, supervisors, and inspectors to serve as mentors who encourage teachers to apply newly learned techniques.

Careers Job families: Economic Affairs Environment Affairs Population Affairs Statistics Social Sciences Public Administration Programme Management Science and Technology Drug Control and Crime Prevention Nature of the work Job opportunities in the Economic and Social Network are mostly found in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs in New York as well as in the United Nations’ five regional economic commissions headquartered in Addis Ababa - Ethiopia, Bangkok - Thailand, Beirut - Lebanon, Geneva – Switzerland and Santiago – Chile. The majority of jobs in economic affairs entail programme management as well as analysis of economic sectoral development at global, regional and national levels. Many jobs in this network specialize in intergovernmental support, organization of international conferences and forums, and preparation of summary reports. Education

History As an increasing number of people are being affected by natural hazards, there is growing recognition by governments and organizations that building resilient communities and reducing disaster risk is a core initiative. The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) was established to support and coordinate this movement. UNISDR Yearly Archives UNISDR has been advocating for and promoting disaster risk reduction for over 10 years. An archive of all our key activities since 2000 are listed in the below links. Want the history of UNISDR-related UN resolutions and reports? Milestones in the History of Disaster Risk Reduction Over the decades, disaster risk reduction has moved from a narrowly perceived technical discipline, to a broad-based global movement focused on sustainable development. During the 1960s, the UN/GA adopted measures regarding severe disasters Back to top

Internship opportunities at the ILO If you are thinking of entering the world of the UN within a specialized agency, the International Labour Organization (ILO) will offer you its unique tripartite structure and projects around the decent work agenda, where working with governments, employers and workers is the exciting challenge of every days work. The ILO is devoted to advancing opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. Its main aims are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue in handling work-related issues. If you are interested in joining the ILO as an intern you will help to make its vision of universal human conditions of labour a reality. At the ILO you will face dynamic, results-based practices. What will I learn and take away from this experience? The aim of our internship programme is to give you exposure to the daily work of the ILO.

OFID Praktikum "Praktika sind für den DAAD eine Investition in die Zukunft, denn sie ermöglichen auf vielen Ebenen für alle Beteiligten eine Win-Win-Situation." (Auszug aus dem Personalentwicklungskonzept des DAAD) Ein Praktikum im DAAD hat das Ziel, Sie mit den spezifischen Arbeitsverfahren, -mitteln und -prozessen sowie mit organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen im DAAD bekannt zu machen. Es soll Ihnen einen Einblick in die Berufspraxis vermitteln und Ihnen so den zukünftigen Übergang in die Berufswelt erleichtern. Die Praktika im DAAD und damit die Inhalte aber auch Anforderungen sind so vielfältig wie der DAAD selbst. So ist es möglich, ein Praktikum in unserer Zentrale in Bonn oder einer Außenstelle des DAAD zu absolvieren. Ziel eines Praktikums im DAAD soll es darüber hinaus sein, dass sowohl Sie als potenzielle/r Praktikant/in möglichst viel für sich aus einem Praktikum im DAAD mitnehmen können, aber auch der DAAD möglichst konstruktive zielgerichtete Unterstützung durch Sie erhält.

UNDAC What is UNDAC? The United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) is part of the international emergency response system for sudden-onset emergencies. UNDAC was created in 1993. It is designed to help the United Nations and governments of disaster-affected countries during the first phase of a sudden-onset emergency. UNDAC also assists in the coordination of incoming international relief at national level and/or at the site of the emergency. UNDAC teams can deploy at short notice (12-48 hours) anywhere in the world. Assessment, coordination and information management are UNDAC's core mandates in an emergency response mission. The UNDAC system comprises four components: Staff: Experienced emergency managers made available for UNDAC missions by their respective governments or organizations. Subscribe to receive quarterly updates on UNDAC missions, trainings, workshops & exercises Managing the UNDAC system Emergency missions UNDAC disaster response preparedness missions

JobTrotter - Offres d'emploi à l'International, alertes emploi et dépôt de CV pour vivre et travailler à l'étranger Marchés publics Consultancy Services to Strengthen the Internal and External Support Supervision and Visitation Systems - UGA230 Pays : OugandaDate de clôture : 25-04-2014 Droit applicable : Belgian The Government of Uganda (GoU) received a grant from the Kingdom of Belgium to finance the Teacher Training Education Project - aimed at “Improving the training for BTVET technical teachers/instructors, health tutors and secondary teachers”. Internship Programme | The United Nations Office at Nairobi The United Nations Office at Nairobi offers internship to students who are currently enrolled in at least the final year of a first university degree programme or in a graduate school (second university degree or higher) programme at the time of application, or if they have graduated, can commence their internship within a one-year period after graduation. The Internship is for a minimum period of two months and a maximum of six. The purpose of the United Nations internship programme is twofold: (a) to provide a framework by which students from diverse academic backgrounds gain exposure to the United Nations through assignment to offices within the Secretariat in order to enhance their educational experience and gain experience in the work of theUnited Nations; and (b) to provide United Nations offices with the assistance of qualified students specialized in various professional fields. Please read carefully the ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA before application. Important note: You must 1.
