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Les Cahiers pédagogiques :. RefKit .: | “… Ma non c’è già tutto su Google?” segnalazioni e memo su biblioteche, archivi e cultura digitale Benvenuti Zanichelli - Materiali per l'insegnante - Parole per capire / Cose da sapere: Geografia Schede di geografia dedicate ai ragazzi e alle ragazze che imparano l'italiano come seconda lingua, a cura di Paola Guazzotti e Paola Francini, tratte dal libro: Giampietro Paci Guardare il mondo Zanichelli editore Volume 1: Europa Pagg. I file PDF presenti in questo sito possono essere visualizzati con Adobe® Acrobat Reader®, programma liberamente scaricabile dal sito Education in Northern Ireland Coordinates: Education in Northern Ireland differs from systems used elsewhere in the United Kingdom, though it is more similar to that used in Wales than it is to Scotland. A child's age on 1 July determines the point of entry into the relevant stage of education unlike England and Wales where it is 1 September. Central administration[edit] The Department of Education's main areas of responsibility cover pre-school, primary, post-primary and special education; the youth service; the promotion of community relations within and between schools; and teacher education and salaries. Local administration[edit] Education at a local level in Northern Ireland is administered by five education and library boards covering different geographical areas. Classroom 2000 (C2k), on behalf of the five boards, is responsible for the provision of information and communications technology managed services to all schools in Northern Ireland. These boards are as follows: Curriculum[edit] Eleven plus[edit] I have been a research associate at INRP since 2003, now French Institute of Education (IFÉ), within the ENS de Lyon (graduate school, French « Grande École »). I lead the intelligence unit, a department that runs as an observatory on educational research, doing literature reviews and thematic shorts state-of-the-art reports on current topics in education. My main fields of expertise are research brokerage, curriculum, evaluation and assessment, quality and educational policy. I work on a regular basis as an expert for national (i.e. ministries) or local policy-makers in education (i.e. rectorships, schools networks…). I'm currently coordinator of the three French partners (IFÉ, Ministry and Inspectorate) in KeyCoNet, a European Policy Network on the Implementation of Key Competence Development (KCD) in School Education (3 years project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission).

Place de la Formation Project MUSE Today the achievement gap is hotly debated among pundits, politicians, and educators. In particular this conversation often focuses on the two fastest-growing demographic groups in the United States: Asian Americans and Latinos. In Academic Profiling, Gilda L. Ochoa addresses this so-called gap by going directly to the source. In candid and at times heart-wrenching detail, the students tell stories of encouragement and neglect on their paths to graduation. Despite the entrenched inequality in today’s schools, Academic Profiling finds hope in the many ways students and teachers are affirming identities, creating alternative spaces, and fostering critical consciousness.

Materiale didattico interessante e stimolante sull’Unione europea Additional tools Siete alla ricerca di materiale didattico interessante e stimolante sull'Unione europea? Siete nel posto giusto! L'angolo degli insegnanti contiene ogni tipo di materiale dedicato alle varie fasce d'età. Sia se intendete insegnare ai vostri studenti cosa fa, come è nata e come opera l'UE, sia se volete discutere sulle politiche dell'UE in modo più dettagliato, qui troverete tutta l'ispirazione possibile... Fino a 9 anni Unita nella diversitàUn divertente opuscolo che presenta ai bambini la diversità e varietà dell’UE. Perché non «mettere l’Europa su Instagram»? Invia foto su Instagram su vari temi incentrati sull’Europa ogni mese e fino a novembre 2014 e vinci un viaggio per Bruxelles: avrai anche la possibilità di vedere esposta la tua foto vincente! Controlla qui l’argomento di questo mese! Che cosa significa per voi un’Unione ampliata? In che modo l’UE può imparare dal passato per prepararsi meglio per il futuro? Per saperne di più.

Education in Scotland Traditionally, the Scottish system at secondary school level has emphasised breadth across a range of subjects, while the English, Welsh and Northern Irish systems have emphasised greater depth of education over a smaller range of subjects. State schools are owned and operated by the local authorities which act as Education Authorities, and the compulsory phase is divided into primary school and secondary school (often called high school). Schools are supported in delivering learning and teaching by Education Scotland (formerly Learning and Teaching Scotland). There are also private schools across the country, although the distribution is uneven with such schools in 22 of the 32 Local Authority areas. At September 2011 the total pupil population in Scotland was 702,104, of which 31,425 pupils, or 4.5%, were being educated in independent schools.[4] School years[edit] Children start primary school aged between 4½ and 5½ depending on when the child's birthday falls. Curriculum[edit]

Panorama des logiciels de gestion de références bibliographiques : éléments pour choisir son outil Les outils de gestion de références bibliographiques sont nombreux et disposent de fonctionnalités variées. Ces ressources ont pour but de savoir sélectionner sur des critères objectifs un logiciel de gestion de références bibliographiques en fonction de ses besoins et de comprendre l’importance de bien gérer ses références bibliographiques. Contenu :- introduction aux principes de la gestion de référence ;- panorama de l’offre logicielle. ► Panorama des logiciels de gestion de références bibliographiques (version PDF), également disponible sur Slideshare (téléchargeable avec un compte Slideshare)► Liste des logiciels (version PDF) , également disponible sur Slideshare (téléchargeable avec un compte Slideshare)► Fiche des exercices pratiques (version PDF)► Sélection de références bibliographiques (groupe public dans Mendeley) Date de création:

Guide de la rentrée (Café pédagogique) Rentrée 2011 : Guide de la rentrée 2011 Editorial : L'Ecole dans l'attente Pour plusieurs raisons, pas seulement politiques, le destin de l'Ecole va se nouer cette année. Et la rentrée se fait dans une atmosphère d'attente lasse, certainement pas d'espérance. Lire la suite ... Quick guide : Les nouveautés de la rentrée Dans cette partie vous trouverez uniquement les informations factuelles nécessaires à la rentrée, de la maternelle au lycée. Débuter Tout le monde s'accorde à reconnaître que la masterisation a fortement aggravé l'entrée dans le métier. Une rentrée de crise Il aurait pas dû redoubler. L'Ecole, un enjeu pour les présidentielles ? A quelques mois des élections présidentielles, quels programmes, quelles visions de l'Ecole vont s'affronter ? Enseigner, un métier Quelles mutations sont en cours dans le métier d'enseignant ? Primaire Le primaire est probablement le secteur de l'éducation nationale le plus en crise. Collège Le collège français peut-il encore longtemps rester immobile ? Sti

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