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IDRC - International Development Research Centre

IDRC - International Development Research Centre
IODC 2015: Showcasing the promise of open data A recent conference in Ottawa explored the potential of open data to bring sweeping changes in many sectors. The goal: for even the most marginalized communities to have access to vital information, and the capacity to understand, use, and share it

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Strengthening democracy through private enterprise and market oriented reform Sparking Debate on Economic Policy in Nepal Samriddhi wins an award at the Asia Liberty Forum in Kuala Lumpur. By Sarita Sapkota, Samriddhi In the annual Asia Liberty Forum in Malaysia this year, Atlas Network presented the Asia Liberty Award to Samriddhi for its ‘Econ-ity’ initiative. As part of Atlas’ Regional Liberty Awards, The Asia Liberty Award recognizes think tanks within the Atlas Network that have made important contributions to improving the landscape for enterprise and entrepreneurship in their regions.

Aid Effectiveness : Center for Global Development : Research Topics The Center’s work on aid effectiveness focuses on the policies and practices of bilateral and multilateral donors. It includes analyzing existing programs, monitoring donor innovations, and designing and promoting fresh approaches to deliver aid. CGD researchers also investigate how foreign aid and other aspects of development—such as trade, migration, investment, and climate change policies—undermine or complement each other. Specific work includes: Research, analysis, and policy outreach on U.S. foreign assistance reform through the Rethinking U.S. Foreign Assistance Program

A Look Inside Pipa, Brazil’s First Start-Up Incubator --This post is co-written by Dhaval Chadha, a founding partner at Cria, an innovation consultancy and corporate venture incubator, and one of the cofounders of Pipa. Pipa (Portuguese for “kite”) is an incubator, or to be more specific an accelerator, focused on supporting entrepreneurs looking to create long-term sustainable value through business. We aim to support these entrepreneurs in their quest to create positive social, environmental and financial impact, something Brazil is engaging with more and more. While we strongly believe current paradigms of business and capitalism are losing relevance in the context of rising populations, inequality, environmental degradation and exponentially advancing technology, we also believe that business is one of the best forms of creating lasting social impact. This is because it is self-sustaining and thereby scalable. The partners at the four companies were already friends and sporadically worked on projects together.

Publishing Style Guide AAA Style The Publishing Department is pleased to announce the AAA Style Guide was revised in July 2009 and is now available for download below. This replaces the previous style guide, which was released in 2003. AAA uses The Chicago Manual of Style (15th edition, 2003) and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (11th edition, 2006). This guide is an outline of style rules basic to our journal editing. Where no rule is present in this guide, follow Chicago. Food and Agriculture : Center for Global Development : Research Topics More than a billion people in developing countries suffer from chronic hunger. Long a neglected topic, the role of agriculture in promoting pro-poor growth is attracting renewed attention in the United States and internationally. CGD’s work in this area focuses on how rich countries’ agricultural policies and practices impact people and economic development in the poor world.

How Social Entrepreneurs Who Need Money Can Get Noticed “Do good” business owners seeking funding should target investors looking to put their money to work to make positive social or environmental change. But how to get on their radar? One new way to make your company known to these "social investors" is through a new online searchable database for social entrepreneurs. prospectusguide Writing a Prospectus There are many different kinds of prospectuses for different purposes. In the humanities, Ph.D. students are asked to submit dissertation prospectuses to their committees; most research grant applications require them; academic job candidates often include short prospectuses with their application materials; and book publishers request them as part of the process of considering a manuscript for publication.

Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University (CNS-ASU) The Virtual Institute for Responsible Innovation (VIRI) was created to accelerate the formation of a community of scholars and practitioners who, despite divides in geography and political culture, will create a common concept of responsible innovation for research, training and outreach – and in doing so contribute to the governance of emerging technologies under conditions dominated by high uncertainty, high stakes, and challenging questions of novelty. “Responsible innovation” (RI) is an emerging term in science and innovation policy fields across the globe. Its precise definition has been at the center of numerous meetings, research council decisions, and other activities in recent years. But today there is neither a clear, unified vision of what responsible innovation is, what it requires in order to be effective, nor what it can accomplish.

Eight lessons from three years working on transparency I’ve spent the last three years working on aid transparency. As I’m moving on to a very exciting new role (watch this space for more details) this seems a good time to reflect on what I’ve learned in the last three years. This is a self-indulgently long essay about the importance of aid transparency, and the priorities for how it should be achieved. Busy readers may want to read the 8-point summary below. And for a very clear and concise introduction to the importance of aid transparency, take a look at this video by my (former) colleagues at aidinfo. The 8-point summary

empowering creatives / My idea for classy and eco- friendly flooring,hopefully harvested organically (without the use of pesticides) : is using bamboo bricks. They do exist and are probably fairly easy to installfor the right expert. Eco friendly materials are highly advantageous for companies that wish to lower their carbon footprintand up their game from an economicand environmental standpoint. This type of flooring could be very sturdy as well as play a part increating a safe alternative to cement and steel buildings which may buckle under the pressure of an earthquake.

Indigenous Geographies Research Center WIS2DOM: Weaving Indigenous and Sustainability Sciences: Diversifying our Methods Workshop This workshop will encourage collaboration between Indigenous and non-Indigenous early career academics and senior scholars from several disciplines and Indigenous community scholars. It will also allow Indigenous peoples to communicate their ecological understandings to the wider scientific community. In addition, this workshop will give all participants an opportunity to work across cultural and disciplinary understandings to cultivate mutually conducive and appropriate principles, protocols, and practices that address sustainability of resilient landscapes, thereby allowing for greater access to and understanding of Indigenous and sustainability sciences. Conference Hotel Agenda

Decent Digitisation Over the past months, we called in experts from a wide variety of disciplines to reflect on how we can bring decency to our digital society. We threw down the gauntlet and saw that government institutions, civil society organisations and researchers rose to the challenge. They shared their solutions in seventeen separate blogs, brought together in this publication.

An Agricultural Peace Dividend In northern Uganda, home to one of Africa’s longest and most brutal civil conflicts, organic farming is producing economic growth and stability. (Illustration by Justin Gabbard) “ The hardest part is reopening the land,” says Stella Atimango, an agricultural extension worker standing in a former battle zone beside neat rows of recently planted cotton on a one-acre farm in northern Uganda. Beyond Atimango, the tiny cotton field was surrounded by an abandoned countryside, the result of two decades of fighting between the Ugandan military and the Lord’s Resistance Army.
