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Quite Scientific - Artists

Top Indie Downloads Indie is a particular sound that has little to do with past associations of independent music. Indie also encapsulates a musical philosophy. Many artists utilize alternative instrumentation, jangling guitars, and may borrow from disparate genres such as folk, dance rock, and hip hop.

10 Gift Ideas No Book Lover Can Live Without This Holiday Season It’s the holiday season, which ideally means being thankful for your blessings and spending time with your loved ones. But more often than not it means spending a lot of money and eating a lot of food. And we’re here to help you with the first part! Here are ten items no self-respecting book-lover should do without this Christmas! The CIVIL WAR Trilogy Box Set Ancient maps home page Down to: 6th to 15th Centuries | 16th and 19th Centuries | 1901 to World War Two | 1946 to 21st Century The Ancient World ... index of places 7 Alternatives to Pandora and Last.FM Whether you are annoyed by the ads on Pandora, the limited number of skips, or the abyss of cruel 30-second song teasers from Last.FM, many online listeners are growing weary of mainstream methods of hearing new music. While the Pandora algorithm is strong, and the Last.FM related artists tool is pretty useful, don’t fool yourself in to thinking that there aren’t other great ways to expose yourself to new music in the depths of cyberspace. Here are 7 alternatives to Pandora and Last.FM that will infuse your day with an uninterrupted stream of music that large record companies haven’t managed to squash under their thumbs yet. StumbleAudio

Search for 'jack kerouac' Estimated Total Results: 1280 The House That Jack Built by Randolph Caldecott Produced by Suzanne Shell, Linda Cantoni and PG Distributed Proofreaders THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT One of R. Exclusive > The 8 Best Websites to Legally Watch Movies for Free by Brendan Lopez With all of the news coverage on file sharing websites that allow people to download movies illegally, sometimes less attention is paid to the websites that feature free and legal entertainment. Full-length movies – and decent ones at that – are out there. It’s just a matter of knowing where to look.

Willis Earl Beal, The xx, Lana Del Rey - 10 Tracks You Have To Hear This Week - MP3s and Streams The sounds rattling round the skulls of the NME staff this week Willis Earl Beal - 'Evening’s Kiss' “Write to me and I will make you a drawing.” So states the handwritten press release for Willis Earl Beal’s debut single, ‘Evening’s Kiss’. Further down there’s a phone number (001 773 295 2135). 6 Wordsmiths Who Couldn’t Spell This month marks my 6-year anniversary blogging for mental_floss. It also marks's 6-year anniversary in the blogosphere. To celebrate the more than 2,000 daily posts, I'll be republishing some of my favorite posts from these last half-dozen years, starting today, running to the end of the month. Hope you enjoy this stroll down memory lane... (Originally published on Feb. 3, 2009)1. Alfred Mosher ButtsBest known for: inventing Scrabble (first called Lexiko, and then later, Criss Cross Words)But did you know: We owe our Scrabble addictions to the Depression?

10 of the Greatest Unsolved Mysteries The last hundred years have borne witness to humankind’s extraordinary technological advancements. Man has walked on the moon, ventured deeper into the oceans than ever before and even uncovered the building blocks of life, DNA. But even with our inexorable progress as a species there are still mysteries and enigmas the solutions to which elude us. Below is a selection of 10 of the most puzzling mysteries in history. 10) The SS Ourang Medan

First Listen: Astro, 'Astro' hide captionAstro's self-titled debut album is out now. Camilo Bustos/Courtesy of the artist Astro's self-titled debut album is out now. Audio for this feature is no longer available. Around the NPR Music office, we've all seen an old photograph of Alt.Latino co-host Felix Contreras as a toddler, holding a tiny guitar and smiling. Rant on putting your characters through absolute hell Well, this one was the winner by the most votes I’ve ever seen in a poll, so up it goes. You’ll probably note pretty quickly that all the items on this list are psychological/emotional. Well, yes. I think scenes of physical pain, especially torture, are overused in fantasy, especially because authors have a tendency to forget about wounds whenever they would get in the way and just send their characters pelting off as if they’d never suffered.

Empire's 500 Greatest Movies Of All Time 10,000 Empire readers, 150 of Hollywood's finest and 50 key film critics voted in the most ambitious movie poll evert attempted. 500. Ocean's Eleven (2001) Director: Steven Soderbergh Slick, suave and cooler than a penguin's knackers, Soderbergh's starry update of the Rat Pack crime caper not only outshines its predecessor, but all the lights of The Strip combined.Read our Ocean's Eleven review 499. SelfBlown Remember WU LYF? Of course you do, the boys from Manchester are hard to forget, ‘Go Tell Fire To The Mountain’ was one of the best debut albums to come out of 2011. Such a shame they broke up. Nevermind, Ellery is back. Introducing to you the brand new project from WU LYF’s former front man, Ellery James Roberts/Kerou, and this first track ‘Kérou’s Lament’. For every heartbroken WU LYF fan out there, this is the remedy.

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