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TEDxTC - Jonathan Foley - The Other Inconvenient Truth

TEDxTC - Jonathan Foley - The Other Inconvenient Truth

Capitalism and the Common Good By David Korten PDF Format Audio as produced and broadcast by Alternative Radio Inaugural Lecture, The Wayne Morse Center For Law And Politics 2011-2013 Inquiry on the theme “From Wall Street to Main Street: Capitalism and the Common Good,” University Of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, October 5, 2011 It is an honor and a privilege to be the inaugural speaker for this important and timely University of Oregon inquiry sponsored by the Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics. The theme—“From Wall Street to Main Street: Capitalism and the Common Good” frames exactly the inquiry we must engage as a nation—and as a species at this defining historical moment. As we meet, citizens are mobilizing all around American in support of the Occupy Wall Street protest that provides a focal point for coalescing public anger at Wall Street’s unrelenting and unrepentant greed and corruption into an agenda for sweeping economic transformation. The U.S. economy is in shambles. Take an example. Communism is dead.

Bienvenue| Solutions Locales pour un Désordre Global People | About Us | Institute on the Environment Institute on the Environment 612-626-3749 Jonathan Foley is the director of the Institute on the Environment (IonE) at the University of Minnesota, where he is also a professor and McKnight Presidential Chair of Global Environment and Sustainability. Foley's work focuses on the sustainability of our planet and the natural resources we depend on. He and his students have contributed to our understanding of global food security, worldwide changes in ecosystems, land use and climate, and the sustainability of our planetary resources. Foley joined the University of Minnesota in 2008 after spending 15 years on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin, where he founded the Climate, People and Environment Program (CPEP) and the Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE). To invite Foley to speak at your event, please email him directly. “The Other Inconvenient Truth” - Jon Foley, TECxTC presentation.

La mala gestión de los cultivos ahoga los ecosistemas de Latinoamérica El aumento de la agricultura, el mercado de los biocombustibles y la quema desenfrenada de vegetación está alterando peligrosamente el ciclo del nitrógeno, fundamental para mantener la biodiversidad Más noticias de: agricultura, biodiversidad, cambio climático, latinoamérica Ampliar El nitrógeno es un elemento esencial para la vida. El nitrógeno escasea donde más se necesita y se deposita en zonas en las que puede tener efectos muy nocivos para la biodiversidad que todavía se están cuantificando. Cada año se queman en América Latina 150.000 kilómetros cuadrados de biomasa para limpiar zonas cultivables En concreto, alertan la ecóloga Amy Austin, investigadora de CONICET en la Universidad de Buenos Aires y sus colegas, cuatro de los ocho principales focos de biodiversidad de latinoamérica estarán en 2050 ahogándose en niveles dañinos de nitrógeno si no se le pone remedio. Políticas sostenibles e inclusivas 'Latin America’s Nitrogen Challenge' DOI: 10.1126/science.1231679

'Perpetual Growth Myth' Leading World to Meltdown: Experts "The current system is broken," says Bob Watson, the UK’s chief scientific advisor on environmental issues and a winner of the prestigious Blue Planet prize in 2010. "It is driving humanity to a future that is 3-5°C warmer than our species has ever known, and is eliminating the ecology that we depend on for our health, wealth and senses of self." Smoke billows from burned trees. A collective of scientists and development thinkers have warned that civilisation faces an 'unprecedented emergency'. (Photograph: CRISTINA QUICKLER/AFP/Getty Images) "We cannot assume that technological fixes will come fast enough. Watson's comments accompanied a new paper released today by 20 past winners of the Blue Planet Prize - often called the Nobel Prize for the environment, and comes ahead of the 20th anniversary of the Rio+20 conference – which takes place in June this year – where world leaders will (it is hoped) seize the opportunity to set human development on a new, more sustainable path.

Description of Permaculture by the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute Home » What is permaculture? Permaculture is a design discipline for productive systems such as gardens, farms, homesteads, and urban sites utilizing ecological principles found in natural systems. These ecological principles combined with a design method help to create sustainable, healthy abundant landscapes while meeting basic human needs. The permaculture movement includes organizations all over the world offering demonstration sites, trainings, and technical assistance. In the 1970s Bill Mollison and David Holmgren created the foundations of Permaculture in Australia. Permaculture is not gardening techniques or a list of proper building materials for a house. Permaculture in the Finger Lakes Region of New YorkWorkshops, skill-shares, seminars, potlucks, email lists, websites, book clubs, parties, conferences, planning, practice and praxis are all found in the Finger Lakes area permaculture scene.

Milán se apunta a la corriente de los huertos urbanos Milán: cada día más verde Erba Brusca El primer verso del “Romancero sonámbulo” de García Lorca (el archiconocido "Verde, que te quiero verde") parece hecho a medida para una época como la nuestra, en la que el medio ambiente y la sostenibilidad son conceptos que buscan huecos para surgir cada vez con mayor fuerza. La corriente de los huertos urbanos, ya arraigada en ciudades como Londres y Nueva York llega a nuevas plazas como Milán. Puede tratarse de un capricho en el jardín de una casa o una pequeña plantación en una terraza; la guerrilla gardening londinense o las espectaculares Urban Farms en los “rooftops” de Nueva York, como la Brooklyn Grange farm. Ya en 2008 el Ayuntamiento de Milán y l'Associazione Italia Nostra Onlus pusieron en marcha un proyecto para dedicar unas hectáreas del parque Boscoincittà para el uso de cultivadores no profesionales, con especial atención a los ancianos. "Verde que te quiero verde. Cultivos en Erba Brusca

What's all the fuzz about money? Chiang Mai, Thailand - In response to the 2008 global meltdown, there are really two arguments for what needs to happen next. One is fairly straightforward: We need to change the financial system through which money flows - though of course, the debate is on what precisely needs to be changed. But there is a more fundamental debate growing throughout the world of autonomous media and its productive publics: What if money itself needed to be changed? This is not a debate about the financial system per se, but actually an argument about the intrinsic "design" of money. But, isn't money just money? We've learned this because in distributed networks such as the internet and on social media platforms where everyone can connect to each other, there is nevertheless an invisible architecture. In a distributed network, where there is no "us and them" that is readily identifiable, this invisible design has nevertheless a tremendous influence on the rules of the system and how we actually behave.

5 Juice and Smoothie Infographics for Summer Need a delicious and healthy way to keep cool as the summer heats up? Look no further than your kitchen blender. Homemade juices and smoothies are a good way to lose weight and stay fit in the summer months, and can contain important minerals and anti-oxidants you might otherwise miss. If you fear you might overdo the BBQ and beer this summer, introducing some fruit- and vegetable-based drinks into your diet will help you balance things out. Get started on your summer juicing plans with these helpful how-to infographics: The Ultimate Guide to Fresh Juicing How to Make a Smoothie The Basics of Juicing The Super Smoothie And Just for Fun: Tasty Tweets

Nace el primer huerto escuela Labores de plantación en el huerto. / R. F. En la localidad valenciana de Torrent se ha puesto en marcha el primer huerto-escuela de Valencia, donde los alumnos se han convertido en hortelanos y reciben formación en horticultura ecológica, huertos urbanos y agroturismo. La iniciativa ha sido desarrollada por la red española de Huertos Compartidos, que pertenece a la ONG Reforesta, y que conecta a quienes quieren cuidar su propio huerto pero no disponen de él, con personas que tienen los campos, y los quieren ceder temporalmente. "Los horticultores compartirán grandes parcelas y, a diferencia de los huertos compartidos que se cultivan con un fin más lúdico, desarrollarán una actividad de ocio pero con un peso informativo importante", aseguró Santiago Cuerda, coordinador de Reforesta.
