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Teacher Rollout Resources

Teacher Rollout Resources

Simon Haughton's Blog: Edmodo Last week my deputy head put a writing task on Edmodo for KS2 - within four days, 42 children had chosen, in their own free time at break or at home, to complete it! They weren't forced, it wasn't formally set as homework - they just decided themselves that they wanted to do it. To say that Edmodo is a success at my school would be putting it mildly. Since my last post (view here), I've managed to get about half of KS1 signed up too and have even had children who are off ill logging in at home during the day. Having had more time to explore Edmodo, I can now explain some of the tools I overlooked last time, as well as give you some useful little tips I've discovered to help get the most out of Edmodo. Firstly, let me talk about 'assignments'. To complete an assignment, children have to click on the 'turn in' button on the assignment description before typing their work in (and upload any pictures/files) - they shouldn't do it by replying to the message. "I don't like Edmodo, I love it!"

Degree Programs | Lamar University Online Practicing Teacher Leadership Duration: 5 weeks | Credit Hours: 3 | $250.00 per credit hour. This price includes the administrative fee. This is a synthesis course where students will examine what they have studied and learned through the course of the program and reflect on how this new learning will impact their practices in their classroom and as teacher leaders on their campuses and/or in their districts. This course is presented in five weeks, with each week including readings from current research on the topic, lecture from Lamar professors, discussion with your colleagues, and an assignment. Methods and Approaches in Teaching ESL This course introduces the methods and approaches for providing language and content instruction to English Language Learners (ELLs). Literacy for English Language Learners This course focuses on the teaching of what have traditionally been called language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking). Understanding Language & Language Learning

15 Things Teachers & Students Can Do With Edmodo Last week the Wall Street Journal had an article announcing that Edmodo had received a $15 million venture capital investment from the founder of LinkedIn and a former VP of Facebook. That article gave me the idea for this post of fifteen things teachers and students can do with Edmodo. For those not familiar with Edmodo, in a nutshell it is a microblogging system designed specifically for teachers and students. Using Edmodo teachers can create a microblogging network for their classes. Edmodo allows teachers to create a group specifically for their students and exclude those not invited to the group. Edmodo provides teachers with a place to post assignment reminders, build an event calendar, and post messages to the group. Here are fifteen things teachers and students can do with Edmodo. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Do you use Edmodo?

OER Commons Project Based Learning with Edmodo Tagged with: BIEBuck Institute for EducationDayna LaurPBL A few weeks ago, Dayna Laur from the Buck Institute for Education (BIE) conducted an excellent webinar about using Edmodo to facilitate project based learning. Last week she shared her experiences in a blog post that teachers can use as a blueprint for creating their own PBL lessons. In the post, Dayna describes how she used Edmodo with her high school law class to support a project aimed at understanding how to reduce crime in the United States. For more information on project based learning, check out the BIE Edmodo Community.

Most Popular Posts of the Year - #14, Edmodo The Total Classroom Solution Like a lot of other people are, I'm taking this week to relax a bit and do some things that I haven't had time for lately. Therefore, all this week I'm rewinding the year by republishing the 25 most-read posts of the year. I hope that those of you who are also on vacation this week, enjoy every moment of it. See you (virtually) in the New Year. In a digital world where we can easily "find an app for that" to help solve many problems, rarely do teachers have a one stop shopping place for all their classroom digital needs. There are many individual tools that can aid a teacher in retrieving student's digital work, polling/quizzing students or assigning work, but each of these tools usually requires a separate account. A place to assign and turn in work: The teacher can attach any file they may need for an assignment (rubric, worksheet, etc.) and students can upload any file to turn in their work. I really do love Edmodo and my students enjoy the interaction it brings in the classroom.

Welcome Browse Resources Verizon Foundation proudly partners with some of the country’s top educational organizations to provide you with the latest topics, tools and trends in education. Created by the John F. Visit ARTSEDGE Developed by the Council for Economic Education, EconEdLink provides teachers and students with lessons and classroom learning activities based on economics topics in the news and real-time economics data. Visit EconEdLink Presented by the National Endowment for the Humanities, EDSITEment features lesson plans and additional classroom resources about art and culture, literature and language arts, foreign language, history and social studies. Visit EDSITEment Designed by The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), Illuminations is the comprehensive source for instruction and learning materials based on NCTM's Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Visit Illuminations Visit National Geographic Education Visit ReadWriteThink Visit Science NetLinks

Edmodo Basics 4 Teachers: How do I... Welcome to YouTube! The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide". The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results. To change your country filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Some people learn something new by exploration and poking around. About Mr Vanderkley's Class Channel Instructional and other video clips for use with my students, in English and Psychology. 4,942 views

Edmodo Basics 4 Students: How do I... Welcome to YouTube! The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide". The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results. Some people learn something new by exploration and poking around. About Mr Vanderkley's Class Channel Instructional and other video clips for use with my students, in English and Psychology. 4,942 views Creating an Online Resource Library on Edmodo Although I use Evernote on a daily basis to bookmark useful websites and clip interesting articles/lesson ideas to build up an enormous bank of resources, it isn't the most tidy of places as I literally just save there quickly knowing that I can find it again later by doing a keyword/tag search. I do share this collection with people online and in school but I've never really seen it used much because it's not that visually attractive and can sometimes seem a little overwhelming due to she sheer amount of stuff on it. For these reasons, I also store duplicates of my favourite resources on Edmodo using their 'Library' tool. You can upload documents (up to 100mb) in size as well as save links to websites and embeddable content (e.g. YouTube videos). You can search for specific documents in your library by doing a key words search as well as filter items to just view those: of a particular type, attached to posts from a particular group or added to the library directly.

10 Reasons I Love Edmodo & Recommend It For Educators Image via CrunchBase I just started using Edmodo, but love it. It has become an extremely useful communication tool with my students. Edmodo is a web 2.0 social networking tool for educators to use to communicate with students and parents. Here are 10 reasons why I love it and recommend educators use it: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. There are many other features that make Edmodo awesome. Like this: Like Loading... I am an educational professional who is passionate about needs analysis and materials creation to enhance student learning of all ages.
