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Spherical Flying Machine Developed by Japan Ministry Of Defense #DigInfo

Spherical Flying Machine Developed by Japan Ministry Of Defense #DigInfo

Le robot qui papillonne Charmant, le vol des papillons… Mais quand on veut l’étudier de près, c’est à s’arracher les cheveux! Et pour cause : il n’est pas évident de commander à ces fragiles animaux de voler juste devant une caméra ultrarapide ! Mais cela pourrait changer. Hiroto Tanaka et Isao Shimoyama, deux ingénieurs des universités d’Harvard et de Tokyo, ont conçu un minuscule robot qui mime à la perfection le vol des papillons. Mathilde Fontez WordPress: J'aime chargement…

Getting space-saving furniture right: Resource Furniture Posted by hipstomp / Rain Noe | 20 May 2010 These days people bandy the term "space-saving" about in hopes it will make their product more attractive to us city dwellers, particularly since there are now more of us than there are rural dwellers. But much of the supposedly space-saving furniture I've seen merely transforms from one thing to another, often in a very clumsy way; to me those objects do two things poorly rather than one thing well, and their novelty outweighs their functionality. One company I've found that truly "gets" space-saving is New-York-based Resource Furniture, which distributes Italian brand Clei and other European furniture manufacturers. As seen above, Ron Barth, President of Resource Furniture (along with Trade Account Manager Challie Stillman) took some time out to give Core77 a personal showroom demo.

Urbee: The world's first 'printed' car rolling off the 3D printing presses... By Daniel Bates Updated: 21:54 GMT, 23 September 2011 The world’s first 'printed' car has finally rolled off the printing press. The 'Urbee' was made using a special printer which built up layer upon layer of bodywork - almost as if the car was 'painted' into existence, except using layers of ultra-thin composite that are slowly 'fused' into a solid. But unlike most 'innovations' in cars, this one won't break down after 5 years - Urbee is built to last 30. Project leader Jim Kor, told MailOnline today: 'For us, this unveiling was quite a milestone. Built to last: The highly-durable material used in 'additive layer manufacturing' is said to last for 30 years Underneath is a petrol and electric hybrid engine which helps make it one of the greenest cars in the world. Experts have said the car uses eight times less energy than a similar vehicle and can go can go 200mpg on the motorway. Kor says, 'We are a small group of designers and engineers in Winnipeg trying to make a difference.

Des robots-insectes dans le ciel Des robots-insectes dans le ciel Une observation insolite Vanessa Alarcon et des amis venus assister en septembre 2007 à un meeting anti-guerre à Washington ont observé de drôles d'insectes voler au dessus de l'assistance. "J'ai entendu quelqu'un dire, 'Oh mon dieu, regardez ça'", se rappelle la senior du collège de New York. A l'écart de la foule, Bernard Crane, un avocat de Washington les vit également. Avec ces observations insolites, l'idée que le gouvernement américain utilise des robots-insectes pour espionner les manifestants attise un peu plus la paranoïa parmi les adeptes de la conspiration. Visiblement, le public n'a pas été victime d'une allucination collective. Maintenant il faut essayer de déterminer s'il s'agissait de jouets téléguidés ou d'autre chose. Les robots-insectes et les gnats Nous savons également que la CIA fut l'une des premières agences à étudier le sujet dès les années 1970. Un danger potentiel pour le trafic aérien La technologie existe Paranoïa ou réalité ?

Aldebaran's New Nao Robot Demo At the IEEE Humanoids conference early this month, I met the new Nao. The latest version of the popular humanoid robot, created by Paris-based Aldebaran Robotics, has a more robust body, longer arms, a more advanced motion engine, and a new head with improved temperature control, Wi-Fi communications, and audio input and output. In terms of software, Aldebaran improved whole body motion controls, voice recognition, sound localization, and face and image recognition (Nao can learn to identify objects like photographs and book covers). And the robot has now a "fall manager," which detects a fall is going to happen and positions the arms and legs in a more protective posture. To see a demo, I met with Aldebaran founder and CEO Bruno Maisonnier, who it turns out is a big geek. Nao was the first robot the company created. Next year, Aldebaran plans to unveil Romeo, an adult-size humanoid designed to help elderly and disabled people with everyday tasks. Maisonnier loves to show off the Nao.

Alternative Energy A Car that Runs 200 Miles on Compressed Air Home | About Us | Contact | Subscribe A Car that Runs 200 Miles on Compressed Air The Industry-shattering work of Guy Negre The Future Fuel is Air Imagine: It costs nothing to fill up your car with gas. All engines work with compressed air, but Guy Negre's work involves pressuring the air first, prior to it hitting the piston. For more Alternative Energy videos, click here See the complete catalog offorbidden knowledge tv videos About Us | Privacy Policy | Contact WIRED Business Conference: Inventing Sucks Bio Shoshana Berger A recent addition to WIRED’s editorial team, Shoshana Berger led the launch of the new WIRED Design blog. She previously worked as an editorial consultant, was the founding editor in chief of ReadyMade magazine, and has written for numerous publications, including The New York Times Magazine, Travel + Leisure, California Home & Design, Business 2.0, Spin, and Popular Science. James Dyson A graduate of London's Royal College of Art, James Dyson was drawn to engineering principles from an early age. To download this program become a Front Row member. ZOOM IN: Learn more with related books and additional materials. For related Britannica content, please search on Britannica's Web site, at
