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10,000 Gradients by ~InfinityStyle on deviantART

10,000 Gradients by ~InfinityStyle on deviantART

15 metallic photoshop styles-All Free Brush 15 metallic photoshop styles Added: 2009-02-12 Category: Home >> Styles and Gradients >> Photoshop Version: photoshop CS and up Downloads: Description: 15 metallic photoshop photoshop styles Download Copyright © 2008 - All rights reserved. Using Light and Shade to Bring Text to Life The best book I've ever read on drawing is one called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. After reading it, I'm still pretty bad at drawing, but I did learn a lot about light and shade. In this tutorial we are going to take some very basic principles of light and shade to make a rather impressive-looking text effect. So before we start the tutorial, here is a little diagram about how light might hit an object. Here we have a square object in the middle with light coming from the top left. We begin the tutorial by drawing a subtle Linear Gradient from dark grey to darker grey. Now we place some text. Next Ctrl-click the text layer and create a new layer above it. Set your foreground color to Black (you can do this by pressing the letter 'D' on your keyboard which restores the defaults). Now Ctrl-click the text layer again and create a new layer beneath the text layer. Here's what you should now have. Next duplicate the shadow layer, hold Shift and move it down and right again.

Produce a portrait inspired by Billy and Hells This is a simple workflow loosely inspired by the film-processing techniques of Berlin-based photographers Billy and Hells. Ideally you would start with a RAW image file and create two versions: a high-contrast black-and-white version with heavy shadows and defined highlights; and a much flatter colour version with smoother, cleaner tones. These are then combined in Photoshop, resulting in an image that seems to simultaneously possess the qualities of both a black-and-white and a colour image. 01 First load your RAW image file into Camera RAW. 02 Load up the RAW image file again: we’re going to create the black-and-white version. 03 With your black-and-white image opened in Photoshop, copy your previous colour version and paste it in on the layer above. 04 Now select your bottom black-and-white layer and duplicate it with Cmd/Ctrl+J. 05 Now change this layer’s blending mode to Overlay. Master the art of studio portrait photography with Creative Bloq's tips.

70 Tutorials Using Photoshop To Design A Website This article features a huge amount of Photoshop web design tutorials, which will teach you simple effects which can be combined together in order to create a great website design. Theses tutorials are perfect for first time Photoshop users because there short and sweet. I hope you enjoy the article and feel free to leave a comment below. 1) Carbon Fiber Layout you’ll learn how to make this sleek layout with a carbon fiber background that would look great as a landing page for a website. 2) Design Studio Layout In this tutorial you will learn how to make a layout for your design studio website. 3) Create a web 2.0 layout in photoshop In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a very fancy “Web 2.0″ website layout in Adobe Photoshop using beginners skills. 4) Watercolored design studio blog layout In this tutorial you will learn how to make a clean and simple watercolor design studio layout for a blog. 5) Corporate Business Layout 6) How to create a worn paper layout 7) Arhitecture layout

Melhorando a Qualidade de Fotos Melhorar a qualidade da foto com photoshop cs5 Melhorar Imagem no photoshop, deixando ela mais nítida. Golden Crop for Photoshop® -- Howto Curso de Fotografia: Aula 4 – A Proporção Áurea Por Luigi Rotelli Sabe-se que a proporção áurea foi usada por escultores e arquitetos desde a grécia antiga até pintores renascentistas, como Boticelli e Leonardo da Vinci. Com essa fórmula chega-se a um número irracional instigante, ligado à natureza do crescimento: na organização pentagonal dos átomos de cristais de quartzo, na espiral de um girassol, em algumas proporções do corpo humano e foi encontrado até mesmo no ciclo temporal das ondas cerebrais. Até mesmo a grande pirâmide de Queops segue exatamente a proporção áurea, fato confirmado por extensas medições. A fórmula da proporção áurea (The Golden Ratio). A razão entre “a+b” e “a” é igual à razão entre “a” e “b”: É por isso chamado de número divino. Nascer do sol na Índia. Entretanto, é provavelmente apenas uma coincidência. Espiral de Fibonacci - cada retângulo subdivide-se em dois e o maior está em proporção áurea com o menor. A famosa “regra do terço” é uma simplificação da proporção áurea. Artigos relacionados:

Golden Crop for Photoshop® -- Installation Adobe launches Photoshop and Lightroom-only Creative Cloud bundle for photographers Heeding the call of photographers since the dawn of Creative Cloud, Adobe has launched a new photography program specifically targeting Photoshop and Lightroom users. For $10 per month, it offers an extremely sweet deal to photographers who have no use for 80 percent of what the current Creative Cloud subscripton provides. With this bundle, Adobe offers the latest versions of Photoshop CC and Lightroom, including feature updates and upgrades as they are available, just like a regular Creative Cloud subscription. The new program was announced at the Photoshop World keynote and will take effect in a couple of weeks, in tandem with the release of Lightroom 5.2. While Lightroom is currently available as part of the Creative Cloud subscription, it was the one crossover package that also came in a box. This Photography Program is a better deal all around, as it provides Creative Cloud benefits plus Lightroom at half the price that Photoshop subscribers once paid for that subscription alone.
