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Computer Lab Favorites

Computer Lab Favorites
Sign in -or- Register Computer Lab Favorites Site Map Use these interactive, self-contained activities to introduce a topic or enliven your lab time. PRIVACY POLICY · Terms of Use · TM ® & © 2016 Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Flipped Classroom Strategies to Support Student Learning Flipping the classroom allows for classroom time to be used as a focus for student learning. Instruction via videos opens up real-time conversations and support for student learning. Read on for tips and strategies that support the flipped classroom model in fourth and fifth grade. First things first. Start Small If you don't have a digital workstation, let the learning begin in your computer lab. Determine the Purpose Are you planning to create your own videos? Keep Your Options Open The video lessons that I've used with my class have all been found online. LearnZillion is a wonderful source. Many of the lessons shared on LearnZillion come with a teacher guide, a video for students, and guided pactice at the end. StudyJams is fantastic. Subtext is one of my favorites. account. Getting Started Flipping the classroom works in whatever way you feel most comfortable. First . . . Review the video prior to students watching it. Next . . . Then . . . Last . . .

Scholastic Publishes Literacy Resources and Children's Books for Kids of All Ages teaching-tech Welcome to the A+ Teaching and Technology Resource Webpage for Fort Sam Houston ISD! The Fort Sam Houston ISD “A+ Teaching and Technology”” program is designed to … · increase the integration of technology in the classroom, · provide teachers with relevant, on demand training and support, · prepare students for the future by empowering them with 21st Century Skills, · monitor use of digital resources, and · celebrate successful technology implementation The core components include teacher self-assessments regarding integration and knowledge of 21st Century Skills, teacher action plans for the integration of technology, ongoing face-to-face and online staff development and lot of support, periodic data collection on the use of digital resources, and the collection of digital artifacts to evidence student use of technology. This Website The site can be navigated easily using the navigation buttons on the left hand side of the page.

Elementary Computer Activities & Games - Grade Level third ABCya is the leader in free educational computer games and mobile apps for kids. The innovation of a grade school teacher, ABCya is an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities. Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year. Apple, The New York Times, USA Today, Parents Magazine and Scholastic, to name just a few, have featured ABCya’s popular educational games. ABCya’s award-winning Preschool computer games and apps are conceived and realized under the direction of a certified technology education teacher, and have been trusted by parents and teachers for ten years. Our educational games are easy to use and classroom friendly, with a focus on the alphabet, numbers, shapes, storybooks, art, music, holidays and much more!

Travel the World from Your Classroom: Free iPad Apps for Virtual Field Trips Not every school has the resources necessary to take their students on an airplane . . . or spaceship. The iPad can bring the world to your students' fingertips in ways never before possible. Many national parks and museums have apps designed for onsite visitors. These navigational tools are also great for classrooms who can't make the trip. In fact, a variety of free apps can be used as virtual field trips so that children can travel the world from your classroom! National Parks by National Geographic National Parks by National Geographic is full of breathtaking pictures and information on National Parks including Acadia, Mount Rainier, Yellowstone and Zion. Gettysburg For a virtual tour of the Gettysburg Battlefield, the Gettysburg Battle app can be used in classrooms commemorating the 150th anniversary of this Civil War battle. Getty Museum The Life of Art app designed by the Getty Museum focuses on four items from their collection. NASA Earth Now Timeline - Art Museum Sphere

Free eBooks at Planet eBook - 80+ Classic Novels and Literature Wonderopolis Flipped Classroom: tre strumenti per creare lezioni capovolte Si parla sempre con maggior insistenza di Flipped Classroom, metodologia in cui viene capovolto il normale schema di lavoro in classe che non vede più al centro l'insegnante e la lezione frontale, ma sono gli alunni a costruire collaborativamente i loro percorsi di apprendimento, lavorando su materiali didattici selezionati dal docente-facilitatore. Le tecnologie consentono di utlizzare piattaforme digitali per la gestione della flipped classroom e per creare lezioni capovolte. Ve ne segnalo tre. eduCanon è un servizio gratuito per la creazione di "lezioni capovolte", l'assegnazione di attività e il monitoraggio dei progressi dei vostri studenti. Ecco due esempi di utilizzo di eduCanon da Punti e Appunti: Primi insediamenti a San Marino:

Free Novels, Free Short Stories, Free Children's Books, and Free Poetry My Classroom Economy
