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Occupy the URL

Occupy the URL

Vintage Ad Browser Tim Burton’s The World of Stainboy: Watch the Complete Animated Series In his 1997 book of drawings and verse, The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories, Tim Burton imagines a bizarre menagerie of misfits with names like Toxic Boy, Junk Girl, the Pin Cushion Queen and the Boy with Nails in his Eyes. “Inspired by such childhood heroes as Dr. Seuss and Roald Dahl,” writes James Ryan in the New York Times, “Mr. Burton’s slim volume exquisitely conveys the pain of an adolescent outsider. Like his movies, the work manages to be both childlike and sophisticated, blending the innocent with the macabre.” One of those adolescent outsiders is Stain Boy, a strange kind of superhero: He can’t fly around tall buildings, or outrun a speeding train, the only talent he seems to have is to leave a nasty stain. Sometimes I know it bothers him, that he can’t run or swim or fly, and because of this one ability, his dry cleaning bill is sky-high. Episode 1: Stare Girl Episode 2: Toxic Boy Episode 3: Bowling Ball Head Episode 4: Robot Boy Episode 5: Matchstick Girl

The l33t Surfer The l33t Surfer Welcome to the l33t web. To start surfing the l33t way click on one of our starting portals or enter an URL below. The l33t surfer is known to break some HTML-pages. You may escape the l33t web by using a form or entering a new URL in the location-field of your browser. Many people were interested in getting their hands on the script source codes. Download the current source codes here. If you download the source codes and install them somewhere I would be very happy, if you could send me the URL of the script so that I can include it in the mirror list above.

Real Life Version of Up | Fubiz? Une belle initiative par la chaîne National Geographic avec ce concept de reconstitution de la maison du film Up (La Haut) des studios Pixar. Un lancement effectué depuis un terrain de Los Angeles, avec plus de 300 ballons à l’hélium et une maison grandeur nature. peter blaskovic | escape motions lab Sticky Thing Touch Sticky Thing iPhone Experiments Space Noodles Liquid Particles 3D The particles trapped in a wormhole discoball. Takes some practice to control. Launch06-2010 Comparison Technical study, comparing rendering performance. Overview04-2010 Liquid Particles Hello, Just a quick note, since you seem to be using a mobile device: Not all projects here are actually optimised for mobiles.

Daniel Puhe, Interactive/Motion About A love for cutting-edge interactive experiences, background in communication design. Likes things that look gorgeous, behave nicely and make sense. Specialities: HTML5 development, focus on microsites, games, playful applications Advanced JavaScript, OOP, patterns and frameworks where appropriate Animation, code-driven and timeline Skills: Long-term experience in both human-computer- and human-human-interaction Lateral thinking, good problem solving skills Teamplayer, able to have fun working while maintaining a high level of professionalism Past & present 2007–presentFreelance developer based in LondonProjects for Alfa Romeo, ASOS, British Airways, Cartoon Network, Levi's, Nissan, Orange, Samsung 2005–2007Freelance developer based in Essen/GermanyProjects for Deutsche Telekom, Electronic Arts, Vodafone, Mercedes-Benz, Zeec 2001–2005Head of Interactive, Zwobakk/GermanySmall studio, wearing many hats, Flash, design, concepts, team management Education

BallDroppings jtnimoy: The Work of Josh Nimoy
